How to access azure web site using ip address - dns

I have created one azure web app service (S1:1), I have registered custom domain (TXT, CNAME & A records in DNS) for this site. I am able to access site using FQDN ( but when I am using IP address to access this site it give me below error.
Why am I doing this?
I want to redirect another application to this application using DNS resolver for that it make use of IP address.

The 404 error occurs due to multiple reasons, please check the below to resolve the error:
Please check your domain resolves to the apps IP address by using
Please check whether the A record is pointing to the wrong IP address.
Check whether the custom domain is having correct A record and CNAME configured.
The old IP address may be cached, so trying to clear the cache.
Make sure the custom domain is present in the Azure App Service like below:
Please note that, using both a CNAME record and an A record for the same domain can cause a conflict and prevent the domain from being resolved.
Please check this MsDoc for few causes and solutions that may give you a pointer to solve the issue.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Azure WebApps Custom Domain 404 error by AjayKumar-MSFT
Azure web app custom domain problem by Ryan Hill


Use CloudFlare so I can access website hosted in Azure via IP Address

I am very new to Cloudflare. So please bear with me. I need to access my website (hosted in Microsoft Azure - App Services) via IP address instead of the domain name.
To do this, I need to add into the HTTP header when requesting the website via IP address.
I heard it can be solved via Cloudflare, but the person I asked will not elaborate further. Is it possible? If yes, what service should I purchase? Any manual or instruction will be appreciated.
If Cloudflare isn't possible, do you have any service recommendations?
Thanks :)
The reason the host header is needed is because Azure App Services are multi-tenant (multiple apps on a single IP) by default. So, the server needs some way to know where to route your request to (the host name). In addition, IPs are not guaranteed to be static (they can change as you scale for instance).
It should be possible to secure a single static IP address using the following method -
What is unclear is whether or not this IP would also be dedicated (meaning only your domain would use it). This is what would be required in order to allow you to access the app service without a hostname specified.
Cloudflare will not solve this issue, as it sits at the DNS layer (domain name access). Accessing a server via IP would bypass Cloudflare entirely.

Azure Custom Domain not resolving

It seems like I have my A CNAME and TXT records correct for my Azure App but My Domain name is still not resolving.
404 Web Site not found.
You may be seeing this error due to one of the reasons listed below :
Custom domain has not been configured inside Azure. See how to map an existing domain to resolve this.
Client cache is still pointing the domain to old IP address. Clear the cache by running the command ipconfig/flushdns.
Here is my source tutorial:
If you're getting that message, you probably haven't configured the domain as a Custom Domain.
In Portal go to the App > Custom Domain and make sure it's there.
If you do have it added, it's possible the A record is pointing to the wrong IP. You can check if it matches the one in the Custom Domain blade by running the following command in your command line:
nslookup <your domain>

Azure URL is not working for the new CNAME entry

Recently we have created a new CNAME entry for the internal react website which is deployed in Azure. It has been pointed to traffic manager since we are deploying in two regions. After the CNAME entry is create, the URL throws 404 error. We have already configured the entry access restriction to all internal users. Appreciate if anyone can help to identify the issue.
For the error, you could add the new CNAME subdomain to your app service---custom domains---add custom domain as the picture displaying steps 1-5. After you validate the subdomain and add the subdomain into the custom domains, you should access the subdomain URL via the traffic manager. Read this blog for more details.
In addition, only Web Apps at the Standard SKU or above are eligible for use with Traffic Manager. Attempts to add a Web App of a lower SKU fail. Read Azure web apps as the endpoints.

Configure Azure DNS

I'm trying to bind my azure website to a third level domain.
This is my configuration on the Azure portal:
This is my domain provied A-Record console:
And this is my domain provider CName-Record console:
With this configuration the application works on but it doens't work on
(on it is displayed a page "domain reserved")
What Am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot
You need to add another cname to your website
awverify.test pointing to
check on to verify that it is pointing to

404 Error in IP Address provided by Azure for A Record

I am using a Reserved (as of today called 'Standard') instance in Azure to host my website.
I have also set up my CNAME record from my domain provider to forward from www.{0}.com to the {0} record, which works just fine.
The trouble I am having is with the A record. Currently
{0}.com gets a 404.
Under 'Manage Domains' in the Azure Management portal, it recommends setting up an A record to the supplied IP address (i assume the VIP of my deployment).
The problem is that IP returns a 404 when it is hit, so of course {0}.com gets one too.
Is there something I need to do on the Azure side to get the IP provided to direct to my website?
Along with the A name record did you add a CNAME for verification purpose as well, to point from awverify.www.{0}.com to awverify.{0} ?
