Excel 2010 - ActiveX controls - excel

I've been having this problem for two or three weeks now.
Any file I create with ActiveX controls that must run a code for example clicking on a button, will work fine on my computer, but on any other computers will not work.
If you save the file, from other computer, it will show a Unexpecter error 32809 and after you close the file and reopen it, the controls will work.
Note that this happens for every file I save from my computer. Even if I get a working macro, I open it and save it with no changes, on other computers will not work.
I deleted many times *.exd files as a suggest from Internet, but still no good.
Can anyone help me with this problem, please ?
Thank you

Do a wildcard search for exd files (search for *.exd) and make sure you are not searching for exe!. Delete all the exd files returned from the search. That will do it.


How do I open an Excel spreadsheet in a separate instance without opening in Protected View?

I've come across an issue at work where I have a spreadsheet that needs to open in its own instance - it's a very complex modelling spreadsheet that does lots of processing using external DLL functions, so using other operational spreadsheets in the same instance is impractical.
I can open this spreadsheet directly from Explorer and it works fine, and I can create a shortcut directly to the spreadsheet and it works fine, but I can't open it in its own instance without a shortcut using the '/x' command line switch on the Excel.exe.
The problem is, when I have the shortcut directed to Excel.exe to open the spreadsheet, then Excel seems to think it's "downloading" the file and always opens in Protected View. Once it's opened in Protected View I can click "Enable Editing" but it then freaks out and breaks (I could describe how it freaks out and breaks but I'm confident there isn't a solution in down this avenue).
A workaround I have found is to go to Excel Protected View settings and disable Protected View for files originating from the internet. Why a shortcut to the Excel.exe loading the spreadsheet makes it treat it as a file from the internet I have no idea, but it works. The only problem with this solution is that it will now allow files actually downloaded from the internet to open without Protected View, which is far from ideal security-wise.
Does anyone know of a policy or setting that may impact this behaviour other than the setting I just mentioned?
Additional things I've tried:
Disabling other Protected View settings in Excel - no change.
Running the same command ("Excel.exe spreadsheet.xlsm /x") from Powershell or a .bat file - no change.
Having the spreadsheet and shortcut located from both network and local (C:) folders.
Googling - can't find anyone mentioning the same issue.
Running Office 365 x64.
Thanks in advance!
Alright so this is a little annoying, but I found the solution. By explicitly referencing the path of the spreadsheet in the shortcut 'Target', Excel will load it without going into Protected View. I don't know why it works that way and not the way I tried it, but that's the way it is.
In summary, using a command like this does not work:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\Excel.exe" /x Spreadsheet.xlsx
even if the file is located in the same folder as the shortcut and the 'Start in' parameter of the shortcut is also the same folder.
However, using a command like this does work:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\Excel.exe" /x "C:\Users\Bob\Documents\Spreadsheet.xlsx"
despite only seemingly cosmetic differences, because the spreadsheet path is explicitly referenced.
Hopefully that helps someone else at some point as well

How to get files in Mac equivalent of XLSTART folder to be opened "invisibly"

I have a Utilities file which contains a number of macros which I use a lot. My old Excel loads this file on launch, but does not show the window. This is exactly the desired behaviour.
However I recently updated my Excel (16.56 on Big Sur) and now, when Excel launches, the window shows.
Is there any way to make it be invisible? I've tried deleting all the worksheets but Excel won't let me. Googling is throwing up scads of completely useless hits and nothing here seems to be relevent, either.
OK, so after much more Googling, I found the answer. Menu item Window -> Hide. Then quit Excel, answering Yes to save the file. On relaunch it opens invisibly.

Cannot open an excel file for which I clicked view > hide on mac. All the other files open just fine

I cannot open my excel file, for which I clicked view > checked "hide" when I had the file open previously.
As soon i did that, the file stopped displaying. Every time I click the file, Excel software starts running, so I don't think there is anything wrong with the software itself, just a problem with this specific file. All the other excel files would open when I click them, except this one.
I am using a macboook pro.
Could anyone please help me how to undo the action I did? Thank you.
The view-hide literally hides the file from being seen when opened and I didn't know that....

PERSONAL.XLAM is being opened as read-only

I've been using a PERSONAL.XLAM file for years in Excel 2013(?) with no issue. I am now using Excel for Office 365 and am having a problem using the same file.
I used to be able to open a workbook, PERSONAL.XLAM would open along with it, and I could go into Developer > Visual Basic, and change VBA code and save. Perfect.
Now, with Office 365, I get an error saying I can't save because PERSONAL.XLAM is read-only. I checked the Windows file attributes, and the Read-only checkbox is not checked, so I'm not sure why it would be opening as read-only.
In addition to now using Office 365, I'm also on an entirely new PC, so there might be something I'm missing, but I don't know what to do.
Edit: I think I found a new wrinkle. I moved the Personal file from my XLSTART folder to my desktop. If I open the Personal file directly from there, I get an error that says, "Sorry, Excel can't open two workbooks with the same name at the same time." Does that mean it is open somewhere else already?
I figured it out. I actually had code in Workbook_Open that looked at the Application.UserName. If it wasn't a match for what it checked against, it made the Personal file read-only. And as I mentioned before, I got a new computer and my name was set to something different. After I changed my username back to what I used to use, everything is back to the way it was.
If it wasn't for that "security check," I wouldn't have had any issues. In other words, you can have the XLAM file in the XLSTART folder and make changes to it while you have it open, which is what I wanted.
This is obviously a self-imposed, yet accidental, issue. I'll mark it as answered, but if it would be better to close it, that's fine too.

Personal Macro Workbook has gone missing (AGAIN)!

I don´t understand why, but it´s the second or third time I've lost my Personal Workbook with all my macro copies. The only different thing that I've done was editing a macro but, when excel was closing, I haven't saved the changes. Next time I've opened excel, surprise, surprise, no Personal Workbook! Has anyone had the same problem? Does anyone know why it happens? I have already searched in (I believe so) all possible folders where It could be stored.
the file can be found for 2007/2010 users in :
C:\Users\User ID\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART
or somewhere similar for others.
Hope this helps
The folder where the personal macros are saved can be found by using the command:
?Application.StartupPath (without "" sign) in VBA.
Open VBA (ALT+F11) and enter the command in the field on the bottom.
Hope this helped
Using Microsoft office 365. Lost Excel and Word Macros during last update. Had an Excel File that I had copied to my laptop (Windows 10) which had not been updated. Brought it up on my desktop. Was able to see modules but no content. Was unable to remove modules. Uninstalled Office 365. After reinstall, was able to see and use macros from that file. Word macro not retrieved. Hope it helps someone.
Mine went missing completely and was not in the xlstart folder. I finally discovered it was because I'm on a work server, files are all network storage based, and I had just changed my network password. I think the mis-match caused my links to personal files to be temporarily broken. I logged out completely, and back in, and everything was back where it should be.
In short: I tried turning it off and turning it back on again.
For those using MacOS / OSX (El Capitan) with Excel 2016 I located my copy of Personal Macro Workbook.xlsb, which I had previously unhidden in Excel, then closed, in the following location:
~/Library/Containers/com.microsoft.Excel/Data/Application Support/User/Personal Macro Workbook.xlsb
Please note that I used multiple search functions within OSX which did not return this file in the search results for some reason.
