Online/Offline status computation rules - getstream-io

Good Day,
is it possible to share the rules of considering a user online or offline; and how this affect the computation of concurrent users.
I used the flutter package, I have quit the application and uninstall it and the user still has the status online ?
Am I supposed to add a code in the dispose function ? Or it is based on the Idle time?
Is it possible to share Stream's policy regarding this ?


ASP.NET WebApp in Azure using lots of CPU

We have a long running ASP.NET WebApp in Azure which has no real endpoints exposed – it serves a single functional purpose primarily reading and manipulating database data, effectively a batched, scheduled task, triggered by a timer every 30 seconds.
The app runs fine most of the time but we are seeing occasional issues where the CPU load for the app goes close to the maximum for the AppServicePlan, instantaneously rather than gradually, and stops executing any more timer triggers and we cannot find anything explicitly in the executing code to account for it (no signs of deadlocks etc. and all code paths have try/catch so there should be no unhandled exceptions). More often than not we see errors getting a connection to a database but it’s not clear if those are cause or symptoms.
Note, this is the only resource within the AppService Plan. The Azure SQL database is in the same region and whilst utilised by other apps is very lightly used by them and they also exhibit none of the issues seen by the problem app.
It feels like this is infrastructure related but we have been unable to find anything to explain what is happening so if anyone has any suggestions for where we should be looking they would be gratefully received. We have enabled basic Application Insights (not SDK) but other than seeing CPU load spike prior to loss of app response there is little information of interest given our limited knowledge of how to best utilise Insights.
According to your description, I thought of two points to troubleshoot your problem. First of all, you can track the running status of your program through the code, and put a log at the beginning and end of your batch scheduled tasks to record the status of each run. If possible, record request and response information and start and end information. This can completely record the time and running status of your task.
Secondly, you can record logs before the program starts database operations, and whether the database connection is successful. The best case is to be able to record, what business will trigger CPU load when operating, and track the specific operating conditions, in order to specifically analyze what causes the database connection failure.
Because you cannot reproduce your problem, you can only guess the cause of the problem. If you still can't find where the problem is through the above two points, then modify your timer appropriately, and let the program trigger once every 5 minutes instead of 30s.

WatchOS TransferCurrentComplicationUserInfo limited execution per hour?

I am creating an app that shows bus schedules from my nearest bus stop. However if I am traveling between many busstops it seemes like the app stops to transfer data to my watch extension.
I think this is a issue because of the limited background time watch applications has. A better solution may be to check if the device is moving when the CLLocation manager launches the location delegate function, and if the device is not moving then update the complication because the user has moved to a new permanent location for a while.
Is there anyone that know if my assumption is correct? Or do someone else have a better idea?

Is using an Audit Table in Postgres to create triggers for NOTIFY/LISTEN a good idea?

So I have a postgres database that I have installed an audit table - source
Now my question is as follows:
I have been wanting to create a sort of stream that notifies me of any changes that have been made by any application that has access to my DB. Now, I know that I can create a trigger and a pub/sub via pg but that will take up performance time and that is something that can become significant as the DB scales.
So instead of slowing the actual DB I was wondering if I were to do the same NOTIFY/LISTEN functionality I would've on the main tables but instead install it on the audit tables.
Has anyone ever done this? If so what have you experienced, pros? cons?. Or if anyone knows why I should or should not do this can you please let me know.
Light communications with the server, no need to pull for the data changes.
The practice shows that it is not sufficient just to set it up and listen for the events, because every so often the channel goes down, due to various communication problems. For a serious system you would need to put in place an additional monitoring service that can verify that your listeners are still operating, and if not - destroy the existing ones and create new ones. This can be tricky, and you probably won't find a good example of doing it.
Via scheduled data pulls, PRO-s:
Simplicity - you just check for the data change according to the schedule;
Reliability - there is nothing to break there, once the pull implementation is working.
Via scheduled data pulls, CON-s:
Additional traffic for the server, depending on how quickly you need to see the data change, and how would that interfere (if at all) with other requests to the server.

Wait for critical sections to complete in a graceful node.js shutdown

I want to update my node application on production, but users are using it for things like credit card transactions.
I run supervisor, but I would like to wait until all critical sections (like saving data or sending important information) are complete before it restarts.
Check out up by LearnBoost.
Zero-downtime reloads built on top of the distribute load balancer.
Read more from here:
Another one is ncluster.
Creating a programmed dowtime seems the most straightforward thing to do, just notify the users and stop critical transactions a few minutes before the downtime, always choose the right time to go offline and be sure to be only a small timeframe away from your users.
You could also delegate to more applications the various sections of your app, for example process payments in a separate process you can message with a queue.
This clearly depends on your needs, by te way be sure to disclose a programmed downtime to your users, they will be happy to come back later.

Is it possible to upload data as a background process in j2me?

Even with a poor network connection?
Specifically, I've written code which launches a separate thread (from the UI) that attempts to upload a file via HTTP POST. I've found, however, that if the connection is bad, the processor gets stuck on outputstream.close() or httpconnection.getheaderfield() or any read/write which forces data over the network. This causes not only the thread to get stuck, but steals the entire processor, so even the user interface becomes unresponsive.
I've tried lowering the priority of the thread, to no avail.
My theory is that there is no easy way of avoiding this behavior, which is why all the j2me tutorial instruct developers to create a ‘sending data over the network…’ screen, instead of just sending everything in a background thread. If someone can prove me wrong, that would be fantastic.
One important aspect is you need to have a generic UI or screen that can be displayed when the network call in background fails. It is pretty much a must on any mobile app, J2ME or otherwise.
As Honza said, it depends on the design, there are so many things that can be done, like pre-fetching data on app startup, or pre-fetching data based on the screen that is loaded (i.e navigation path), or having a default data set built in into the app etc.
Another thing that you can try is a built-in timer mechanism that retries data download after certain amount of time, and aborting after say 5 tries or 1-2 minutes and displaying generic screen or error message.
Certain handsets in J2ME allow detection of airplane mode, if possible you can detect that and promptly display an appropriate screen.
Also one design that has worked for me is synchronizing UI and networking threads, so that they dont lock up each other (take this bit of advice with heavy dose of salt as I have had quite a few interesting bugs on some samsung and sanyo handsets because of this)
All in all no good answer for you, but different strategies.
It pretty much depends on how you write the code and where you run it. On CLDC the concept of threading is pretty limited and if any thread is doing some long lasting operation other threads might be (and usualy are) blocked by it as well. You should take that into account when designing your application.
You can divide your file data into chunks and then upload with multiple retries on failure. This depends on your application strategy . If your priority is to upload a bulk data with out failure. You need to have assemble the chunks on server to build back your data . This may have the overhead for making connections but the chance is high for your data will get uploaded . If you are not uploading files concurrently this will work with ease .
