It's possible with QWebEngineView to load page php? - qwebengineview

hello evryone help me svp,
I want to load my php code page, but it's impossible, on my View I see my code. For local development I know you have to use a local server (appach, wampserver,...) for Qt I don't know
If you can help me


Python - Check to see if an application is a web browser

I'm building a program which connects python to a gui built in html. It's built to accept the path to a browser application as a parameter. Once checking to make sure that that application exists, I'd love to do a validation check to make sure that the application is in fact a web browser. Is there any way to do this?
Apologies for the lack of code.
Better yet, don't ask people to input the path to their browser. The OS already knows what is their browser of choice, it's called the default browser, and it's at least more convenient. No approach is really hack-free anyway.
import webbrowser

Preloading web pages

I want to write a module? an addon? a plugin? an extension? to a web browser, which will preload all web pages by links, which could be found on a "current" web page - a web page on which user is currently on. After, if user want to switch to some other web page by a link from "current", browser should just open that preloaded page from somewhere, where we store preloaded pages, and do the same actions from new " current ". So, the question is, which of above variants (module? an addon? a plugin? an extension?) could solve my problem, (because as I understand, some of them can have limited functions), or maybe I have to edit the source code of browser, and which browser would you suggest to work with? And if you know any information source, which could help me in understanding how to implement it, I'd be grateful if you post a link! (I'd really appreciate a full answer, because I didn't found much info on the internet about this theme). Thank you!

Pepper Robot Web Debugging

We're trying to show a web page on pepper's tablet, but something goes wrong. How can we get the browser's error messages to debug the web page?
We know js 1.5 is implemented, so we installed all kind of polyfills for Promises, forEach, etc. But no luck. How can we get meaningful debugging info?
I create a git for showing a web page and send event with the module ALMemory ( see it for an example). For debugging, it is more complicated but you can also try this. You can create a template for showing web page and connect directly it to your robot. For example, you install it on your pc and create a web-page template with python service-tabletpage my-package-name MyServiceName. A package will be create in a file output. Open this app on choregraphe and install it on the robot. You can after that launch on your computer the web page (double click on index.html, name by default) and just adding at the end of the url ?robot=ip_of_the_robot. You can now debug your code.

Trying to view website just on my personal computer while developing

I thought this would be simple enough but apparently not... Currently I'm just trying to make some simple HTML/JS files to test out bootstrap, and I'm leaving them on my C drive, and attempting to view them from within my browser (chrome). However, when I try, it just tells me the HTML file I'm pointing at isn't a website and that's the end of it.
What exactly am I doing wrong?
EDIT: It just says this
No webpage was found for the web address: file:///C:/.../test.html
Try starting your browser in admin mode. Open the properties window of your browser executable (C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe), go to Compatibility tab and check "Run this application as administrator"

How do I restrict access to my game client source

Hello I run a flash gaming site and when people go on to play they load this client that goes into the game if the user does Control +U it shows the source of links and files of my site! and I installed cloudflare to hide my server ip but if I hide the server ip in page called Variables they can access it by viewing source and the Variables is SWF's for my game so I cant block the swfs from access to people or the game will not load right! I need to stop access from the outside world viewing those pages to know my server ip.
Ctrl + U only shows the source of the web page (the HTML, JavaScript, and CSS, etc). SWF files are not human-readable, so your source is safe.
Open up one of your SWFs with Notepad++ or similar. You'll see something like this:
Though, I would assume there is some way to decompile or reverse engineer a compiled file, but that applies to every language.
