Elastic Beanstalk fails to deploy my basic Node.js MERN app - node.js

During an aborted deployment, some instances may have deployed the new application version. To ensure all instances are running the same version, re-deploy the appropriate application version.
I have know idea how to fix this? I can deploy my app on vercel in seconds but AWS is giving me pain for 3 days now. Please somebody help. I checked logs and it only returns this error

Have you followed the upgrade guide in the documentation?
You cannot use github.com/metabase/metabase/archive/v0.33.2.zip - that's the source code of the entire project - it's not the same as the binary version.


Firebase Cloud Functions Error - Cloud Runtime Config is currently experiencing issues, which is preventing your functions from being deployed

I have been hunting down the answer to this particular answer for 2 days with no luck.
I updated the Firebase CLI per their request, and then it was incompatible with my NodeJS, so I had to update that to NodeJS 16. After I did that, I am not able to deploy my functions anymore to Firebase, and just get this non-descript error:
Cloud Runtime Config is currently experiencing issues,
which is preventing your functions from being deployed.
I have tried everything I can think of..
Used NVM to try different versions of Node like 10, 12, 14
Updated the Engine in the Package JSON to all different versions
Deleted all my functions from GCP and tried to just reinstall from scratch.
None of those things have done anything to even change the error message, so I have no idea what is going on or even able to see any logs.
I did try to deploy to our STAGING environment and get a different error
Error: Failed to load environment variables from .env.:
- Error Key GCLOUD_PROJECT is reserved for internal use.
I am not sure what changed with this update, but has anyone else seen/solved this error?
I'm having the same issue, and seems to be related to the project data in gcloud/firebase runtime config data, because I can deploy the same code, in other project.
After downgrading firebase-tools to 11.1.0, the deploy worked as before.

Material-ui Official SSR example not working in production servers

I deployed the official material-ui ssr example to Microsoft Azure, it doesn't work. I also deployed it to Heroku, it still doesn't work. On my local machine and on codesandbox , everything looks good. I don't know what I'm missing.
You can choose docker when you create webapp services. I think it will help you solve the issue.
I think this project has some bug in it.
You can raise a support on azure portal, or submit a issue on github.
I have try to use many ways to deploy ssr project.
Continuous deployment to Azure App Service [Failed]
FTP, then run start command. [Failed]
Use VSCode to publish. [Failed]
Paste zip file into kudu. [Failed]
After all the attempts, I guess that a certain command of the project may take up a lot of resources, so this project has potential bugs, and the azure team can assist in finding the cause of the deployment failure.
This is my error msg.

Deployed Nodejs service does not work on Azure Web App

I've created two pipelines: build and release for Nodejs app.
Here is the link to nodejs app repo: azure web service
Here is the tasks for build pipeline:
Here is the wwwroot folder structure:
So it is look like all required files are present.
Despite that, I'm constantly receiving:
You do not have permission to view this directory or page
I've tried to add web.config file, but it did not help.
I have front end application on same App service Plan and it works, so it is no way that I have bad service plan.
Do you have any suggestions?
Thanks a lot.
I was able to deploy my service only after using nodejs-docs-hello-world starter.
It is looks like web.config is a required file, btw, still did not find any meaningfull documentation for web.config.
Make sure your azure nodejs env support your js syntax (import from ...), in other case use webpack or typescript.
I'have found App Service Editor very helpful if you want to debug your code errors. See section Output.
I had a problem also with nodejs version, despite the fact I choosed node 12 tls during web app creation, I have noticed that my app used node 6 under the hood. So I changed default nodejs version to 10. See here how to do it
Also, I want to thank #Jason Pan for his help.

Deploy Cloud9 IDE to Heroku?

I"m trying to deploy a simple Node.JS app to Heroku from Cloud9, and I can't seem to be able to find the "Deploy" button to deploy it to Heroku. Is this feature present on Heroku?
In the current Cloud9 release we do not have a UI for deployment yet, but we're going to add those features soon. They have been flaky at times and we really want to offer things that work.
Until then, I'd recommend using the deployment tools straight from the command line in the Terminal - see our documentation site for details: https://docs.c9.io/deploying_via_cli.html .
Regarding Heroku, deploying via the terminal is not too difficult, although I would have preferred not to disappoint you. All steps are explained in the link below, you can start at step 3 because the Heroku tool belt should already be installed.
Refer: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/quickstart

With Windows Azure, can I deploy a node.js server using Dropbox?

There are several tutorials on Azure showing how to deploy a node.js server using git. Azure has a nifty feature where you can link a Dropbox folder to an Azure web site for very simple deployments. Works awesome for websites, but I was hoping it might work for node.js deployments as well.
It doesn't seem to work- the deployment process goes fine, but navigating to the URL of the node.js deployment produces this error:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Anyone know if it's possible to deploy a node.js server to Windows Azure via Dropbox?
Many thanks-
Just ran through the deployment logs and found this line:
The package.json file is not present.
The node.js application will run with the default node.js version 0.6.20.
Perhaps that it explains my problem?
from the console and folder type "npm init" to generate package.json
