Displaying a NativeAd after successfully receiving one from Google Admob - Xamarin.iOS Native - xamarin.ios

I have successfully received an ad from google Admob, and after this I need to display it:
var adLoader = new AdLoader("ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/3986624511",
new AdLoaderAdType[] { AdLoaderAdType.UnifiedNative },
new AdLoaderOptions[] { });
adLoader.Delegate = this;
I know that the first step is to lay out the UIViews that will display native ad assets.
After this I am a bit confused. Normally I would create a custom class in Xcode for the UITableViewCell, and then add IBoutlets so that I can assign values to the subviews from my code.
I am trying to follow this guide:
In it they set the custom class to GADNativeAdView, but there is no similar class like this in the drop down menu for me.
Feeling very confused.


Display custom product association data in a new tab

I wrote an extension to add data to the ProductEntity in Shopware 6 and used the following tutorial:
I also used another tutorial (https://developer.shopware.com/docs/guides/plugins/plugins/administration/add-new-tab) to add a new tab to the product detail view. Everything works so far.
In the product detail view I added a text field in my custom tab. But my problem is: how to get my data into the view? I want to add my new association to the product when the detail view is loaded. Therefore I tried to override the component from Shopware as follows:
Shopware.Component.override('sw-product-detail', {
mounted() {
const criteria = this.productCriteria;
this.productCriteria =criteria;
This does not work because productCriteria has no setter (original component can be found here: https://github.com/shopware/platform/blob/
Does anyone know how I can add a custom association to an existing one in vue.js in Shopware 6? What's the correct way to inject a custom association to the product detail view so I can use data from that in my new custom tab? The documentation always stops when it becomes interesting...
I would suggest to overwrite the productCriteria method and call the parent to not need to fully copying the existing code, like this:
Shopware.Component.override('sw-product-detail', {
computed: {
productCriteria() {
const criteria = this.$super('productCriteria');
return criteria;
Let me know if it works.
I believe also you don't need to mention the template in the override (when I did this last time, the template was displayed twice)
EDIT: All good with the template.

Unable to Create New MVC Widget in Kentico 12

I'm trying to create a new widget called "Image Summary Section". I'm at the very beginning stages and I'm just trying to get the widget to appear in the list of widgets when adding widgets to the page. Instead, I just get existing widgets that I didn't create:
You can see that I've created a class that implements IWidgetProperties and that I've called RegisterWidget for it. I've also created _ImageSummarySection.cshtml (though, I wouldn't expect that to be necessary just for the widget to appear in the widget selection dialog).
The top solution is for the MVC website, and the bottom solution is for the Kentico CMS. Both are running, and the browser shown is the Kentico CMS (I'm trying to add my new widget in this screenshot, but it's not in the list of widgets).
Any idea of what I'm doing wrong? How can I get my widget to appear in the list of widgets?
Additional information:
I've looked at various links, but here's one I was looking through: https://docs.kentico.com/k12sp/developing-websites/page-builder-development/developing-widgets-in-mvc/defining-widget-properties-in-mvc
I'm on the latest Kentico version, which I think is 12.0.77.
I just watched this video, hoping it would provide insight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljQO9on5lLM
It was more basic than I anticipated, but I did notice these two frames:
Note that it shows six available widgets to select from.
And then there was this frame:
It shows only two available widgets.
From that, I infer that sections may have some feature that allows developers to constrain which widgets are allowed in them. Is there perhaps something I need to do in order to allow my widgets to appear as options in the default section (the one shown below)?
EDIT #2:
I researched widget constraints a bit and found this: https://docs.kentico.com/k12/developing-websites/page-builder-development/creating-pages-with-editable-areas-in-mvc
Specifically the section titled "Limiting widgets allowed in an editable area", which says the following:
Since my view is not passing a parameter with a whitelist of widgets, all widgets should (in theory) be allowed:
#* Index.cshtml *#
#using Kentico.PageBuilder.Web.Mvc
#using Kentico.Web.Mvc
<h1>Rhythm Agency</h1>
So there goes that theory. I'm still at a loss as to why my new widget isn't appearing as an option when adding new widgets to the page.
For the controller and widget to be recognized you need to put your controller in the '/Controllers' folder. I have my widget controllers located in the '/Controllers/Widgets' folder.
I had issues which included not having added the suffix 'Controller' in the class name and issues with the widget controller not being in the '/Controllers' folder.
Also you aren't working in an seperate project? Because this would need you to use the following in the 'AssemblyInfo.cs'
using CMS;
[assembly: AssemblyDiscoverable]
And make sure you have enabled the page builder feature in your kentico project. For example:
protected void Application_Start()
// Gets the ApplicationBuilder instance
// Allows you to enable and configure Kentico MVC features
ApplicationBuilder builder = ApplicationBuilder.Current;
// Enables the preview feature
// Enables the page builder feature
You're almost there. You need to create another class and register your widgets in the App_Start folder. Check out the documentation here on that. It's the section on widget registration. Be sure to enable Page builder as well.
*** Updated ***
Based on your update and not being able to see the image well on my mobile device, I was able to see you're defining/registering your widget in your Properties model. This needs to be done in the Controller. See the example below.
namespace NameSpace.Models.Widgets.JobListingWidget
public class JobListingWidgetProperties : IWidgetProperties
// property definitions here
namespace NameSpace.Models.Widgets.JobListingWidget
public class JobListingWidgetViewModel
// properties here
[assembly: RegisterWidget("NameSpace.Widgets.JobListingWidget", typeof(JobListingWidgetController), "Job Listing Widget", Description = "Displays a listing of jobs for a given path", IconClass = "icon-heartshake")]
namespace NameSpace.Controllers.Widgets
public class JobListingWidgetController : WidgetController<JobListingWidgetProperties>
public ActionResult Index()
// code here

Custom View WIth Part Orchard

Anyone knows if there is anyway to show the build editor of an espefic part, inside a custom view.
I'm creating profesional, but not in the standard way orchard propose, I have a custom view, but that profesional has a DomicilioPart witch i created, that part has a driver with the overriden method BuildEditor. Is there any way of displaying that especific editor in my custom view?
You have to use the method _contentManager.BuildEditor(contentItem) to create the corresponding Edit template.
public ActionResult Example(int id) {
var ci = _contentManager.Get(id);
var editShape = _contentManaget.BuildEditor(ci);
// more code
viewModel.Edit = editShape;
return View(viewModel);
This training module will teach you about the creation/edit and delete of ContentItems.

MVVMCross changing selected tab bar item from within nested view controller

We're using MVVMCross within our application and I've come up against something that I'm not sure I've solved in the best way possible.
One of our ViewModels contains 3 other view models - a dashboard and 2 lists. In iOS this is presented using a MvxTabBarViewController which works great. Android and WP present this view in a similar manner. An example of the object model is below:
public class ProjectViewModel : MvxViewModel
public DashboardViewModel Dashboard {get;set;}
public FirstListViewModel FirstList {get;set;}
public SecondListViewModel SecondList {get;set;}
We're now in the situation where if a certain action happens within the DashboardViewModel we would like to instruct the navigation to change the tab in iOS and the same thing to happen on the other platforms.
The only way I've been able to get the tab to change on iOS is to use this.SelectedIndex = 1; from within the iOS ProjectView.
At the moment also the only way I've managed to trigger this change is to fire an event from the DashboardViewModel and then the ProjectViewModel subscribes to this and fires another event which is subscribed to by the ProjectView to instruct it to change the tab in whatever device specific way it needs to. I can't help but think there is a better way to do this.
I've tried taking a look at a custom ViewPresenter for iOS and calling ShowViewModel FirstListViewModel from within the DashboardViewModel but the presenter doesn't appear to be getting used so we just transition normally. My idea was I could get in the middle, cancel the navigation request and then flip the active tab on the ProjectView.
Any suggestions would be appreciated on how we could do this in a better cross platform way using MVVMCross to handle the change if at all possible.
You should be able to do this in any of several ways:
using a custom presenter with overridden Show as you suggest
using a custom presenter with overridden ChangePresentation - and using a custom hint
using a custom binding or a binding to a property within the ProjectView to drive the transition
using a custom IMvxInteraction property
using a custom event from VM to View
using a messenger to send a message from the ViewModels to the Views.
Ultimately lots of these could work and which of these I might choose would depend on which one worked and which one the team are happy with - shipping the working app is always the ultimate goal.
Given where I am with MvvmCross experience, I'd probably opt today for trying the approach of trying a custom IMvxInteraction property. But this might not be for everyone... it certainly might be overkill for this sample...
However, to do this, I would try:
add a public enum Display { Dash, First, Second } to the Core project
add a ProjectViewModel property:
private MvxInteraction<Display> _display = new MvxInteraction< Display >();
public IMvxInteraction<Display> DisplayChange { get { return _display; } }
whenever this ViewModel wants to fire the change it can fire it using e.g. _display.Raise(Display.First)
the ProjectView could then bind Display to its own property which might be implemented like:
private IDisposable _subscription;
private IMvxInteraction<Display> _displayInteraction;
public IMvxInteraction<Display> ChangeDisplay
get { return _displayInteraction; }
if (_subscription != null)
_subscription = null;
_displayInteraction = value;
if (_displayInteraction != null)
_subscription = _displayInteraction.WeakSubscribe(DoDisplayChange);
private void DoDisplayChange(Display which)
// change the tab display here
the binding would be added in ViewDidLoad like:
set.Bind(this).For(v => v.ChangeDisplay).To(vm => vm.DisplayChange);

Loading existing data into MonoTouch.Dialog

I am new to MonoTouch from a VS/C# background and am trying to rewrite an existing c# app.
I have made one simple MonoTouch app which succesfully loads data into a List<> from an XML file, and was starting to add Master/Detail code when I discovered the existence of MonoTouch.Dialog which looked like it would make my job much easier. So I started a new project using the sample code at http://docs.xamarin.com/ios/tutorials/MonoTouch.Dialog , changing the basic class to match what I needed.
But I am stuck with trying to prepopulate the DialogViewController with my existing List<>. I have tried using LoadMoreElement but cannot find an example of its use and don't know if it's the best way of doing this.
Thanks Anders.
In the interim period I discovered a different method:
_rootElement = new RootElement ("Riders")
new Section()
from x in riderList.Riders select (Element) new RootElement(x.Name)
new Section()
new StringElement("Rider",x.Name),
new StringElement("Club",x.Club),
...ill try both and see what suits best.
But I'm struggling to find any documentation to describe the methods for the dialog classes, e.g. Section.AddAll() and others used in the link you have provided.
If you want to create a list within an existing dialog view, you can for example create an empty Section and to this section add the list the elements from the list as RadioElement:s or CheckboxElement:s, depending on how many elements you want to be able to select simultaneously.
To facilitate selection, you may need to create a Group/RadioGroup and reference this group when you create the respective list elements in your section.
Here is a quick example of creating a new Section and adding the list elements, assuming that only one element can be selected simultaneously:
var list = new List<SomeClass> { ... };
var listGroup = new RadioGroup("grp", 0);
var listSection = new Section();
listSection.AddAll(list.Select(elem =>
new RadioElement(elem.ToString(), "grp") as Element));
If you want more specialized handling of the elements in the list or the events associated with list actions, you may want to subclass RadioElement or CheckboxElement. There is a good example on how to do this in the answer to this SO question.
