I am using the buildfire Whitelabel client's account and I want to know the answer's to the following questions
How can we customize the Sidemenu, Navbar, etc like the below screenshot
SideMenu Bottom Bar
Is there any plugin for mobile number verification?
Please let me know how we can use this plugin, as we can't find this on the plugin
marketplace Chat Plugin Screenshot
Also, after pushing app to testflight we see that app is looking different in testflight and different in the buildfiire testing console, i cant attach the screenshot of the app here but let me if we can share it somewhere on email, we know this is the device size issues, so can we upload svgs image? or can you give use design guidelines, as we are following this https://learn.appdocumentation.com/en/articles/2195862-branding-page-tutorial but still feel images are not looking proper, so give us proper guidance
Please let me know how we can add a custom screens before login and register screens, with buttons
I use Google Dialog Flow and I still created a Agent. I want to customize the appeareance of the chat window and I do not know how to do it. It seems like there is no options to do this in the DialogFlow Console. I have seen that there are products like Botcopy, but I want to do it by myself. Do I need to use the API to integrate the bot into my website if I want to change the looks?
the DialogFlow web widget is mean to be used for testing, you can hack the CSS and override the way it looks but it is not a recommended approach.
In order to integrate your DialogFlow chatbot on a website you can indeed use Botcopy or Kommunicate (both provide a Widget to add to the web site with some customisation options).
If you are a UI guru you want to build something yourself you can use the DialogFlow SDK https://github.com/googleapis/nodejs-dialogflow
I am making a new plugin and I want it to match the rest of the app in terms of styles, fonts, colors, etc. Is there anyway that buildfire accounts for this situation? I read that including bootstrap might help but I do not know in what way specifically.
BuildFire's SDK automatically injects CSS into your plugin unless you specifically ask not to. If you develop your plugin using standard Bootstrap guidelines then thats all you have to do.
That being said if you want to get a JSON object back with all the appearance settings you can do so through the SDK. See more here https://github.com/BuildFire/sdk/wiki/How-to-use-Appearance#buildfireappearancegetappthemecallback
If you want to turn off the auto-injection of theme or bootstrap you can do so through meta tags. See more here https://github.com/BuildFire/sdk/wiki/BuildFire-MetaTags
I hope this helps
I am trying to create a mockup of application that will allow user to use the app to navigate in a city.
The reason the map needed to be online is that my application needs to modify the mockup traffic light in the map based on traffic.
Currently I tried to OSM since Google map doesn't provide any traffic light data.
My problem is I have no idea how to create an offline map, by using OSMAnd, I am able to create an OBF file using OsmAndMapCreator, after that I have no idea how to implement it (I cannot find any tutorial online).
I also don't know which offline routing service to used, I have find that OSMAnd can be used to provide navigation but I don't know how to implement it in a new app.
I am sorry if this is off topic or being a vague question, but I have no more choice.
Thank you.
Where do I start if I want to create Facebook app to add an overlay to my profile picture?
I have seen many changing their profile picture like support digital india or pray for french like profile pictures how do they do it?
right now the only way that I know of is through this, https://www.facebook.com/fbcameraeffects/learn/
It's slowly rolling out so it might not be available for you until then. If someone else knows of a way through the API I'd love to know as well.
I am trying to write a simple chrome app to play a sequence of online pictures on my chromecast device.
I have looked at some examples, but could't find anything which I could tweak around to get the simple behavior i needed. Maybe someone here could help, by providing directions or advise on getting started with developing something like that for chromecast.
To give you a better idea, about the specifics, let me add some more details to my requirements.
It needs to be controlled from chrome
I want to pass a playlist with 10s-100s of images so it can slide them in circles.
After receiving playlist chromecast device should be able to continue on its own, without continuously asking for next image.
This is actually similar to backdrop feature Google is planning to introduce, but I wanted to write something myself.
If you don't want to develop your own Cast receiver, then you can use the media namespace channel and the Styled Media Receiver to display a photo at a time:
You will have to add the logic to advance from photo to photo in your sender app.
If you are willing to develop your own custom receiver, then you can start with this Cast sample app:
It allows you to send messages to a custom receiver. You can use that to send the URLs of the photos and then you can add JavaScript logic in the receiver to play a slideshow.
Just to let you know, I have tried various options and ended up writing custom receiver and Chrome sender applications. This was really straightforward and exactly what I wanted.
See the links above for guidance and also examples here.