Illustrator save SVG text issue - svg

Illustrator save SVG text issue
I have an adobe illustrator file that contains many objects polygon, rec and text when i save the file as SVG it render the text as path i want to render the text as text.
Any help please to render the text with the tag.


SVG exported from Inkscape are rendered with different font

I have opened a pdf with Inkscape and exported it in Plain SVG. However, when I open it in any browser the text is rendered with a different font.
This happens because the font-family property in the SVG file might be set to a font that is not installed on the system. In my case it was DejaVuSans.
You should open the SVG file in a text editor and replace all font-family:DejaVuSans with for example font-family:Arial.

How to edit the text of a SVG file?

I want to translate the labels of a wikimedia Commons SVG file. After opening a SVG file in a Geany text editor, i do search and replace option for put the translations. In this case, i cant find relaxant text? But there is text Id only as below. How can i find the text?
Examples for SVG files:-
1) code with text from the this file
<text x="-34.614517" y="314.04907" transform="matrix(0.90850818,-0.41786707,0.41786707,0.90850818,0,0)"><tspan style="font-size:108px;fill:#ff0000;font-family:Courier">FIRED!</tspan></text>
2) code without text from the mentioned SVG file link:
id="tspan3582" /></text>
As Robert Longson mentions there is no text.
All elements are drawn:
If you open the .SVG file with Inkscape you will be able to see all objects

SVG text shift/text change animation

I'm new to SVG animation, I want to create this animation in SVG, and save it as an .svg file. How do I do it? I can create an static SVG file in illustrator but I want to animate it.

SVG --> After saving my Illustrator project to svg format, it looks differently

Why does after saving my Illustrator project to svg format it looks differently than in project? Those are my 1. project and 2. svg file after save
project :
svg file after save:
This is the link to the illustrator file :

efxclipse convert svg to fxml working? Not for me

I was just wondering if anyone did convert an svg to fxml. I do right click on svg file Convert... nothing happens. What's the trick?
The Svg file is saved as plain svg file in inkscape.
thanks for input
regards Chris
