Using Oracle Instant Client with macOS Monterey - node.js

Guys I´m having this issue installing the Oracle instant client on my MacBook air M1
DPI-1047 cannot locate 64-bit oracle client library dlopen(libclntsh.dlyb)
someone already did it before

You can download the "Basic Package" zip for version
Once you have downloaded, unzip the files and move them to /usr/local/lib folder. This should solve your issue.
You may run into a security issue opening the files, in that case you will need to open them individually on the finder in order to manually allow mac to trust them.


Downloading debian Neo4j version from Windows

I'm trying to download the Debian Neo4j version from a Window 7 machine. I'm not managing to find the URL in order to download the package/file . I have installed the GOW software for some linux commands.
Any assistance would be appreciated.
I found this link - . Know I need to figure out what is the best file to download in order to install it on an Ubuntu Machine
You've got two options :
If you've got access to the package repository (from your Ubuntu machine), follow the information in to install it as a package. That's the best option which also provides start/stop scripts, a user that runs Neo4j (neo4j) and also allows for easier upgrades.
If you can not reach the internet from your Ubuntu machine (as could be deduced from the way you're trying to do it, the zip (or tar.gz for Linux) download is the way to go. You can find that at
Hope this helps.

Installing a oracle forms development machine

After working with Oracle databases and Apex for many years, I want to get some knowledge about Oracle forms & reports, because they are still quite widely used.
I've never seen Oracle forms & reports, so I want to create a development installation for learning purposes. Unfortunately installing Oracle forms seems a bit more tedious than I expected and I'm a bit stuck.
Windows installation
I first tried installing Oracle 12c (from on windows 7 x64. I installed the "Standalone forms builder", because when I chose "Forms and reports deployment", I got this error:
After installation I tried to start frmbld.exe, but immediately got this error:
FRM-91135: fatal error: message file D:\oracle\client\user123\product\12.1.0\client_1\forms\mesg\fmcus.msb not found
My oracle client is installed in that directory, but the mentioned file is certainty not there.
linux installation
Googling around I did not find any solution for this problem, so i decided to switch to a Linux virtual box machine. I installed Oracle linux x64 and then installed with a download from the same page again.
Once more I could only choose "Standalone forms builder", when I chose "Forms and reports deployment" I got exactly the same error as on windows. The installation ran successful.
After installation I tried to start formbuilder, this time I was presented this error:
./frmbld: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
So now I'm a bit stuck. My questions are:
Am I going the right way with the way I'm trying to install Oracle forms? or is there a better / easier way?
Do I need a "Forms and reports deployment" to be able to experiment with Oracle forms? or is the standalone installation the right way to go?
Are there any pre-installed virtual machines available for this? (I googled but couldn't find anything.)
Do I need a running Oracle database to be able to experiment with Oracle forms?
Linux installation:
Yes you are going the correct path installing Forms/Reports. There is no easier install method (Oracle does not have a prebuilt VM with Forms/Reports).
You will require an Oracle database to connect to.
To fix the linux error you will need to install additional OS packages, probably motif - you can run (to find the packages required): yum whatprovides libXm*
I have installed Forms Builder 12c (standalone install) on Fedora and it is working correctly.
The windows error might be related to you OS PATH ENV - if you have any other Oracle products installed, the PATH order may need to be changed, put the Forms related paths at the beginning.
Unfortunately I was unable to get it properly working with my previous attempts. In the end I restarted an installed a windows 10 x64 virtual machine, after which i followed these excellent video's to get everything working:

Load Runner set-up error

I downloaded HP Load-runner 12 Community Edition Additional Components. I tried to install but after extracting files to the temp folder then simply installation is closed. I didn't get the pop up to select the "LoadRunner full setup" please help for installing the LoadRunner in my system
This is the proper place to download HP loadrunner latest version, Enter your correct details and after downloading take by default path of program files. I am sure it won't create any problem.
Sign in as Administrator to have the necessary rights for installation

Update nodejs in cygwin

Sometime back I've installed nodejs via cygwin which shows me the version 0.4.12 when I do node -v in bash.
Recently I've installed nodejs with the window installer which shows me the version 0.10.20 in window command prompt.
My Problem is I'm using Claymate for GumbyFramework in cygwin and it requires nodejs version above 0.8.0. How can I update the Nodejs in cygwin to the latest version?
Btw I'm using Windows Vista OS.
Pls. help!! Thanks in Advance..
Please know that Cygwin is not a supported platform. There would be a node version which would break things for you. The latest version that compiles natively on Cygwin is 0.4.12. Though the wiki page mentions some people had success building Node.js 0.10 on MinGW+MSYS. Try the following instructions :
Don't mess with compile on Windows. You may want to just replace the old version Node.exe file with the newer Node.exe file on disk. You should be able to find the Cygwin folders within Windows explorer. You can search the entire disk, in windows not cygwin, for the file name node.exe. You should see the node.exe windows is finding, and the one cygwin is finding, under the cygwin folders.
Rename the cygwin node.exe and copy in the newer node.exe. Now, you nay get an issue with npm, in which case you may want to try the same thing with the npm folder.
I know cygwin isnt officially supported, but when you get it installed correctly it works.

Legacy Cywgin Installation Using Cywgin Time Machine Failing (Unable to get setup-2.ini)

I am attempting to download an older version of Cygwin (1.7.16) in order to compile an open source project (Dummynet - windows port).
The only way i found of doing so is by using a project known as Cygwin Time Machine.
In order to use this i downloaded the cygwin 1.7 installer from '', and when prompted for a download site, added ''. However, the download fails with the following error :
Unable to get setup-2.ini from
Im looking for help in getting past this error, or any other alternative way of installing Cywgin 1.7.16 (Aug 20, 2012).
The Admin at Cygwin Time Machine was kind enough to point me to the solution. The issue can be resolved by downloading the cygwin setup exe from and starting it with the -X option. Once started, one may choose any cygwin 1.7.* snapshot url from the cygwin time machine site and add that as the mirror to download and install cygwin from.
