How to embed a SVG symbol with pyQGIS - svg

In a python QGIS plugin, how can I embed a SVG symbol, as if I used the 'Embed file' function in a svg marker symbology in QGIS (at the end we don't need the svg file anymore, the svg description should be embedded into the symbology definition)?


SVG exported from Inkscape are rendered with different font

I have opened a pdf with Inkscape and exported it in Plain SVG. However, when I open it in any browser the text is rendered with a different font.
This happens because the font-family property in the SVG file might be set to a font that is not installed on the system. In my case it was DejaVuSans.
You should open the SVG file in a text editor and replace all font-family:DejaVuSans with for example font-family:Arial.

Convert SVG fonts to SVG paths

Is there any way to convert the single glyphs of a svg font into a svg path, so that i could use those shapes instead of the fonts in an application? Does any one know of any application or program which does such a thing?

Illustrator save SVG text issue

Illustrator save SVG text issue
I have an adobe illustrator file that contains many objects polygon, rec and text when i save the file as SVG it render the text as path i want to render the text as text.
Any help please to render the text with the tag.

OpenModelica svg icon for blocks

The svg icon of a block is not displayed. Here's how I set it:
I switch to Icon view
Click on Bitmap
Draw a rectangle
In Bitmap properties I select the svg file through Browse (the option for svgs exists). The svg file is in the same folder as the .mo file.
Click Ok and the svg icon is not displayed - I get nothing (like a white icon - I can only see the corners of the bitmap rectangle). The svg file was created in Inkscape and saved as Plain svg.
Is this svg icon option not implemented yet but will be in the near future? or am I doing something wrong?
The svg option was there by mistake. The supported formats for bitmap are PNG, BMP and JPEG. I have fixed it now in r18662.

Get Font Glyphs as Vectors, manipulate and product SVG or Bitmap

I have an application that needs to apply some transformations to text (including non-affine transformations). Does anyone know of a toolkit (or group of tools) that would let me bring in a True Type or Postscript Font, get the glyphs as outlines, then apply transformations to the outlines and render it as a bitmap or svg file ? Flash won't do non-affine transformations so it is out. Illustrator has a function which converts text to outlines, but Illustrator scripting is very unstable so I can't really use it for this. Thanks for any help.
You could use the Batik TTF to SVG Font converter. The SVG font format uses the same path data format that the SVG <path> element uses.
For example, this is the output from converting Gentium Basic Regular using the above tool. With the right coordinate system, you can just grab out the path data, transform it however you like, and then draw it with a <path>. Note though that the glyph coordinate system in SVG fonts is actually inverted, with the (0,0) at the bottom left corner of the glyph cell box, compared to the regular SVG canvas which has (0,0) at the top left corner. So don't forget to flip the glyph, e.g. by putting transform="scale(1,-1)" on the <path> you use to render the glyph.
Once you have the SVG document that renders the glyphs as shapes you can convert it to a bitmap using your favourite tool. (Batik can do that too.)
While Batik is a good answer, it will convert only TrueType fonts to SVG Fonts. If you have OpenType fonts, and they more and more dominate now, you can use FontForge to get an SVG Font for these. Another advantage of using OpenType is that the produced SVG uses not only quadratic but also cubic Beziers in the path which is more effective.
