How to deploy a Discord bot to IIS - iis

I have a Discord bot that is developed with Discord.Net and a Windows Server with IIS, How can deploy my Bot to my windows server?


Whats the difference / connection between Azure App Service and Web App Bot?

I would like to understand what Azure does while creating a Web App Bot in Portal.
An Azure Bot Service Bot deployed to an Azure App Service Web App...
After creating a bot with Azure Bot Service i got the following ressources:
What's the difference or the connection between the resources (Web App Bot and App Service)?
The code should be located in Web App Bot right? Here the magic happens, development, channels, etc.
The user is interacting with the App Service throw an HTTP call. What happens if App Service receives the call?
And why I could configure CD on the App Service instead of Web App Bot?
From my understanding, the Web App Bot is the "locale" Bot I'm publishing to App Service to make him available?
Can anyone help me out to get a clear understanding?
Let us break down the different components involved.
The Web Bot (which is a web application) needs a web site to be deployed to. That is the App Service. That web site needs a web server to run on. That is the App Service Plan.
The Web Bot is the main part which you configure. The other components are infrastructure components and you don't need to worry about them much.
Your bot is actually an API, which will be hosted on App Service. So in case your bot receives many requests, You'll scale App Service to handle that.
Web App Bot is where you enable and configure the channels your bot will work with (e.g. Direct Line for voice)

Microsoft Bot working in emulator but not in azure web chat

I have a bot developed in Bot Framework SDK 4.0, .Net Core 2.1 . I have deployed this in local IIS and when tested with emulator locally it works well. I have configured it in Azure, set message end point as below:
when I tried to test with Test "Test in Web chat" in Azure I can see
and 404 not found in ngrok in IIS server(local). I have configured Microsoft App Id & Password in appsettings.json same as Azure. Is there any thing which I am missing here? Thanks for Help.

Hosting Bot(Microsoft Bot Framework) in public domain [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Bot Framework without Azure possible?
(5 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have made a Bot using Microsoft Bot Framework and I want to host it in some other server than azure. I want to connect it to Microsoft BotFramework Webchat .
So please help me to connect the the three things
1-Bot Code running on server
2-Microsoft BotFramework Webchat
3 : where my bot is registered
Yes it is possible to host your bot on any server other than azure. It is fairly simple if you are using the node.js sdk of microsoft bot framework. You deploy it like any normal node.js service. Here are the links to some of the services and documentation on how to deploy node.js applications on them.
Heroku - Free Tier | No credit card needed -
AWS - Free Tier | Credit card needed -
Digital Ocean -
However if you are using the C# SDK then you will have to host it on a server which has IIS. Instructions in the link below
Digital Ocean -
Once you deploy the next step would be to set up SSL for the server. Services like heroku offer a free SSL if you use their subdomain. Once you set up the server, you can connect it to the Microsoft Bot Framework Web Platform ( by using this url in the settings page of your bot.

Bot framework connection with custom chat window UI

I have created a bot program in node.js using Microsoft bot framework. Now I want to connect that bot program with my custom chat window UI (index.html) built in HTML, CSS & JS and deployed over an intranet network. I have already created a local express server.

botframework node.js bot does not connect to chatconnector

So when I tried to connect my microsoft bot written in node.js (using LUIS as the intent recognizer) to azure bot, it doesn't connect. But it runs fine locally using the emulator and the version written in .NET connects fine as well. What could be the problem?
