How to get max min value in pandas dataframe - python-3.x

Hi i got the data frame like this
import pandas as pd
data = [(1,"tom", 23),
(1,"nick", 12),
(2,"tom", 44),
(2,"nick", 56),
(3, "tom", 88),
(3, "nick", 10),
(3, "jim", 13),
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['class', 'Name','number']
output of this dataframe
class Name number
0 1 tom 23
1 1 nick 12
2 1 jim 13
3 2 tom 44
4 2 nick 56
5 2 jim 77
6 3 tom 88
7 3 nick 10
8 3 jim 1
how can i get the maximum number of in 3 different name of class 1 and get the number but in same name but different class the results can be look like this
[name =tom, class=1, number =23]
[name =tom, class=2, number =44]
[name =tom, class=3, number =88]
Thank you very much for helping me!

Find the name first from class 1, and then filter:
name = df.Name.loc[df[df['class'] == 1].number.idxmax()]
df[df.Name == name]
# class Name number
#0 1 tom 23
#3 2 tom 44
#6 3 tom 88

Try tis.
idx = df.groupby(['class'])['number'].transform(max) == df['number']


Finding the largest (N) proportion of percentage in pandas dataframe

Suppose I have the following df:
df = pd.DataFrame({'name':['Sara', 'John', 'Christine','Paul', 'Jo', 'Zack','Chris', 'Mathew', 'Suzan'],
'visits': [0, 0, 1,2, 3, 9,6, 10, 3]})
looks like:
name visits
0 Sara 0
1 John 0
2 Christine 1
3 Paul 2
4 Jo 3
5 Zack 9
6 Chris 6
7 Mathew 10
8 Suzan 3
I did some lines of code to get the percentage of visits per name and sort them descending:
df['percent'] = (df['visits'] / np.sum(df['visits']))
df.sort_values(by='percent', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
Now I have got the percent of visits to total visits by all names:
name visits percent
0 Mathew 10 0.294118
1 Zack 9 0.264706
2 Chris 6 0.176471
3 Jo 3 0.088235
4 Suzan 3 0.088235
5 Paul 2 0.058824
6 Christine 1 0.029412
7 Sara 0 0.000000
8 John 0 0.000000
What I need to get is the largest proportion of names with the highest percentage. For example, the first 3 rows represent ~73% of the total visits, and others could be neglected compared sum of % of the first 3 rows.
I know I can select the top 3 by using nlargest:
df.nlargest(3, 'percent')
But there is high variability in the data and the largest proportion could be the first 2 or 3 rows or even more.
How can I do it automatically to find the largest(N) proportion of % out of the total count of rows?
You have to define outliers in some way. One way is to use scipy.stats.zscore like in this answer:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
df = pd.DataFrame({'name':['Sara', 'John', 'Christine','Paul', 'Jo', 'Zack','Chris', 'Mathew', 'Suzan'],
'visits': [0, 0, 1,2, 3, 9,6, 10, 3]})
df['percent'] = (df['visits'] / np.sum(df['visits']))
df.loc[df['percent'][stats.zscore(df['percent']) > 0.6].index]
which prints
name visits percent
5 Zack 9 0.264706
6 Chris 6 0.176471
7 Mathew 10 0.294118

Creating an aggregate columns in pandas dataframe

I have a pandas dataframe as below:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'ORDER':["A", "A", "B", "B"], 'var1':[2, 3, 1, 5],'a1_bal':[1,2,3,4], 'a1c_bal':[10,22,36,41], 'b1_bal':[1,2,33,4], 'b1c_bal':[11,22,3,4], 'm1_bal':[15,2,35,4]})
ORDER var1 a1_bal a1c_bal b1_bal b1c_bal m1_bal
0 A 2 1 10 1 11 15
1 A 3 2 22 2 22 2
2 B 1 3 36 33 3 35
3 B 5 4 41 4 4 4
I want to create new columns as below:
a1_final_bal = sum(a1_bal, a1c_bal)
b1_final_bal = sum(b1_bal, b1c_bal)
m1_final_bal = m1_bal (since we only have m1_bal field not m1c_bal, so it will renain as it is)
I don't want to hardcode this step because there might be more such columns as "c_bal", "m2_bal", "m2c_bal" etc..
My final data should look something like below
ORDER var1 a1_bal a1c_bal b1_bal b1c_bal m1_bal a1_final_bal b1_final_bal m1_final_bal
0 A 2 1 10 1 11 15 11 12 15
1 A 3 2 22 2 22 2 24 24 2
2 B 1 3 36 33 3 35 38 36 35
3 B 5 4 41 4 4 4 45 8 4
You could try something like this. I am not sure if its exactly what you are looking for, but I think it should work.
dfforgroup = df.set_index(['ORDER','var1']) #Creates MultiIndex
dfforgroup.columns = dfforgroup.columns.str[:2] #Takes first two letters of remaining columns
df2 = dfforgroup.groupby(dfforgroup.columns,axis=1).sum().reset_index().drop(columns =
['ORDER','var1']).add_suffix('_final_bal') #groups columns by their first two letters and sums the columns up
df = pd.concat([df,df2],axis=1) #concatenates new columns to original df

Pandas dataframe not correct format for groupby, what is wrong?

I am trying to sum all columns based on the value of the first, but groupby.sum is unexpectedly not working.
Here is a minimal example:
import pandas as pd
data = [['Alex',10, 11],['Bob',12, 10],['Clarke',13, 9], ['Clarke',1, 1]]
df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','points1', 'points2'])
I get this:
Name points1 points2
0 Alex 10 11
1 Bob 12 10
2 Clarke 13 9
3 Clarke 1 1
And not this:
Name points1 points2
0 Alex 10 11
1 Bob 12 10
2 Clarke 14 10
From what i understand, the dataframe is not the right format for pandas to perform group by. I would like to understand what is wrong with it because this is just a toy example but i have the same problem with a real data-set.
The real data i'm trying to read is the John Hopkins University Covid-19 dataset:
You forget assign output of aggregation to variable, because aggregation not working inplace. So in your solution print (df) before and after groupby returned same original DataFrame.
df1 = df.groupby('Name', as_index=False).sum()
print (df1)
Name points1 points2
0 Alex 10 11
1 Bob 12 10
2 Clarke 14 10
Or you can set to same variable df:
df = df.groupby('Name', as_index=False).sum()
print (df)
Name points1 points2
0 Alex 10 11
1 Bob 12 10
2 Clarke 14 10

Python 3 Pandas fast lookup in dictionary for column

I have a Pandas DataFrame where I need to add new columns of data from lookup Dictionaries. I am looking for the fastest way to do this. I have a way that works using with a lambda but I wanted to know if this was the best practice and best performance I could achieve. I am used to doing with work with R and the excellent data.table library. I am working in a Jupyter notebook which is what is letting me use %time on the final line.
Here is what I have:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
num_samples = 100_000_000
ids = np.arange(0, num_samples)
states = ['Oregon', 'Michigan']
cities = ['Portland', 'Detroit']
state_data = {
0:{'Name': 'Oregon', 'mean': 100, 'std_dev': 5},
1:{'Name': 'Michigan', 'mean':90, 'std_dev': 8}
city_data = {
0:{'Name': 'Portland', 'mean': 8, 'std_dev':3},
1:{'Name': 'Detroit','mean': 4, 'std_dev':3}
state_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(state_data,orient='index')
city_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(city_data,orient='index')
sample_df = pd.DataFrame({'id':ids})
sample_df['state_id'] = np.random.randint(0, 2, num_samples)
sample_df['city_id'] = np.random.randint(0, 2, num_samples)
%time sample_df['state_mean'] = sample_df['state_id'].map(state_data).map(lambda x : x['mean'])
The last line is what I am most focused on.
I have also tried the following but saw no significant performance difference:
%time sample_df['state_mean'] = sample_df['state_id'].map(lambda x : state_data[x]['mean'])
What I ultimately want is to get sample_df to have columns for each of the states and cities. So I would have the following columns in the table:
id | state | state_mean | state_std_dev | city | city_mean | city_std_dev
Use DataFrame.join if you want add all columns:
sample_df = sample_df.join(state_df,on = 'state_id')
# id state_id city_id Name mean std_dev
#0 0 0 0 Oregon 100 5
#1 1 1 1 Michigan 90 8
#2 2 0 0 Oregon 100 5
#3 3 0 0 Oregon 100 5
#4 4 0 0 Oregon 100 5
#... ... ... ... ... ... ...
#9995 9995 1 0 Michigan 90 8
#9996 9996 1 1 Michigan 90 8
#9997 9997 0 1 Oregon 100 5
#9998 9998 1 1 Michigan 90 8
#9999 9999 1 0 Michigan 90 8
for one column
sample_df['state_mean'] = sample_df['state_id'].map(state_df['mean'])

Reorder columns in groups by number embedded in column name?

I have a very large dataframe with 1,000 columns. The first few columns occur only once, denoting a customer. The next few columns are representative of multiple encounters with the customer, with an underscore and the number encounter. Every additional encounter adds a new column, so there is NOT a fixed number of columns -- it'll grow with time.
Sample dataframe header structure excerpt:
id dob gender pro_1 pro_10 pro_11 pro_2 ... pro_9 pre_1 pre_10 ...
I'm trying to re-order the columns based on the number after the column name, so all _1 should be together, all _2 should be together, etc, like so:
id dob gender pro_1 pre_1 que_1 fre_1 gen_1 pro2 pre_2 que_2 fre_2 ...
(Note that the re-order should order the numbers correctly; the current order treats them like strings, which orders 1, 10, 11, etc. rather than 1, 2, 3)
Is this possible to do in pandas, or should I be looking at something else? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Alternatively, is it also possible to re-arrange column names based on the string part AND number part of the column names? So the output would then look similar to the original, except the numbers would be considered so that the order is more intuitive:
id dob gender pro_1 pro_2 pro_3 ... pre_1 pre_2 pre_3 ...
EDIT 2.0:
Just wanted to thank everyone for helping! While only one of the responses worked, I really appreciate the effort and learned a lot about other approaches / ways to think about this.
Here is one way you can try:
# column names copied from your example
example_cols = 'id dob gender pro_1 pro_10 pro_11 pro_2 pro_9 pre_1 pre_10'.split()
# sample DF
df = pd.DataFrame([range(len(example_cols))], columns=example_cols)
# id dob gender pro_1 pro_10 pro_11 pro_2 pro_9 pre_1 pre_10
#0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# number of columns excluded from sorting
N = 3
# get a list of columns from the dataframe
cols = df.columns.tolist()
# split, create an tuple of (column_name, prefix, number) and sorted based on the 2nd and 3rd item of the tuple, then retrieved the first item.
# adjust "key = lambda x: x[2]" to group cols by numbers only
cols_new = cols[:N] + [ a[0] for a in sorted([ (c, p, int(n)) for c in cols[N:] for p,n in [c.split('_')]], key = lambda x: (x[1], x[2])) ]
# get the new dataframe based on the cols_new
df_new = df[cols_new]
# id dob gender pre_1 pre_10 pro_1 pro_2 pro_9 pro_10 pro_11
#0 0 1 2 8 9 3 6 7 4 5
Luckily there is a one liner in python that can fix this:
df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)
For Example lets say you had this dataframe:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df = pd.DataFrame({'Name': [2, 4, 8, 0],
'ID': [2, 0, 0, 0],
'Prod3': [10, 2, 1, 8],
'Prod1': [2, 4, 8, 0],
'Prod_1': [2, 4, 8, 0],
'Pre7': [2, 0, 0, 0],
'Pre2': [10, 2, 1, 8],
'Pre_2': [10, 2, 1, 8],
'Pre_9': [10, 2, 1, 8]}
Name ID Prod3 Prod1 Prod_1 Pre7 Pre2 Pre_2 Pre_9
0 2 2 10 2 2 2 10 10 10
1 4 0 2 4 4 0 2 2 2
2 8 0 1 8 8 0 1 1 1
3 0 0 8 0 0 0 8 8 8
Then used
df = df.reindex(sorted(df.columns), axis=1)
Then the dataframe will then look like:
ID Name Pre2 Pre7 Pre_2 Pre_9 Prod1 Prod3 Prod_1
0 2 2 10 2 10 10 2 10 2
1 0 4 2 0 2 2 4 2 4
2 0 8 1 0 1 1 8 1 8
3 0 0 8 0 8 8 0 8 0
As you can see, the columns without underscore will come first, followed by an ordering based on the number after the underscore. However this also sorts of the column names, so the column names that come first in the alphabet will be first.
You need to split you column on '_' then convert to int:
c = ['A_1','A_10','A_2','A_3','B_1','B_10','B_2','B_3']
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,(2,8)), columns = c)
df.reindex(sorted(df.columns, key = lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1])), axis=1)
A_1 B_1 A_2 B_2 A_3 B_3 A_10 B_10
0 68 11 59 69 37 68 76 17
1 19 37 52 54 23 93 85 3
Next case, you need human sorting:
import re
def atoi(text):
return int(text) if text.isdigit() else text
def natural_keys(text):
alist.sort(key=natural_keys) sorts in human order
(See Toothy's implementation in the comments)
return [ atoi(c) for c in re.split(r'(\d+)', text) ]
df.reindex(sorted(df.columns, key = lambda x:natural_keys(x)), axis=1)
A_1 A_2 A_3 A_10 B_1 B_2 B_3 B_10
0 68 59 37 76 11 69 68 17
1 19 52 23 85 37 54 93 3
Try this.
To re-order the columns based on the number after the column name
cols_fixed = df.columns[:3] # change index no based on your df
cols_variable = df.columns[3:] # change index no based on your df
cols_variable = sorted(cols_variable, key=lambda x : int(x.split('_')[1])) # split based on the number after '_'
cols_new = cols_fixed + cols_variable
new_df = pd.DataFrame(df[cols_new])
To re-arrange column names based on the string part AND number part of the column names
cols_fixed = df.columns[:3] # change index no based on your df
cols_variable = df.columns[3:] # change index no based on your df
cols_variable = sorted(cols_variable)
cols_new = cols_fixed + cols_variable
new_df = pd.DataFrame(df[cols_new])
