404 Error in IP Address provided by Azure for A Record - azure

I am using a Reserved (as of today called 'Standard') instance in Azure to host my website.
I have also set up my CNAME record from my domain provider to forward from www.{0}.com to the {0}.azurewebsites.net record, which works just fine.
The trouble I am having is with the A record. Currently
{0}.com gets a 404.
Under 'Manage Domains' in the Azure Management portal, it recommends setting up an A record to the supplied IP address (i assume the VIP of my deployment).
The problem is that IP returns a 404 when it is hit, so of course {0}.com gets one too.
Is there something I need to do on the Azure side to get the IP provided to direct to my website?

Along with the A name record did you add a CNAME for verification purpose as well, to point from awverify.www.{0}.com to awverify.{0}.azurewebsites.net ?


How to access azure web site using ip address

I have created one azure web app service (S1:1), I have registered custom domain (TXT, CNAME & A records in DNS) for this site. I am able to access site using FQDN (https://xyz.pqr.com) but when I am using IP address to access this site it give me below error.
Why am I doing this?
I want to redirect another application to this application using DNS resolver for that it make use of IP address.
The 404 error occurs due to multiple reasons, please check the below to resolve the error:
Please check your domain resolves to the apps IP address by using whatsmydns.net
Please check whether the A record is pointing to the wrong IP address.
Check whether the custom domain is having correct A record and CNAME configured.
The old IP address may be cached, so trying to clear the cache.
Make sure the custom domain is present in the Azure App Service like below:
Please note that, using both a CNAME record and an A record for the same domain can cause a conflict and prevent the domain from being resolved.
Please check this MsDoc for few causes and solutions that may give you a pointer to solve the issue.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Azure WebApps Custom Domain 404 error by AjayKumar-MSFT
Azure web app custom domain problem by Ryan Hill

Azure app service wrong redirection for new domain

I acquired a new domain name in Azure (let's say mynewdomain.net), assigned it to my app service, bought a certificate also in Azure and made the bindings. Apparently both the domain and certificate are properly configured.
When I invoke the domain in any browser like https://mynewdomain.net, I get redirected to https://mynewdomain.net/mynewdomain.net, and of course fails.
The problem must be very simple, but I have no clue! Can anyone point me in the right direction here?
To create a CNAME mapping for the www subdomain, create two records: CNAME and TXT records.
After you add the CNAME and TXT records, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
To map an A record, you need the app's external IP address. You can find this IP address on the app's Custom Domains page in the Azure portal.
After the records are added, the DNS records page looks like the following example:
For more details, you could refer to this article about mapping an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service.

Unable to access CDN endpoint via custom subdomain

my team and I are currently exploring using Azure static site blobs and CDN endpoints to host several web apps.
We have successfully deployed our static files to the blog storage and our entire test app loads on both the primary (name.abc.web.core.windows.net) and CDN (name.azureedge.net) endpoints. When it comes to mapping a custom subdomain via the “cdnverify” temporary step, however, I am unsuccessful.
I have very carefully followed and quintuple-checked all steps in the support doc "Tutorial: Add a custom domain to your Azure CDN endpoint" (here).
This is my current DNS config (via Namecheap).
When I skip the cdnverify step, e.g. assign the azureedge CNAME value directly to a host called “v2”, and add that as a custom domain in my Azure portal CDN blade, the subdomain begins loading the CDN endpoint and can even have a CDN-managed HTTPS cert deployed with no manual verification. A dig command to this host (v2.ourdomain.org) finds an expected response (view here).
Here's the rub, though. If I assign a CNAME host of “cdnverify.static” to “cdnverify.name.azureedge.net.” and add it as a custom domain in the portal’s CDN blade, however, this secondary subdomain never loads our endpoint, and cannot deploy an HTTPS cert. The Azure portal verified this host when added to the endpoint and a dig command to “cdnverify.static.ourdomain.org” shows this answer, which looks good.
A dig command to “static.ourdomain.org” returns no answer and a ping command says “unknown host”. This is expected since I’ve not created such a record yet, and so I am wondering how we’re meant to ensure this subdomain is verified as per the “Verify the custom domain” section in the above-mentioned doc.
It’s very important for us that the cdnverify host works and can be assigned a certificate before we permanently re-locate our domains as these apps are already in production. At this point, I am at a loss over what to try next. If possible, I’d love to know what step(s) I am missing, or what can further be done to diagnose the issue.
Many thanks to anybody who might have some advice!
The cdnverify subdomain is to create a temporary CNAME mapping to avoid interruption of web traffic. With this method, users can access your domain without interruption while the DNS mapping occurs. If you have not any existing web app work, you can skip the cdnverify step.
From your description, "a dig command to cdnverify.static.ourdomain.org shows this answer, which looks good." It indicates that the cdnverify host works and you have verified that. You just need to associate the custom domain with your CDN endpoint.
In this step, you enter your custom domain like static.ourdomain.org, including the subdomain. Do not use the cdnverify subdomain name.
After you have added the custom domain static.ourdomain.org successfully in the CDN endpoint.
At this point, your custom domain has been verified by Azure, but
traffic to your domain is not yet being routed to your CDN endpoint.
After waiting long enough to allow the custom domain settings to
propagate to the CDN edge nodes (90 minutes for Azure CDN from
Verizon, 1-2 minutes for Azure CDN from Akamai), return to your DNS
registrar's web site and create another CNAME record that maps your
subdomain to your CDN endpoint. For example, specify the subdomain as
www or cdn, and the hostname as .azureedge.net. With
this step, the registration of your custom domain is complete.
After you have completed the registration of your custom domain, verify that custom domain references your CDN endpoint.
Finally, you could freely remove the cdnverify CNAME record in your domain provider as it was necessary only as an intermediary step..
Ref: https://github.com/uglide/azure-content/blob/master/articles/cdn/cdn-map-content-to-custom-domain.md#how-to-map-custom-domain-to-content-delivery-network-cdn-endpoint

Azure Migrating Website Hostnames

I am trying to set up a secondary azure website in a different subscription.
When creating the Custom Hostname for the new site location, I am forced to validate the hostname.
Azure complains that the hostname is registered against a different CNAME and prevents me from adding it.
This is true, but I don't care, I want this to swap over from the old website to
the new one when the DNS records propagate.
I the old IIS world, I'd have just added the hostname to two servers and when the dns pointed to the correct one, it worked.
Now in Azure it validates that the Azure Hostname I am pointing it to is correct and that the cname record already exists, it isn't 'valid' until I change the DNS.
I have to disassociate the current cname, then add to my new site.
I'm sure the only issue here is the "validation", there is no reason why I can't have the name in two places, dns decides which it goes to, not the end point web site.
I'd like to be able to set this alias, whether valid or not, so that when it becomes valid, it works.
The result I get is validation prevent me adding the hostname.
- I have to ask the client to change the DNS Record
- when they manage to do that, they will tell me
- only then I can go in to Azure and add the hostname to make my site work.
There is documentation for this exact scenario: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-custom-domain-name-migrate
You can create a TXT record with host:
and value:
This verifies domain ownership without directing traffic to it.

DNS on a Windows Azure Web Site

Good afternoon,
I'm moving the restnet.es domain to host on a Windows Azure Web Site, but it just doesn't work. I guess I made all the configuration correctly, changing the A and CNAME records on the domain register (arsys.es), but the Windows Azure portal doesn't catch it.
The DNS is seted as following: http://www.digwebinterface.com/?hostnames=www.restnet.es&type=&ns=resolver&useresolver=
As above, it seems is all working, pointing as expected to But when I go into the Portal and set it up, I got this message:
"The DNS record for 'restnet.es' that points to 'restnetes.azurewebsites.net' could not be located. If you want to configure an A record, you must first create a CNAME record with your DNS provider for 'awverify.restnet.es' that points to 'awverify.restnetes.azurewebsites.net'. First allow the resource record to propagate, and then create the A record."
What am I doing wrong? Where is my mistake?
PS: this is the actual configuration:
awverify.restnet.es CNAME
restnet.es A
www.restnet.es CNAME
www.restnet.es CNAME restnetes.azurewebsites.net
it is in place, no action needed
awverify.www.restnet.es CNAME awverify.restnetes.azurewebsites.net
returns nothing, you need to add record above into your DNS
it will take max 48 hours to propagated.
