Once I got the word with # or * how can go backward that command to not highlight the words.
What is your goal, here?
If you want to go back to the previous match, then you could use * after a # or # after a *, or maybe :help ctrl-o as a direction-agnostic alternative.
If you want to stay where you are but disable the search highlighting, then the proper way is to use :help :nohlsearch. This is sadly cumbersome and there is no built-in way to do that automatically so vimmers have come up with many workarounds like the one suggested by #mattb in the comments. There are also a couple of plugins for that.
I would like my Vim to highlight all search results as I am typing my search, i.e. not just the next search result (as in incsearch), but all of them (as in hlsearch but at the same time as I am typing). I would also like to turn off search highlighting as soon as I do anything else than search. Is this possible?
It sounds like you want haya14busa/incsearch.vim. The biggest thing it does is highlighting every result as you are searching, which you can see in this gif:
There are other things it does too. For example, it can be configured to turn of highlighting when you are done searching, and it can also provide useful mappings for other search related features, like
You can install it with Neobundle/Vundle/vim-plug by doing
NeoBundle 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
Plugin 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
Plug 'haya14busa/incsearch.vim'
or with pathogen by doing:
git clone https://github.com/haya14busa/incsearch.vim ~/.vim/bundle/incsearch.vim
You could try the vim-cool plugin, which was mentioned in a similar question:
Vim-cool disables search highlighting when you are done searching and
re-enables it when you search again.
Vim-cool re-enables search highlighting when the cursor is on a word
that matches the last search pattern.
Vim-cool is cool.
In my .vimrc I've enabled highlighting the searched text (which I find to be a handy feature and wouldn't want to disable it).
set hlsearch
And, following answers to this question, I've made a mapping to be able to clear the highlight:
nmap <silent> ,/ :nohlsearch<CR>
The problem comes with commands which include search. For example, delete to next character 'x':
This will automatically highlight all the instances of 'x'. To remove this highlight I have to punch ,/ to clear it, which is quite annoying.
The question. Is it possible to enforce :nohl if the search is a part of a preceding command? Maybe, it is possible at least for a selected list of commands (say, d, y and c) before / character is hit?
d/x does not work for me as you describe. (I'm on vim 7.3 here and it can't make sense of the / following d in normal mode, so disregards the d and starts a regular / search.)
If you want to delete to the next x, then dfx or dtx are what I would use (depending on whether you want to also delete the x itself or not).
No highlighting involved.
Hope that helps.
[Following some clarification in the comments.]
I'm thinking that it should be possible to write a custom function to do what you want, and then assign a custom key sequence to call that function.
I played around a little, but am not very well versed in vim functions and couldn't make it work.
Here's what I tried:
function! g:DeleteToSearchAndNohls(term)
:normal d/a:term
If 'x' is on the same line than the cursor, you can use dtx (meaning delete to x).
In Zsh, I can use filename completion with slashes to target a file deep in my source tree. For instance if I type:
vim s/w/t/u/f >TAB<
zsh replaces the pattern with:
vim src/wp-contents/themes/us/functions.php
What I'd like is to be able to target files the same way at the Vim command line, so that typing
:vi s/w/t/u/f >TAB<
will autocomplete to:
:vi src/wp-contents/themes/us/functions.php
I'm trying to parse the Vim docs for wildmode, but I don't see what settings would give me this. It's doing autocompletion for individual filenames, but not file paths. Does Vim support this natively? Or how can I customize the autocomplete algorithm for files?
Thanks for any advice!
I couldn't find a plugin to do this, so I wrote one. It's called vim-zsh-path-completion. It does what you're looking for, although via <C-s> rather than <Tab>. You can use it with <Tab> for even more control over what matches, though.
It's got bugs, but for basic paths without spaces/special characters, it should work. I think it's useful enough in its current state to be helpful. I hope to iron out the bugs and clean up the code, but I figured I'd start soliciting feedback now.
Thanks for the idea!
Original (wrong) answer, but with some useful information about Vim's wildmode.
Put the following in your .vimrc:
set wildmenu
set wildmode=list:longest
That will complete to the longest unique match on <Tab>, including appending a / and descending into directories where appropriate. If there are multiple matches, it will show a list of matches for what you've entered so far. Then you can type more characters and <Tab> again to complete.
I prefer the following setting, which completes to the first unique match on <Tab>, and then pops up a menu if you hit <Tab> again, which you can navigate with the arrow keys and hit enter to select from:
set wildmode=list:longest,list:full
Check out :help wildmenu and :help wildmode. You might also want to set wildignore to a list of patterns to ignore when completing. I have mine as:
set wildignore=.git,*.swp,*/tmp/*
Vim doesn't have such a feature by default. The closest buil-in feature is the wildmenu/wildmode combo but it's still very different.
A quick look at the script section of vim.org didn't return anything but I didn't look too far: you should dig further. Maybe it's there, somewhere.
Did you try Command-T, LustyExplorer, FuzzyFinder, CtrlP or one of the many similar plugins?
I use CtrlP and fuzzy matching can be done on filepath or filename. When done on filepath, I can use the keysequence below to open src/wp-contents/themes/us/functions.php (assuming functions.php is the only file under us that starts with a f):
,f " my custom mapping for the :CtrlP command
In thinking about a possible solution I'm afraid I was a little myopic. I was focused on your exact requirements but Vim has cool tricks when it comes to opening files!
The :e[dit] command accepts two types of wildcards: * is like the * you would use in your shell and ** means "any subdirectory".
So it's entirely possible to do:
:e s*/w*/t*/u*/f*<Tab>
or something like:
:e **/us/f<Tab>
or even:
:e **/fun<Tab>
Combined with the wildmode settings in Jim's answer, I think you have got a pretty powerful file navigation tool, here.
I know that philosophically the f/F command is used to search through the current line. However, other than [LINE]G f, what would be the best way to jump to somewhere else in the file in the style of the f command?
Add this line to you ~/.vimrc
set incsearch
to activate incremental search and use /foo<CR> to search forward or ?bar<CR> to search backward.
Note that, like fFtT, /? can also be very useful as motions for dcsv.
If you don't mind using a plugin, there are a bunch of them designed around the idea of multi-dimensional fFtT like this one. Take a look around vim.org.
You may want to use the vim plugin EasyMotion,
github repo
vim online
<Leader>f<char> will search forward from current line to the end of current window.
<Leader>F<char> will search backward from current line to the start of current window.
for all usage :help easymotion.txt
Christian Brabandt's ft_improved plugin extends the built-in f / t commands to search in following lines, too.
In my .vimrc I have mapped the #-key to a macro for commenting out/in lines of code.
Unfortunately # in vim already has a function - it searches backwards for the word beneath the cursor.
What I would now like to have is a way to map this functionality to another key-sequence (ideally I would like to have Control-* for that as * alone searches forward).
Does anyone know how to achieve this?
Many thanks!
Unfortunately, Ctrl + * cannot be used; I would propose \*; it's longer to type, but backwards searches are probably not that common.
:nnoremap <Leader>* #
Like Ingo Karkat said, mapping Ctrl+certain keys is impossible in vim. However, you can map Alt+8 instead:
noremap <A-8> #
I suggest Alt+8 instead of Alt+* because if you wanted to bend your hand in unnatural ways to press more than one modifier keys to perform a command, you would probably be using Emacs instead of Vim.
I use \+c for commenting and \+d for removing comments. The mappings are following :
:map \c <ESC>:s,^\(\s*\)[^/ \t]\#=,\1// <ESC>,e<CR>j$a
:map \d <ESC>:s,^\(\s*\)// \s\#!,\1<ESC>,e<CR>j$a
Above mappings are used in command mode. Taken from one answer on SO, which I am currently unable to find.