Excel code shows modules but with hidden code - excel

i just recieved an e-mail with a virus embeded in xlsm format. So how i'm curious i wanted to check the code. Enabled everything of security on Excel to avoid events starting and other stuffs after opening the contamined file.
Kaspersky flagged the file instantly so i had to disable it.
So i opened the file, and excel showed me a prompt that i had to need disable some security features for the macro run normally. Well, i just ignored it and i went to the vba area to check the code and i found some modules, but every was empty.
Someone can explain me how is it possibile and if there's a way for me check the code?
Thank you.


System Error &H800700C1 (-2147024703) when opening .xlsm file

I made a macro enabled file which I will need to share with other users.
For multiple people it works as intended, but for one person it gives the error after enabling editing and content in the file.
I have been unable to find details about this error message, except for one place where they solved it by disabling some add-ins in Excel. This approach did not work for me.
Can anyone suggest how to go about solving the issue?

Using a macro/script to open a hyperlink in Excel - How to bypass the security of opening a file?

When you click a link in an Excel workbook, you get a warning 'Some files contain virus ... Would you like to open this file?'
Is there a way to turn this off/include it in a macro or script?
I have a macro that opens the link, but you have to manually click 'Yes' to keep the macro running. I want to run the macro and not have to do any user inputs. I've google'd it and there's a bunch of Registry Edit methods which don't seem to work for me. Any other ways to accomplish this?
There is a good reason for the macro runs to be prevented per default. Power plants have been attacked successfully because someone did run an Excel macro. The world would be a better place if the macros never existed. Look at least over the first 10 minutes.
Security that can be bypassed is no security! Actually that is why you cannot bypass security.
There is no way to bypass this warning. The messeage is there for a good reason.
Otherwise your macro could download a dangerous file and run the code in that file without warning the user.

How Do I Save the Right Version of My Excel File with Save Lockout Active?

I think I have my Excel VBA where I want it (checking for cell completion before allowing saving) but that also means I can't save the blank version of that form for distribution. I'm probably missing something obvious but...I guess, disabling the macros and then reenabling it would work but apparently I can't figure it out. I've tried googling it but I only get system-wide toggling.
So, just to put a bow on things. The correct way to deal with this is to go through the formal file opening process in Excel. Assuming you have the proper macro setting in Excel (disable macros with prompt), if you open Excel, Use File Open (DO NOT SELECT RECENT FILES) and browse to the file, select it and open. Then you should get the standard prompt even if you've enabled it for that file in the past.

Why does the VBA Excel Addin code disappears and doesn't function after I close Excel and open a new Excel file?

I created a simple vba addin that colors cells based on their value, and I created a function that calls it with a shortcut then I saved it as an Excel addin and added it to Excel.
The problem is the addin works fine when I add it the first time, but when I open a new Excel file, I need to disable and enable the addin for it to work.
Update: I tried it on another computer and it works, but it shows an error that when I ignore it works fine. I am adding screenshots for the error and code
Error Message
Sometimes, Excel will open workbooks in another Excel Application. This second application can sometimes face some issues with addins. You should double-check that the new file is opened in the same Excel Application. By looking at the task manager:
In this example, I'm using Window 10 and you can see that Book3.xlsx is in a different Excel Application than Book2.xlsx and Book1.xlsx
This question could also be of interest to you. The accepted answer reads:
This problem results from security patch in KB31152, released in July 2016. According to private communication with Microsoft software engineers:
"With this update, we changed the behavior of Excel so that it will
not load certain file types (including .xlam) when they are untrusted.
The easiest workaround is to find the add-in that is causing you
trouble, right-clicking on it in Windows Explorer, and checking
An easier approach is to simply place the add-in in a Trusted Location
(in Excel, go to File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings
Trusted Locations), such as the following folder, and load it from there:
C:\Users\%USER NAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Excel\XLSTART
And don't forget the option of just restarting your computer just to make sure that the problem is still there.

Excel 2010 - ActiveX controls

I've been having this problem for two or three weeks now.
Any file I create with ActiveX controls that must run a code for example clicking on a button, will work fine on my computer, but on any other computers will not work.
If you save the file, from other computer, it will show a Unexpecter error 32809 and after you close the file and reopen it, the controls will work.
Note that this happens for every file I save from my computer. Even if I get a working macro, I open it and save it with no changes, on other computers will not work.
I deleted many times *.exd files as a suggest from Internet, but still no good.
Can anyone help me with this problem, please ?
Thank you
Do a wildcard search for exd files (search for *.exd) and make sure you are not searching for exe!. Delete all the exd files returned from the search. That will do it.
