Wait for critical sections to complete in a graceful node.js shutdown - node.js

I want to update my node application on production, but users are using it for things like credit card transactions.
I run supervisor, but I would like to wait until all critical sections (like saving data or sending important information) are complete before it restarts.

Check out up by LearnBoost.
Zero-downtime reloads built on top of the distribute load balancer.
Read more from here:
Another one is ncluster.

Creating a programmed dowtime seems the most straightforward thing to do, just notify the users and stop critical transactions a few minutes before the downtime, always choose the right time to go offline and be sure to be only a small timeframe away from your users.
You could also delegate to more applications the various sections of your app, for example process payments in a separate process you can message with a queue.
This clearly depends on your needs, by te way be sure to disclose a programmed downtime to your users, they will be happy to come back later.


Scheduling function calls in a stateless Node.js application

I'm trying to figure out a design pattern for scheduling events in a stateless Node back-end with multiple instances running simultaneously.
Use case example:
Create an message object with a publish date/time and save it to a database
Optionally update the publishing time or delete the object
When the publish time is reached, the message content is sent to a 3rd party API endpoint
Right now my best idea is to use bee-queue or bull to queue delayed jobs. It should be able to store the state and ensure that the job is executed only once. However, I feel like it might introduce a single point of failure, especially when maintaining state on Redis for months and then hoping that the future version of the queue library is still working.
Another option is a service worker that polls the database for upcoming events every n minutes, but this seems like a potential scaling issue down the line for multi-tenant SaaS.
Are there more robust design patterns for solving this?
Don't worry about redis breaking. It's pretty stable, and eventually you can decide to freeze the version.
If there are jobs that will be executed in the future I would suggest a database, like Mongo or Redis, with a disk-store. So you will survive a reboot, you don't have to reinvent the wheel, and already have a nice set of tools for scalability.

Task scheduling behind multiple instances

Currently I am solving an engineering problem, and want to open the conversation to the SO community.
I want to implement a task scheduler. I have two separate instances of a nodeJS application sitting behind an elastic load balancer (ELB). The problem is when both instances come up, they try to execute the same tasks logic, causing the tasks run more than once.
My current solution is to use node-schedule to schedule tasks to run, then have them referencing the database to check if the task hasn't already been run since it's specified run time interval.
The logic here is a little messy, and I am wondering if there is a more elegant way I could go about doing this.
Perhaps it is possible to set a particular env variable on a specific instance - so that only that instance will run the tasks.
What do you all think?
What you are describing appears to be a perfect example of a use case for AWS Simple Queue Service.
Key points to look out for in your solution:
Make sure that you pick a visibility timeout that is reflective of your workload (so messages don't reenter the queue whilst still in process by another worker)
Don't store your workload in the message, reference it! A message can only be up to 256kb in size and message sizes have an impact on performance and cost.
Make sure you understand billing! As billing is charged in 64KB chunks, meaning 1 220KB message is charged as 4x 64KB chucks / requests.
If you make your messages small, you can save more money by doing batch requests as your bang for buck will be far greater!
Use longpolling to retrieve messages to get the most value out of your message requests.
Grant your application permissions to SQS by the use of an EC2 IAM Role, as this is the best security practice and the recommended approach by AWS.
It's an excellent service, and should resolve your current need nicely.

Don't let deployments cancel file uploads

We have an application that accepts file uploads from the user.
Whenever we deploy our application we stop the application process and start it again. All lengthy processing is done before we actually stop the application so the actual downtime is fairly small (a few seconds).
However, when stopping the process we also kill active requests to our application (i.e. file uploads).
What would be a good way to handle this? I have a few ideas:
Extract the file upload handler into a separate service?
Make the restart more "intelligent" and tell the processes to not accept any new requests and wait for the currently active requests to stop before killing the process
You've just listed two of essentially three solutions I can think of :-)
The third would be a multi-tier deployment with a smart load balancer and deploy process smart enough to know what node to restart and when.
If it is a smaller scale app with no significant impact, I would go to what seems to me simpler version: track active downloads and monitor this on restart. Maintain just one app, you know? But it makes the upload logic more complex.
However, if the uploads are important enough, and they seem to be, it may be worth it to extract it to a separate service. Not just because of new deploy, but also to protect you from unexpected crashes and shutdowns. You would then have to decide a way to communicate completed uploads from the service though, and also handle the client response etc.
On my view, one app to maintain and deploy is simpler then two, but of course also a bit less robust.
So the answer really depends on your needs and resources, right?

which one to use windows services or threading

We are having a web application build using asp.net 3.5 & SQL server as database which is quite big and used by around 300 super users for managing around 5000 staffs.
Now we are implementing SMS functionality into the application which means the users will be able to send and receive SMS. Every two minute the SMS server of the third party is pinged to check whether there are any new messages. Also SMS are hold in queue and send every time interval of 15 to 30 minutes.
I want this checking and sending process to run in the background of the application all the time, even if the user closes the browser window.
I need some advice on how do I do this?
Will using thread will achieve this or do I need to create a windows service for it or are there any other options?
More information:
I want to execute a task in a timer, what will happen if I close the browser window, the task wont be completed isn't it so.
For example I am saving 10 records to the database in a time interval of 5 minutes, which means every 5 minutes when the timer tick event fires, a record is inserted into the database.
How do I run this task if I close the browser window?
I tried looking at windows service but how do I pass a generic collection of data to it for processing.
There really is no thread or service choice, a service can (and usually is!) multi threaded, a thread can start a service.
There are three basic choices you can:-
Somehow start another thread running when a user logs in -- this is probably a very poor choice for what you want, as you cannot really keep it running once the user session is lost.
Write a fully fledged windows service which is starts on OS startup and continues running unitl the server is shutdown. You can make this dependant on the SQLserver service, so it starts after the DB is available. This is the "best" solution but may be overkill for your purposes. Aslo you need to know the services API to write it properly as you need to respond correctly to shutdown and status requests.
You can schedule your task periodically using either the Windows schedular, or, preferably the schedular which is built in to SQLServer, I think this would be the most suitable option for your needs.
Distinguish between what the browser is doing and what's happening server-side.
Your Web App is sitting server-side waiting for requests from whatever browsers may be running, and servicing those requests, in servicing those requests I guess it may well put messages on a queue and have a look in a database for any new messages.
You want the daemon processor, which talks to the third-party SMS, to be triggered by time rather than by browser function. Either of your suggestions would work:
A competely independent service could run and work against the queues and database.
Your web app, which I assume is already a service, could spawn a thread
In either case we have a few technical questions of avoiding any race conditions between the browser-request processing and the daemon - but databases and queueing systems can deal with that.
So I would decide between stand-alone daemon and background thread like this:
Which is easier to implement? I'm a Java EE developer, I know in my app server I have an API for specifying code to be run according to a timer, the API deals with the threading issues. So for me that's very easy. I don't know what you have available. Timers are not quite as trivial as they may appear - so having a reliable API is beneficial. If this was a more complex requirement, where the daemon code were gnarly and might possibly interfere with the WebApp code then I might prefer to keep it conspicuously separate.
Which is easier to deploy and administer? Deploy separate Web App and daemon, or deploy one thing. In the Java EE world we could have a single Enterprise Application with all the code, so that's a single thing to deploy, start and control.
One other thing to consider: Scaling and Resilience. You might choose to have more than one copy of your web app running, either to provide fail-over capabilities or just because you need the extra power. In which case how many daemons would you have? Would it be a problem to have two daemons running? You might need some extra code to mediate between two daemons, for example log in the database the time of last work, each daemon can say "Oh, my buddy balready did the 10:30 job, I'll go back to sleep"

Is it possible to upload data as a background process in j2me?

Even with a poor network connection?
Specifically, I've written code which launches a separate thread (from the UI) that attempts to upload a file via HTTP POST. I've found, however, that if the connection is bad, the processor gets stuck on outputstream.close() or httpconnection.getheaderfield() or any read/write which forces data over the network. This causes not only the thread to get stuck, but steals the entire processor, so even the user interface becomes unresponsive.
I've tried lowering the priority of the thread, to no avail.
My theory is that there is no easy way of avoiding this behavior, which is why all the j2me tutorial instruct developers to create a ‘sending data over the network…’ screen, instead of just sending everything in a background thread. If someone can prove me wrong, that would be fantastic.
One important aspect is you need to have a generic UI or screen that can be displayed when the network call in background fails. It is pretty much a must on any mobile app, J2ME or otherwise.
As Honza said, it depends on the design, there are so many things that can be done, like pre-fetching data on app startup, or pre-fetching data based on the screen that is loaded (i.e navigation path), or having a default data set built in into the app etc.
Another thing that you can try is a built-in timer mechanism that retries data download after certain amount of time, and aborting after say 5 tries or 1-2 minutes and displaying generic screen or error message.
Certain handsets in J2ME allow detection of airplane mode, if possible you can detect that and promptly display an appropriate screen.
Also one design that has worked for me is synchronizing UI and networking threads, so that they dont lock up each other (take this bit of advice with heavy dose of salt as I have had quite a few interesting bugs on some samsung and sanyo handsets because of this)
All in all no good answer for you, but different strategies.
It pretty much depends on how you write the code and where you run it. On CLDC the concept of threading is pretty limited and if any thread is doing some long lasting operation other threads might be (and usualy are) blocked by it as well. You should take that into account when designing your application.
You can divide your file data into chunks and then upload with multiple retries on failure. This depends on your application strategy . If your priority is to upload a bulk data with out failure. You need to have assemble the chunks on server to build back your data . This may have the overhead for making connections but the chance is high for your data will get uploaded . If you are not uploading files concurrently this will work with ease .
