Excel - How to Rank from 1 to 100 Based on Values in More than 100 Cells - excel

I am trying to figure out how to assign a rank from 1 to 100 in a column that has over 200 cells. I need an Excel formula that will keep the correct 1 to 100 rank even when the order of rows is changed. The way I manually calculate the rank is shown in the picture below:
=RANK.EQ and =RANK.AVG rank cells from 1 to however many cells are included in the reference, but I need a 1 to 100 rank.
I have tried using =IF(MAX($K:$K)=K3,100,M2-(100/COUNT($K:$K))) but because M2 is based on a cell rather than the next descending sequential number in column K, when I change the order of the rows, the rank becomes inacurrate.

Can you just use rank.eq or rank.avg and normalise the result to a range of 1-100?


How to get maximum number and name from 2 columns? (Excel)

I have this (example):
Luffy 320
Coby 350
Zoro 180
Now I want to show the max from this info, with number and text (in seperate cells) like this:
col 1 col 2 col 3
1st 350 Coby
2nd 320 Luffy
3rd 180 Zoro
The 2nd Column no problem with the MAX() formula.
For the 3rd column to get the text I've tried the MAX(...) and INDEX(...) formulas but nothings working ...
Can anyone help me?
You first need to get which value is the largest, second largest and so on.
You can use the function LARGE(range, n) for this.
So in your col 2 use this formula:
Assuming B is the column with the values.
Then we need to match this value and get the name
=INDEX(A:A,MATCH("the above calculated cell",B:B,0))
With the above calculated cell I mean the LARGE function cell. And assuming column A is the column with the names.
This should give you a dynamic table that will update when values or names change.
I'm not sure how you manage to get that column 2 using MAX formula since it only outputs the largest number of the inputs and thus can't output 2nd and 3rd position.

Excel: Cumulative sum of min values of 2 columns without needing to create an extra column

I have two columns that I need to find the minimum value of, and then create a cumulative sum of them. I can do this by creating an extra column to hold the min value and then cumulative sum them, e.g.:
Col1 Col2 min(Col1, Col2) Cumulative Sum of Mins
1 3 1 1
4 2 2 3
3 5 3 6
Is there a way of doing this without creating the extra column?
I've tried sum(if(A$2:A2 < B$2:B2, A$2:A2, B$2:B2)) which I found (and modified) from another similar-but-not-similar-enough question, but this appears to just find the lowest value in the entire range and output that into a single cell; copying and pasting the formula into the other fields results in:
A value used in the formula is of the wrong data type
put this in C2 and copy down:
Another approach is with SUMPRODUCT
But this is an array type formula and as such every line this is copied down will increase the number of calculations exponentially. If too many lines are used the user will see a time delay in the calculations.

Excel - function to find the highest sum in a table using each row and column only once

I've got a table in excel with 10 rows and 10 columns.
The table contains 100 different values between 1 and 3.
I want to find the highest sum of 10 values using only 1 value from each row and 1 from each column.
Do u guys know a function that finds the highest sum? - I've tried to do i manually, but there are to many combinations!
Hope it makes sense.
Thanks in advance:)
My solution builds on what I wrote in the comment, i.e. you first take the maximum value in the 10x10 array, then the maximum in the 9x9 array (excluding the row/column of the first maximum), etc. My solution tries not to do everything in one formula, but I add a few helper columns, and a bit more helper rows (it is fast and dirty, but it works and is easily audited/understandable). You always can do this on a separate worksheet which you could hide if needed.
The screenshot above goes from cell A1 till Y31.
The key formulas:
3.55 is the result of =MAX(B2:K11)
The first gray cell is =IFNA(MATCH($M12;B2:B11;0);""), and you drag this 9 cells to the left. This tries to find a match with the max result in each column of the table;
The 10 left of the 3.55 is =MATCH(TRUE;INDEX(ISNUMBER(P12:Y12);0);0) , and gives the column number of the max value.
The 2 next to the 10 is =INDEX(P12:Y12;N12) and gives the row number of the max value.
The 1 in cell B12 is =IF(OR(B$1=$N12;$A12=$O12);0;1), and creates a 10x10 matrix with a row and column with zeroes where the previous max value was found.
Then you multiply this with the preceding matrix and create a new 10x10 matrix below (enter {=B2:K11*B12:K21} array formula (ctrl+shift+enter) in B22-K31
You then copy/paste rows 12 till 31 9 times below
The 23.02 is the total sum =SUM($M$12:$M$211) from all 10 maximum values and is the result you are looking for. The 10 is just a check with =COUNT($M$12:$M$211)

Median Selling Price Excel Table

I have a spreadsheet with different products, listing units and retail value sold like the example below
Product Units Value
A 10 100
B 15 80
C 30 560
I'd like to compare the Average Selling Price with the Median Selling price, so I am looking for a quick formula to accurately calculate the median.
The median function requires the entire series, so for Product A above I would need 10 instances of 10 etc. How can I calculate the Median quickly considering the condensed form of my data?
Without writing your own VBA function to do this there are a couple of approaches that can be taken.
The first expands the data from its compressed frequency count format to generate the full set of observations. This can be done manually or formulaically. On the assumption the latter is required, it can be achieved using a few columns.
All the blue cells are formulae.
Column Eis simply the cumulative of column B and F is an adjusted version of this. Column H is just the values 1 to 55, the total number of observations given by cell L2. Column I uses the MATCH() with its final argument as 1 to match each observation in H against the adjusted cumulative in F. Column J uses the INDEX() function to generate the value of the observation. (Observations 1-10 have value 100, 11-25 have value 80 and 26-55 have value 560 in this example). The MEDIAN() function is used in cell M2 with column J as its argument.
This approach can be refined to take account of varying numbers of products and data points through the use of the OFFSET function to control the range arguments of the MATCH(), INDEX() and MEDIAN functions. And, of course, adjacent cells in columns I and J could be combined using a single formula - I've shown them separately for ease of explanation.
The second approach involves sorting the data by value (so in this case the data rows would become Product B in row 2, product A in row 3 and product C left as-is in row 4). It is then a case of identifying the middle observation number (if the number of observations is odd) or the middle pair of observation numbers (if the number of observations is even) and then determining the value(s) corresponding to this/these middle observation(s). In this approach the adjusted cumulative in column F is still used but rather than explicitly calculating the values in column I and J for every observation it can now be restricted to just the middle observation(s).
I think there is no way around compromises. Either using big amounts of helper cells or having the table sorted by the values.
Helper cells:
Formula in F4:AS6:
Formula in D2:
Formula in F4 downwards:
Formula in D2:

How to do a little math in the criteria_range of Countifs Functions (using OR in Countif)

The Excel File is like this
1 0
0 1
1 1
0 1
0 0
1 0
I want to use Countifs function to count how many rows have at least one "1" in any columns, like
I know I can add a Column C, let Column C = Column A + B, and then just count Column C; or I can count the total rows and count rows with "0" in both columns, and then calculate Total Row - Both "0". But in real Scenario, I have more complicated situation, so I prefer not using these two solutions.
Use a SUMPRODUCT function to provide cyclic calculation.
SUMPRODUCT does not like trying to calculate text values and full column references slow it down so keep your ranges to a minimum. Using the INDEX function can help isolate a dynamic range of true numbers.
Another solution using array formula:
Being an array formula, you'll have to enter this formula by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter together.
Use =COUNT(A:A)-COUNTIFS(A:A,0,B:B,0) to count both 0 columns and subtract it from the total rows:
Or you can use:
if it is not clear what it the total number of rows.
