I installed Python 3.8.10 on my work desktop today, and I need to install some packages using pip. When I run the line that is supposed to install these packages, nothing happened, so to test if pip was working I typed in pip -h. The output I would expect from this command appears in another command prompt window for a split second and then quickly disappears. I typed in another command unrelated to pip (just checked my current directory), and the output appeared in the same window as it normally would. Does anyone know what is happening?
Picture of the window that pops up and disappears after a split second when using pip -h
I had Anaconda3 installed and decided to install miniconda. The initial installation seems to be in ProgramData/Anaconda3 base. Miniconda is in Users\myname\miniconda. When I run anaconda-navigator from the miniconda base installation it reports version 2.1.4. When I run it from Anaconda3 base it is version 1.9.7. The launch link for the PS Prompt on the new mini installation works, but on the old installation of Anaconda3 base, the launch link returns the error.
I'm guessing it might be a path problem but I'm not sure. I don't see any path variable (in Windows 10) with either Anaconda3 or miniconda. The navigator automatically crates those links when you click on install and launch. I tried to remove the application by clicking on the little cog on the card, but all I got was a "Multiple errors" message and it failed to even remove it.
How can I fix this, or have I completely messed up my Anaconda installation?
I uninstalled Spyder using "pip uninstall spyder" inside a Python environment where it was installed, and then removed all folders in site-packages that had Spyder in its name, and rebooted the system. After reinstalling Spyder again, all the previous files were still available in the tab menu. My question is, how do I completely remove a package so there is no trace left of it. In order to do a clean installation.
i wonder How to reload python package after pip install in Visual Studio Code?
pip install 'package-A'
pip list
Not exist 'package-A'
Restart 'Visual Studio Code'
Is the only way restart?
Thank u.
The best answer I've found is to use Developer:Reload Window like rioV8 suggested. You can either use the command palette or you can change the key mappings as described here. There's already a Ctrl + R key mapping for reloading the window, but its got a 'when' condition attached to it so I changed that to true. I also had to delete key mappings for other extensions so there was no overlap.
ctrl+shift+p and choose "Developer: Reload with extentions disabled"
You can do that using the Refresh Explorer (The reload button) right next to the directory/workspace that you opened up in the File Explorer.
You might have to hover for a while next to the workspace/directory name on the file explorer once it's expanded to have it in view.
You mean upgrade or re-install ?
pip install --upgrade --force-reinstall <package>
pip install -I <package>
pip install --ignore-installed <package>
Try these commands
On MacOS, use command + shift + p and then choose "Developer: Reload Window". It is helpful to bind this to command + r. For Windows users, replace command with CTRL.
Are you sure this is a vscode issue? What happens when you run pip install from a normal command prompt? I suspect you will have the same issue, if that proves true, I would entirely uninstall python and re-install python, then install/upgrade pip to latest.
python -m pip install –upgrade pip
I've recently had to do a fresh install of windows and reinstall all the software I was previously using including anaconda.
I still have all the data from before the reinstall. To save me from pip installing all the packages I was using, I thought it would be easier to copy and paste the environment info from pre windows reinstall (left image) into the environment folder of the freshly installed anaconda (right).(Information/Folders in question)
I'm getting this error message when I try to launch Spyder.
Juypter notebook seems to be working fine but I get the error shown when I attempt to launch Sypder in the 'imported environment' TensorFlow1.8CPU.
Can anyone tell me how to resolve this?
I'm also open to hear any other ways of importing the environment from pre windows install anaconda folder.
I solved this problem by installing spyder with a lower version.