FIND() formula to include "implicit intersection operator" change required - excel

Over the weekend, my work laptop did a restart and Microsoft gave me the perfect gift in Excel, it introduced the implicit intersection operator which has completely messed up my world, literally every formula has gone crazy.
I've checked every link I can and cannot work out how to correct even the most basic formula. I would like to ask about this one so I can at least make some progress forwards.
=FIND('Value Definitions'!C3,'User Interface'!K:K) was my formula that was worked forever.
The explanation of this formula is to flag all value definitions that have been used within text of all rows in the user interface column K.
When Excel asks me to correct the formula, it rewrites it as =FIND('Value Definitions'!C3,#'User Interface'!K:K).
This results in #VALUE rather than a number of where the first occurrence was found. If I remove the # then I get #SPILL!.
Just to reiterate the purpose of the formula, I identify which phrases exist in an interface that come from the value definitions worksheet, irrespective of the number value I get (character count of first occurence), I just want to identify that it exists at least once. Then I can use this flag to lookup all related value definitions to be included on the user interface.
Thanks for your help in advance.


VLOOKUP function not returning correct value, Index Match also incorrect. User Error?

Working in Excel 2019. In the same realm as one of my previous questions, I'm working with a database that I'm trying to look through via functions to get my values. The VLOOKUP tool worked well for going through the time-table to find the value I need, but it's not working when I'm trying to find RPM as the look-up value. Here's the gist of the data.
We have Time(sec, A:A in "PPT_156Data" sheet), RPM (B:B in same sheet), and Pressure (Bar, C:C in same sheet).
From the graph, you can see that we ramp to 8000RPM over the course of around 60 seconds, and then ramp down to 0RPM over the next 30. Test times WILL vary and rates WILL vary from pump-to-pump, as each one will give different data values based on the pump. That's why, say, 1000RPM will not be in the same spot every time.
I'm trying to find the RPM at 1000 intervals up to 8000 and report out the pressure at said intervals.
Here's what I tried so far, with imagery as well.
'Disregard if you see W25 for S25, I had just been trying multiple things
First, I attempted the same VLOOKUP code I had done for the time-table prior
=VLOOKUP(S25,PPT156_Data!B:C,2,TRUE) 'S25 being lookup value
This worked fine, UP UNTIL it hit a particular spot. For some reason, as soon as it tries to find an approximate match for 6663RPM, it faults out and gives incorrect data. From then on, all the way to 8000RPM, it will ONLY give the result of 0.139BAR. I have no clue why. Trying to find that value in the return array gives multiple results, but it's not like it's the ONLY value left.
So, I tried to do a wildcard for it with the following code
=VLOOKUP("*"&S25&"*",PPT156_Data!B:C,2,FALSE) 'Attempted both False and True states
Gave N/A for both of the values. Not sure if I'm entering in the wildcard incorrectly here. The decimal places that the RPM can go to ranges between 2-5 (hundredths to hundred-thousandths, IE 7000.00750)
I then thought maybe an Index Match would work.
Tried that in wildcard format too, returned nothing. So, I decided to see if I could even match a value for RPM with the following attempts
This gave nothing. HOWEVER, when setting the match specification to 1, it gives the very last row in the data set. So, I decided to find a value in column B, and attempt to match with it exactly.
This also returned nothing. Even though, you can see in my images, that the value is ABSOLUTELY there. SIGFIG shows it's 7000.1 but trust me, it's 7000.07. So that sort of threw me for a loop. Figuring maybe there was a different error and grasping at straws, tried another Index Match formula, this time subtracting the lookup value in an attempt to get it extremely close and absolute value/min it
I'm at a loss. I'm not sure if because the rate ramps up and down, thus not being in ascending order, is causing a problem? I can't change that. I am thinking I may need to create a macro for this in some way? Maybe a helper table? But I can't even FIND the match value to create a helper table. Any help at all would be VERY appreciative.
Thank you for your time looking at my post.
I am presuming that you want the first pressure reading when the RPM hits above each 1000 interval. I got to a solution but feels a bit complex.
Breaking this down, we create a boolean array where the RPM hits above the interval
and then we multiple this by the array of the rows of column B
which gives us an array of the row numbers when the RPM is above E12 but also zero for all the ones that do not.
We then force an error with the zeros by dividing and replace with null. We get the max since we inverse the row numbers and then inverse again to get the row number back.
[Excel working screenshot][1]

If/And functions are not working correctly in my formula, can someone help me?

I have a field in my excel spreadsheet that depends on several different fields to determine the calculation that should be made. I think I have my formula correct but I am not getting the appropriate responses so I know there must be something I am missing. Let me start by summarizing what I am attempting to do.
If D5=2, then I need to verify if $AI$12-AB14>(3/24) and return a T if it is or leave the field blank if not. Alternatively, if D5=1, then I have to also verify that Y14=Y and Z14=Y, and finally $AC$12-AA14>(3/24) and return a T if so, or leave the field blank if not.
(The reference to 3/24 is required as I am performing time calculations from data entry fields pulling from a userform)
What I am receiving for a response is 'True'. That is not an option so I suspect it is returning the result of a specific logical statement? Below is my formula:
I can't insert an image in comments, so I'll reply. This simplified example shows how it works:
And pay attention to D5 - are there really values 1 and 2 as text. If not, the quotation marks must be removed from the formula

Need to understand fomula re: excel search for a string in a table and return string if true

I've adapted this solution from a couple of years ago:
I use this for searching within a description field for keywords in a named list, in order to return a corresponding category from an adjacent named list.
However I do not understand the significance of 2^15. Can someone explain?
Also it's unclear in what order the search operates. If two keyword options were "check" and "deposit," and they were assigned to different categories, but both appeared in the same description field cell, how do I know which will be found first? Is it placement in the string, or order in the list?
2^15 is simply an arbitrarily large number, which lookup attempts to find - when it can't find it, it takes the next lowest number.
Effectively your formula looks at Keywords, and attempts to find the value in A2. For each word that actually matches A2, it provides a non-error message. Then out of the whole list, it attempts to find that line number in categories, resulting in many errors, and a single correct value. Lookup picks the value by using 2^15. Though this seems to be a weird way of doing it; it is likely a holdover of pre-2007, as Lookup is generally used now only for backwards compatibility purposes. Also using 1 instead of 2^15 worked for a couple of simple cases that I tried when writing this up.

Excel can't find a value even though it exists within the worksheet

this is my first post so i am sorry if this is confusing at all. I am trying to use a vLookup to run a comparative analysis between two reports. I am using a part number as a reference and trying to return the cost associated with the part from one of the two reports. So, the first issue that I encountered was due to the fact that some of the part numbers had letters in them and some didn't, so to be consistent I used the following code to clean up the part numbers:
IFERROR(VALUE(F11&C11), F11&C11)
where F11 and C11 are two components of the part number that needed to be concatenated to generate the full number. Now, the vLookup will not return anything except for #N/A for a few of the part numbers that are actually in the sheet. All of the part numbers are formatted the same for the 892 part numbers that I am searching for but get a returned value on 571 of the 892 part numbers but of the remaining 321 part numbers that did not have a return, about a third actually exist in my sheet. Lastly and for example, part number 110874402 exists in both sheets but gets a #N/A from the vLookup. When I copy the value from one sheet and search it in the other sheet using Ctrl + F, I get the following:
(I have an image to show but apparently can't post it without a reputation of 10 or more...oops)
The highlighted cell shows that the value exists but Excel can't find it. Does anyone have any ideas why this is or what I could be doing differently? I've been having this issue for a few months now on separate projects and haven't found any resolution.
Thanks in advance,
try =VLOOKUP("*"&TRIM(F569)&"*", BOBJ!$D$3:$P$2237, 7, FALSE) - I have a feeling spaces may have crept around the part numbers, which means that the exact match will not work.
The TRIM takes the spaces from the cell you are looking at, and the "*"'s will allow a wildcard search - note that this also means that CAT would also match CAT1, but if it produces results where there were none before, it gives you something to check for.

How to parse cells and remove selected data from excel

I have this as a few cells in excel 2010:
There are a few things I am trying to accomplish, though they're really all variations of the same thing.
In both Price Paid and Price Returned, I have values that can either be formatted as "# (type)" or as an expression of the form "# (type)+# (type2) ...". What I'm trying to do is reduce the expressions from their current state into just numerical values. I've figured out how to do it if it is just the first case ("# (type)"), however I'm having issues with doing the second case, since the parse stops after the first instance of " ". Below I have the code that I'm using in both Numerical Paid and Numerical Returned. The ISNUMBER category is there just to show which things register as numbers and which don't.
Numerical Paid and Numerical Returned Code:
=INT(IF(ISNUMBER(D2),D2,LEFT(D2,FIND(" ",D2,1)-1)))
I did some more google searching and found that someone had already written a VBA function to do this. Lovely.
I've linked the source below.
All I had to do was replace the ".," with "+-/*", so that it'll handle all operations. Simple, elegant, and useful. Afterwards, I used the solution posted here (as an answer to another one of my questions):
How to make a cell equal to the value of an expression in another cell (Excel 2010)?
to evaluate the resulting string.
Thanks everyone.
