System Error &H800700C1 (-2147024703) when opening .xlsm file - excel

I made a macro enabled file which I will need to share with other users.
For multiple people it works as intended, but for one person it gives the error after enabling editing and content in the file.
I have been unable to find details about this error message, except for one place where they solved it by disabling some add-ins in Excel. This approach did not work for me.
Can anyone suggest how to go about solving the issue?


Getting System Error &H80070057 (-2147024809)

I've been running a workbook with a few macros in it for a couple of years, and I've suddenly started getting this error thrown at me for some navigational buttons (shapes linked to macros that are simply ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet_name").Activate).
Other Macros within the workbook seem to work OK, but I can't get into the VBA editor to see any of the code anymore - I get to the VBA interface, but when I go to open the Module, nothing happens.
And to cap it all off, when I try to save the workbook, I'm just getting an error saying 'Document not saved'.
I had the same issue. I opened the VBA code module and then selected Debug then Compile VBAProject. I then closed the Visual Basic Editor and the error seems to have been resolved. Have only had the issue the once so can't be 100% sure it will work in every instance but worth a go.
Suggest you open a backup copy of this file (if you have one), export the broken module and then in your current file, remove the broken module and import the clean version.
We had the same problem in a file that was drawing data from an external source and saving itself automatically every minute. What worked for us was just replacing the entire file with a backup from 2 days ago.
We also had the "Document Not Saved" error, which was solved by upgrading the file from .xls to .xlsx
Just came across this error - for me it seems to affect any code opening docs via external links. Ran the debug suggested above and fixed issue.

Excel code shows modules but with hidden code

i just recieved an e-mail with a virus embeded in xlsm format. So how i'm curious i wanted to check the code. Enabled everything of security on Excel to avoid events starting and other stuffs after opening the contamined file.
Kaspersky flagged the file instantly so i had to disable it.
So i opened the file, and excel showed me a prompt that i had to need disable some security features for the macro run normally. Well, i just ignored it and i went to the vba area to check the code and i found some modules, but every was empty.
Someone can explain me how is it possibile and if there's a way for me check the code?
Thank you.

System Error &H8000FFF (-247418113). Catastrophic failure

I have now twice had this error, where I email a spreadsheet with macros to another person. It is working when I send it using share via email. When they get it there is a problem. When I go and open the original, I also get the problem. System Error &H8000FFF (-247418113). Catastrophic failure and when I go to look at the code it is all gone. Does anyone know the cause and solution?
One strange this that happened, I would get an error when clicking on the Data tab, something to do with Funcres. When I when I looked online, it said this was an add-in. Since I wasn't using it, I disabled it. Not sure if that is related.
So I figured it out. The issue was I had left a black module in the VBA editor. I had recosted a macro to get a code for a color and then deleted the macro but did not delete the module2.
I did this on two different spreadsheets for two different people. They were working when I sent them but crashed for them. When they sent them back they crashed for me.
The one thing they had in common was this empty module2. I entered each with macros disabled, deleted the module2's and enable macros and both are now working fine and have been for weeks.

Excel 2010 - ActiveX controls

I've been having this problem for two or three weeks now.
Any file I create with ActiveX controls that must run a code for example clicking on a button, will work fine on my computer, but on any other computers will not work.
If you save the file, from other computer, it will show a Unexpecter error 32809 and after you close the file and reopen it, the controls will work.
Note that this happens for every file I save from my computer. Even if I get a working macro, I open it and save it with no changes, on other computers will not work.
I deleted many times *.exd files as a suggest from Internet, but still no good.
Can anyone help me with this problem, please ?
Thank you
Do a wildcard search for exd files (search for *.exd) and make sure you are not searching for exe!. Delete all the exd files returned from the search. That will do it.

Personal Macro Workbook has gone missing (AGAIN)!

I don´t understand why, but it´s the second or third time I've lost my Personal Workbook with all my macro copies. The only different thing that I've done was editing a macro but, when excel was closing, I haven't saved the changes. Next time I've opened excel, surprise, surprise, no Personal Workbook! Has anyone had the same problem? Does anyone know why it happens? I have already searched in (I believe so) all possible folders where It could be stored.
the file can be found for 2007/2010 users in :
C:\Users\User ID\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART
or somewhere similar for others.
Hope this helps
The folder where the personal macros are saved can be found by using the command:
?Application.StartupPath (without "" sign) in VBA.
Open VBA (ALT+F11) and enter the command in the field on the bottom.
Hope this helped
Using Microsoft office 365. Lost Excel and Word Macros during last update. Had an Excel File that I had copied to my laptop (Windows 10) which had not been updated. Brought it up on my desktop. Was able to see modules but no content. Was unable to remove modules. Uninstalled Office 365. After reinstall, was able to see and use macros from that file. Word macro not retrieved. Hope it helps someone.
Mine went missing completely and was not in the xlstart folder. I finally discovered it was because I'm on a work server, files are all network storage based, and I had just changed my network password. I think the mis-match caused my links to personal files to be temporarily broken. I logged out completely, and back in, and everything was back where it should be.
In short: I tried turning it off and turning it back on again.
For those using MacOS / OSX (El Capitan) with Excel 2016 I located my copy of Personal Macro Workbook.xlsb, which I had previously unhidden in Excel, then closed, in the following location:
~/Library/Containers/ Support/User/Personal Macro Workbook.xlsb
Please note that I used multiple search functions within OSX which did not return this file in the search results for some reason.
