How can I run stack haskell app on Mac M1? - haskell

When stack run there is an error:
No setup information found for ghc-8.10.3 on your platform.
This probably means a GHC bindist has not yet been added for OS key 'macosx-aarch64'.
Supported versions: ghc-8.10.5, ghc-8.10.6, ghc-8.10.7, ghc-9.0.2, ghc-9.2.1, ghc-
9.2.2, ghc-9.2.3
But ghci works well, how is it possible to fix?

As you can see, m1 mac requires at least ghc-8.10.5, but you are using ghc-8.10.3. It may be because your project's stack.yaml specified ghc-8.10.3, try to change it to 8.10.7 to resolve it. Or select a lts version as an alternative(recommend).
From, LTS-18.28 uses ghc-8.10.7 as default.

Works for me:
In stack.yaml set resolver: ghc-9.2.3
Execute stack run under bash (exec bash in zsh terminal)


How to run ghc 8.10.7 installed via GHCup on Windows 10?

I have just installed GHC 8.10.7 via GHCup on my Windows 10. I have an earlier release already installed (ghc 9.2.1). After installing ghc 8.10.7 I got the following info:
In order to run ghc and cabal, you need to adjust your PATH variable.
To do so, you may want to run 'source /c/ghcup/env' in your current terminal
session as well as your shell configuration (e.g. ~/.bashrc).
How to understand this information, since when I run source /c/ghcup/env in the terminal I get this:
PS C:\Users\ephra> source /c/ghcup/env
source: The term 'source' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
PS C:\Users\ephra>
And it seems that ghc 8.10.7 is not visible:
PS C:\Users\ephra> ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 9.2.1
PS C:\Users\ephra>
GHC 8.10.7 folder:
To do so, you may want to run 'source /c/ghcup/env' in your current terminal
session as well as your shell configuration (e.g. ~/.bashrc).
This works in a Linux terminal, but going by your prompt you're using PowerShell on Windows. To use the ghc command, you'll need to update your Path environment variable. This answer already covers how to modify your Path so I'm not going to write that again here - just follow the steps there to add C:\ghcup\bin to your path and you should be fine.
NOTE: Look at this comment below the linked answer to save yourself some time.

VSCode no intellisense in haskell extension for additional modules

Is there a way to make intellisense work for additional modules (anything outside the prelude) like Quicktest or Random in VS Code?
I am using:
VSCode: Version 1.55.0
the extension "Haskell v1.2.0" (with haskel-language-server)
ghci: GHCi, version 8.10.3:
stack: Version 2.5.1, Git revision d6ab861544918185236cf826cb2028abb266d6d5 x86_64 hpack-0.33.0
tried it direct on Windows10 and with WSL2 (Debian).
VSCode says:
Could not find module ‘Test.QuickCheck’
It is not a module in the current program, or in any known package.not found
So, no autocomplete etc..
I think the reason is that I've installed Quicktest via stack, and that stack uses its own "isolated" ghc. So I looked for a way to configure the VSCode extension to use the ghc of my stack environment, without success.
I've also tingled with haddock and cabal, without success.
Does anybody using VS-Code to code haskell and have autocomplete, documentation on mouse over, wingman, ...?
I was having this problem with some local modules. I was able to fix it by placing a hie.yaml file in the project's root directory and reloading VSCode. Admittedly I don't really know what it does. I generated it using implicit-hie which you can install with stack.

unable to execute 'x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc': No such file or directory (pysam installation)

I am trying to install pysam.
After excecuting:
python path/to/pysam-master/ build
This error is produced:
unable to execute 'x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc': No such file or directory
error: command 'x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
There are similar threads, but they all seem to address the problem assumig administriator rights, which I do not have. Is there a way around to install the needed files?
DISCLAIMER: This question derived from a previous post of mine.
manually installing pysam error: "ImportError: No module named version"
But since it might require a different approach, I made it a question of its own.
You can also receive the same error while installing some R packages if R was installed using conda (as I had).
Then just install the package by executing: conda install gxx_linux-64 to have that command available.
It looks like Anaconda had a new release (4.3.27) that sets the C compiler path to a non-existing executable (quite an embarrassing bug; I'm sure they'll fix it soon). I had a similar issue with pip installing using the latest Miniconda, which I fixed by using the 4.3.21 version and ensuring I was not doing something like conda update conda.
See which has release dates and versions.
It should now be safe to update conda. This is fixed in the following python packages for linux-64:
The issue was as Jon Riehl described - we (Anaconda, formerly Continuum) build all of our packages with a new GCC package that we created using crosstool-ng. This package does not have gcc, it has a prefixed gcc - the missing command you're seeing, x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc. This gets baked into python, and any extension built with that python goes looking for that compiler. We have fixed the issue using the _PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME variable that was added to python 3.6. We have backported that to python 2.7 and 3.5. You'll now only ever see python using default compilers (gcc), and you must set the _PYTHON_SYSCONFIGDATA_NAME to the appropriate filename to have the new compilers used. Setting this variable is something that we'll put into the activate scripts for the compiler package, so you'll never need to worry about it. It may take us a day or two to get new compiler packages out, though, so post issues on the conda-build issue tracker if you'd like to use the new compilers and need help getting started.
Relevant code changes are at:
The solution that worked for me was to use the conda to install the r packages:
conda install -c r r-tidyverse
or r-gggplot2, r-readr
Also ensure that the installation is not failing because of admin privileges.
It will save you a great deal of pain
After upgrading Golang to 1.19.1, I started to get:
# runtime/cgo
cgo: C compiler "x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-cc" not found: exec: "x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-cc": executable file not found in $PATH
Installing gcc_linux-64 from the same channel, has resolved it:
conda install -c anaconda gcc_linux-64
Somewhere in your $PATH (e.g., ~/bin), do
ln -sf $(which gcc) x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc
Don't put this in a system directory or conda's bin directory, and remember to remove the link when the problem is resolved upstream. gcc --version should be version 6.
EDIT: I understand the sentiment in the comments against manipulating system paths, but maybe we can use a little critical thinking for the actual case in hand before reciting doctrine. What actually have we done with the command above? Nothing more than putting an executable (symlink) called x86_64-conda_cos6-linux-gnu-gcc in one's personal ~/bin directory.
If putting something in one's personal ~/bin directory broke future conda (after it fixes the C compiler path to point to gcc it embeds), then that would be a bug with conda. Would the existence of this verbosely named compiler mess with anything else? Unlikely either. Even if something did pick it up, it's just your system gcc after all...

weird error with haskell-stack. it doesn't install anything anymore

I get an error with stack, while trying to install a package.
Run from outside a project, using implicit global project config
Using resolver: lts-8.0 from implicit global project's config file: /home/chuck/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml
Invalid package ID: "array- base- binary- bytestring-"
stack --version works:
Version x86_64
and stack setup returns this:
Run from outside a project, using implicit global project config
Using resolver: lts-8.0 from implicit global project's config file: /home/chuck/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml
stack will use a locally installed GHC
For more information on paths, see 'stack path' and 'stack exec env'
To use this GHC and packages outside of a project, consider using:
stack ghc, stack ghci, stack runghc, or stack exec
I reinstalled stack and I get the same error after the new installation. So, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I need it for using atom.
# This is the implicit global project's config file, which is only used when
# 'stack' is run outside of a real project. Settings here do _not_ act as
# defaults for all projects. To change stack's default settings, edit
# '/home/chuck/.stack/config.yaml' instead.
# For more information about stack's configuration, see
flags: {}
extra-package-dbs: []
packages: []
extra-deps: []
resolver: lts-8.0
After trying a many things I "found the answer".
The problem was, as epsilonhalbe saw, that I had an old version. So I tried to do this wget -qO- | sh and it didn't work, because I had stack on /usr/bin/ so, I removed stack and then tried again wget -qO- | sh. I added $HOME/.local/bin/ to the path, and it's working properly.
I hope it can help someone
There's a new version of stack, but ghc-mod just works until the lts-9.0 of stack. So, if you're having troubles with ghc-modand your stack version is over 8.0.2 then:
nano /Users/USERNAME/.stack/global-project/stack.yaml
and replace resolver: --- for resolver: lts-9.0
Then, on the terminal stack solver and it's gonna work :)
I was blocked by the same problem, unless I check which stack (or use where stack as alternative) and I found that I'm using an old version of stack which I installed somehow, and the new version was never accessed when I typed the stack command ...
Here is the situation when I realized the problem..
If you check stack --version and get something like Version x86_64, then it is far away from the current version, the current version I'm using (when answering this question) is Version 1.3.3, Git revision 078cfadeb37a39501eae24732e5c757cc8aca31b x86_64 hpack-0.17.0
If you had confirmed that you are not using the wrong one stack, but the stack version is still too low, you can use stack upgrade --git to upgrade your stack to the latest version from git (notice that this will take a while).
Hope this helpful.

Synastic errors - Vim, Stack, Haskell development

I am using stack for my Haskell development and Syntastic for my error checking when editing in Vim. I have not installed the haskell-platform, instead, I use a stack build --install-ghc to get my environment up and running using the supported GHC, cabal and lts packages.
Normally, I use a cabal sandbox and syntastic works well with this. I see when I do a let g:syntastic_debug=3 in Vim, syntastic runs a cabal configure which checks if the project dependencies are installed and then goes ahead and does some hlint, hdevtools and ghc-mod magic to give me some warnings and/or error messages.
Now, here is my problem. Since my cabal setup (installed from stack) doesn't know about my dependencies installed at .stack-work or .stack (not sure), it complains that I am missing necessary packages and blows up when syntastic runs in my Vim instance.
Trying to run a stack exec -- cabal configure returns the following error:
Use of GHC's environment variable GHC_PACKAGE_PATH is incompatible with Cabal. use the flag --package-db to specify a package database (it can be used multiple times).
I haven't found out how to pass the --package-db option with the correct database. Nothing seems to work there.
So, the quetion - will successfully running a stack exec -- cabal configure, avoiding the GHC_PACKAGE_PATH issue get me to a working setup? Can anyone give me some direction here?
hdevtools works. See here:
I'm planning on keeping that up to date as new tools come out (like stack-ide).
This blogpost gives a nice introduction as well. Things change quickly in the haskell world and ghc-mod seems to be working well with stack now. The setup from the post requires neovim though.
The setup from the post worked perfectly fine for me and found all dependencies within the current stack project.
