Create Client ID and And Client Secret in azure - azure

We have created a SharePoint provider-hosted app and the Web App of the app is hosted in the Local IIS.
We are also using the App only permission with the Tenant Full control as follows:
Now, one of our clients is looking to Generate a Client ID and client secret in Azure and wants to use them in the SharePoint provider-hosted app.
Is that possible to generate without hosting the Provider hosted app in azure using the app service?


Is it possible to have Azure App Registration in one tenant and App Services in another

Does anyone know if it's possible to create a App Registration in one tenant and then use that registration in another tenant within App Services?
Regards, Oskar
In general yes it is. If you create an app registration, you might define the URL of the App Service in its reply URLs.
Then you can define on the App Service that it should use authentication with a given AAD tenant.
After all you can use AAD authentication anywhere, on an app hosted in AWS, the Google cloud or an on-prem server.
Of course the Authentication/Authorization feature of App Service is only available there, but that doesn't stop you from configuring authentication within your app.
Managed Identity is a feature that only works within the tenant connected to the subscription though.

How to change the URL of Web API service

An Azure App Service Web API using .NET Core was successfully deployed using the Visual Studio 2017 Publish function but now the URL needs to change. How can I do that?
You could map custom DNS name to Azure App Service
Go to the App Service blade.
On the blade, find the Custom domains or bind the SSL settings.
Then you could follow the Tutorial: Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service and the Tutorial: Bind an existing custom SSL certificate to Azure App Service.
As both API Apps and Web Apps share the same underlying infrastructure.
Hope it helps.

Authenticate converged applications(MSA) on Azure Webapp

We are planning to setup a multi-tenant azure web api which will be invoke by a client app which is registered as converged app with MSA but now in Azure AD. The client app owner dont have Azure AD on thier side. And the client belongs to different tenant.
Can someone please explain how the client will invoke our azure ad web api as client isn't registered as azure webapp.
We have setup .net core azure webapp
You need to consent to the web API from your client app tenant first. To consent to the web API, you could follow this:
By this, a service principal will be created in your app tenant for the API, allowing you to assign app permissions to the web API in your app tenant.

new site on

Is it now possible to create new site on domain in Azure?
I cannot now create new Mobile Service in Azure Portal (classic), I received the error:
Mobile Service is no longer accepting new subscriptions. Please use
Azure Mobile Apps instead.
But when I try to create Mobile App or App Service, I can create site only in domain.
You can't create new Mobile Service as the service is being deprecated. Mobile App is part of App Service that include Web App, Mobile App, Logic App and API App and this service only uses the domain.

Office 365 Provider Hosted app Deployment in Azure

I deployed Office 365 app into azure.. and it is working fine when i deploy with F5 in visual studio..
But the problem is that i am not able to visit app directly with link because it is a SharePoint app it requires {StandardTokens}.
I tried this but no luck..
When developing a provider hosted app in SharePoint, you need to access the app through SP, so your code will get the authentication token and execute all your code to retrieve data from SP through the API. You do not need to access the app through the URL. this is not the intent of provider hosted app. The provider hosted app gives you the flexibility to host your app outside the SP farm (which is in your case in Azure) and integrate properly with Azure AD for exchanging required token to develop against the SP API.
Check out this link that gives a step of step walkthrough for working with provider hosted apps:
Hope this helps.
