No MessageBodyWriter for Single - jaxb

I'm trying to use resteasy-rxjava2 to provide an XML document using jaxb, within a vertx application (using a non-vertx legacy library we have). But I get:
Could not find MessageBodyWriter for response object of type:
org.jboss.resteasy.rxjava2.propagation.ContextPropagatorOnSingleAssemblyAction$ContextPropagatorSingle of media type:
From what I can tell, this comes down to the difference between a MessageBodyWriter and the AsyncResponseProvider that is in the resteasy-rxjava2 dependency for a Single (SingleProvider).
I have the following resteasy service definition
// CHECKSTYLE:OFF too many parameters
public Response getQuery(...)
How do I get resteasy to properly serve the data asynchrously, using the SingleProvider or otherwise.

The #Get method must return the Single explicitly or it doesn't work. (Can't use Response or Object). In my case, the Single contains the jaxb xml root element.
public Single<FDSNStationXML> getQuery(...)
Then, to make things more complicated, in order to handle specific exception types and map them to specific response status codes, I have to create a custom ExceptionMapper which creates the Response object I used to be able to create directly in the method. (in resteasy-vertx, I found no documentation on how to do this, but in my case, I am creating my own VertxRestEasyDeployment object so I can register the class of the ExceptionMapper(s) like this:
VertxResteasyDeployment deployment = new VertxResteasyDeployment();
For reference, this is all being done with:
RestEasy 5.0.3.Final (including resteasy-rxjava2)
RxJava 2.2.20
Vertx 3.9.5


FakeItEasy in C# on a servicereference

I have a servicereference with a method I need to use in a test.
The servicereference class is defined as:
public class MyServiceReference : Clientbase<IMyServiceReference>, IMyServiceReference
public MyServiceReference()
..... methods is then defined
From my testmethod I have tried both
private MyServiceReference myServiceReferenceFake = A.Fake<MyServiceReference>();
// And
private MyServiceReference myServiceReference = new MyServiceReference();
For both of these is crashes in the constructor with the message:
System.InvalidOperationException: Could not find default endpoint element that references contract.
All I need is to have a callto definition from a method in that class.
How can this be solved?
I've no experience with Clientbase, which I assume to be a System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<TChannel>,but I can make some general comments.
Since you tried first to fake a MyServiceReference, I'll assume that you're not testing that class, and you want to use it as a collaborator for the system under test. In that case, your best bet is to try faking IMyServiceReference. interfaces are very easy to fake, since they don't bring along any behaviour or baggage like faking a class does.
If you feel you really need to fake a MyServiceReference, then we have to contend with the fact that FakeItEasy will eventually call MyServiceReference(), which will call ClientBase<IMyServiceReference>(), whose documentation says
Initializes a new instance of the ClientBase<TChannel> class using the default target endpoint from the application configuration file.
Based on the error you reported, I assume that the application configuration file is not found or does not include the configuration required to create a MyServiceReference. The fact that you get the same error when you just try to instantiate a MyServiceReference directly strengthens my belief.
So I think your paths forward are either to try faking IMyServiceReference or to provide the configuration that ClientBase<IMyServiceReference> needs.

AutoMapper inline mapping throwing mapper not initialized

I'm trying to use AutoMapper in a API wrapper class library project to map from API models to our domain models. While looking at the AutoMapper documentation I ran into the inline mapping feature.
Documentation says:
AutoMapper creates type maps on the fly (new in 6.2.0). When you call Mapper.Map for the first time, AutoMapper will create the type map configuration and compile the mapping plan. Subsequent mapping calls will use the compiled map.
So I wrote the following line of code in my wrapper class library:
var data = response.Results.Select(Mapper.Map<Session, Media>).ToList();
basically just trying to map the Session object I get from the API into our Media objects. But this throws the following error:
Mapper not initialized. Call Initialize with appropriate configuration. If you are trying to use mapper instances through a container or otherwise, make sure you do not have any calls to the static Mapper.Map methods, and if you're using ProjectTo or UseAsDataSource extension methods, make sure you pass in the appropriate IConfigurationProvider instance.
I was under the impression that inline mapping is exactly supposed to bypass having to initialize and define configuration for AutoMapper? Am I wrong?
Also if I am indeed wrong then how are you supposed to configure and initialize AutoMapper inside a class library to where it happens only once? I would like the library to be independent, meaning I don't want the programmer using the library to have to configure AutoMapper in his project in order for the library to work properly.

spring XD - http-client add application/json header

I've installed Spring XD in my PaaS environment and for legacy issue I'm stuck with version 1.0.0.M1. ( see reference doc).
My goal is to call a http rest API using the http-client module. My stream definition is:
http | httpclient --url='''<my_url>''' --http-method=POST --mappedRequestHeaders=HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS | log --expression=#root
Unfortunately, since the http module only sends the payload to the httpclient, the httpclient returns a 415 error due to the absence of the content-type header.
Considering that I can neither add new modules nor modify existing ones (in such a version you can only reference to the spring repository), I would like to use a tranform module to inject the content-type header.
How can I achieve such a goal?
Many thanks for your help.
I just found that httpclient processor (link) supports headersExpression A SpEL expression used to derive the http headers map to use. However:
Gives the following parse exception:
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1008E:
(pos 1): Property or field 'Content' cannot be found on object of type '' - maybe not public?
See GH issue for more StackTrace.
First of all it isn't Spring XD any more. Spring Cloud Dataflow is different product and its behavior maybe not that which you had with Spring XD before.
Second: it is in version 1.0.0.RC1 already. So, consider to upgrade.
Now on the problem. Look:
A SpEL expression used to derive the http headers map to use.
So, this expression must return a Map and it is confirmed by the code:
if (properties.getHeadersExpression() != null) {
Map<?, ?> headersMap = properties.getHeadersExpression().getValue(message, Map.class);
Now let's take a look into the problem:
org.springframework.expression.spel.SpelEvaluationException: EL1008E:(pos 1): Property or field 'Content' cannot be found on object of type '' - maybe not public?
org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference.readProperty( ~[spring-expression-4.2.4.RELEASE.jar!/:4.2.4.RELEASE]
org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference.getValueInternal( ~[spring-expression-4.2.4.RELEASE.jar!/:4.2.4.RELEASE]
org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.PropertyOrFieldReference.getValueInternal( ~[spring-expression-4.2.4.RELEASE.jar!/:4.2.4.RELEASE]
org.springframework.expression.spel.ast.OpMinus.getValueInternal( ~[spring-expression-4.2.4.RELEASE.jar!/:4.2.4.RELEASE]
OpMinus is a root of cause. So, SpEL treats Content-Type expression as a minus operator.
Sad, of course, but the workaround is like wrapping the key into quotes as well:

Jax-rs QueryParam causing multi-thread issue when defined as the resource POJO member field

Question Description :
I have a JAX-RS resource pojo defined as below (outside is cxf container inregrated with spring, running in a tomcat)
public class TestService {
#PathParam("id") private String id;
public Response get() throws Exception{
return Response.ok().entity(id).build();
Then I use jmeter to send some load with auto-increasing "id" parameters to the server. And I got this issue : the id in the response doesn't match that was sent.
E.g. request "localhost:8090/test/100" will get a "87" in the response.
And The frequency of error increases by using more client threads or making the handler method slower like this :
public Response get() throws Exception{
return Response.ok().entity(id).build();
My thinking and confusion: The TestService is used as a singleton and since the "id" is a shared
field, so it MAY cause inconsistency issue when there are multiple threads running the "get()" function because it uses the shared "id". And then I put the "id" into the method parameter issue was resolved :
public class TestService {
public Response get(#PathParam("id") String id) throws Exception{
return Response.ok().entity(id).build();
My confusion is : If this is a existing problem, I did saw lots of places and articles with the first style of using #PathParam, even in the jsr-339-jaxrs final spec?
![code snippets from jsr-339-jaxrs final spec][1]
Or both style there is good but I made some mistakes on my code?
A quick look at the docs seems to suggest that in CXF, with Spring, resources are treated as singletons by default:
"By default, the service beans which are referenced directly from the jaxrs:server endpoint declarations are treated by the runtime as singleton JAX-RS root resources"
Apache CXF Docs - Lifecycle Management Section
But in Jersey, the JAX-RS reference implementation, root resources are treated as dependent scoped (a new one is created on each request) unless otherwise specified.
By default the life-cycle of root resource classes is per-request which, namely that a new instance of a root resource class is created every time the request URI path matches the root resource.
See section 3.4 in
So, if you are using CXF with Spring, your resources are likely singletons unless you configure them to be Spring Prototypes. With dependent scoped injection, #PathParam as an instance field should be fine, but in a singleton scope it you would expect to see issues like you describe.

How to use ObjectContext with Model Builder?

Is there a way we can use ObjectContext with DbContext's ModelBuilder? We don't want to use POCO because we have customized property code that does not modify entire object in update, but only update modified properties. Also we have lots of serialisation and auditing code that uses EntityObject.
Since poco does create a proxy with EntityObject, we want our classes to be derived from EntityObject. We don't want proxy. We also heavily use CreateSourceQuery. The only problem is EDMX file and its big connection string syntax web.config.
Is there any way I can get rid of EDMX file? It will be useful as we can dynamically compile new class based on reverse engineering database.
I would also like to use DbContext with EntityObject instead of poco.
Internal Logic
Access Modified Properties in Save Changes which is available in ObjectStateEntry and Save them onto Audit with Old and New Values
Most of times we need to only check for Any condition on Navigation Property for example
.Any( x=> x.EmailAddress == givenAddress);
Access Property Attributes, such as XmlIgnore etc, we rely heavily on attributes defined on the properties.
A proxy for a POCO is a dynamically created class which derives from (inherits) a POCO. It adds functionality previously found in EntityObject, namely lazy loading and change tracking, as long as a POCO meets requirements. A POCO or its proxy does not contain an EntityObject as the question suggests, but rather a proxy contains functionality of EntityObject. You cannot (AFAIK) use ModelBuilder with EntityObject derivatives and you cannot get to an underlying EntityObject from a POCO or a proxy, since there isn't one as such.
I don't know what features of ObjectContext does your existing serialisation and auditing code use, but you can get to ObjectContext from a DbContext by casting a DbContext to a IObjectContextAdapter and accessing IObjectContextAdapter.ObjectContext property.
1. Access Modified Properties in Save Changes which is available in ObjectStateEntry and Save them onto Audit with Old and New Values
You can achieve this with POCOs by using DbContext.ChangeTracker. First you call DbContext.ChangeTracker.DetectChanges to detect the changes (if you use proxies this is not needed, but can't hurt) and then you use DbCotnext.Entries.Where(e => e.State != EntityState.Unchanged && e.State != EntityState.Detached) to get DbEntityEntry list of changed entities for auditing. Each DbEntityEntry has OriginalValues and CurrentValues and the actual Entity is in property Entity.
You also have access to ObjectStateEntry, see below.
2. Most of times we need to only check for Any condition on Navigation Property for example:
User.EmailAddresses.CreateSourceQuery().Any( x=> x.EmailAddress == givenAddress);
You can use CreateSourceQuery() with DbContext by utilizing IObjectContextAdapter as described previously. When you have ObjectContext you can get to the source query for a related end like this:
public static class DbContextUtils
public static ObjectQuery<TMember> CreateSourceQuery<TEntity, TMember>(this IObjectContextAdapter adapter, TEntity entity, Expression<Func<TEntity, ICollection<TMember>>> memberSelector) where TMember : class
var objectStateManager = adapter.ObjectContext.ObjectStateManager;
var objectStateEntry = objectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntry(entity);
var relationshipManager = objectStateManager.GetRelationshipManager(entity);
var entityType = (EntityType)objectStateEntry.EntitySet.ElementType;
var navigationProperty = entityType.NavigationProperties[(memberSelector.Body as MemberExpression).Member.Name];
var relatedEnd = relationshipManager.GetRelatedEnd(navigationProperty.RelationshipType.FullName, navigationProperty.ToEndMember.Name);
return ((EntityCollection<TMember>)relatedEnd).CreateSourceQuery();
This method uses no dynamic code and is strongly typed since it uses expressions. You use it like this:
myDbContext.CreateSourceQuery(invoice, i => i.details);
