How to install ERPNext on RHEL 8 - rhel

I am trying to install ERPNext on RHEL 8. I have no experience with ERPNext installation and RHEL 8 so this is a learning process for me.
Below is where I'm having trouble with the installation. Since this is just for me to learn how to install before I implement it on the production/development server, I decide to use "localhost" as I do not own any domain.
[erp#localhost frappe-bench]$ bench new-site localhost
MySQL root password:
For key character_set_server. Expected value utf8mb4, found value latin1
For key collation_server. Expected value utf8mb4_unicode_ci, found value latin1_swedish_ci
Creation of your site - localhost failed because MariaDB is not properly
configured. If using version 10.2.x or earlier, make sure you use the
the Barracuda storage engine.
Please verify the settings above in MariaDB's my.cnf. Restart MariaDB. And
then run `bench new-site localhost` again.
Database settings do not match expected values; stopping database setup.
The guide that I'm following is here
I am a beginner with server deployment, RHEL and related topics.
####################### -UPDATED- #######################
I managed to complete the installation. All I need to do was adding a few lines to the my.cnf file. Then, everything work just fine!


Database 'neo4j' is unavailable. Cannot reset neo4j database

I have my community 4.1.1 neo4j service installed on the ubuntu commandline running on my windows machine. I have been using neo4j steadily for a month or two now, just recently it has prevented me from accessing the neo4j database, it will say this in neo4j browser:
Database 'neo4j' is unavailable. Run :sysinfo for more info.
I have tried uninstalling neo4j and reinstalling but that has not worked either. I tried playing around with the default listen address previously, but now with the reinstall all config data is back to normal. Running ./neo4j-community-4.1.1/bin/cypher-shell under bin does not work. It says:
Unable to establish connection in 3000ms
If I run ./neo4j-community-4.1.1/bin/cypher-shell -a it says:
Database 'neo4j' is unavailable
When I run ./neo4j-community-4.1.1/bin/neo4j-admin check-consistency --database=neo4j it also states:
.2020-08-18 22:12:16.868+0000 WARN [o.n.c.ConsistencyCheckService] Index was dirty on startup which means it was not shutdown correctly and need to be cleaned up with a successful recovery. Index file: /home/thomp105/neo4j-community-4.1.1/data/databases/neo4j/
I would love to reset everything from scratch but I am unsure how
At this point I cannot even access the browser at localhost:7474. It hangs indefinitely trying to load.
I am truly stumped. Anyone have any advice on how I navigate this issue?
It's not easy to guess the issue without seeing your system, but may I ask if you can try to delete your default database, i.e. neo4j physically from the disk (e.g. rm -rf /home/thomp105/neo4j-community-4.1.1/data/databases/neo4j/), and then try to create another database with different name instead (open neo4j.conf, search for dbms.active_database, which point out on default database, and change it to some other name)?
I had this problem running on a linux server. The server was up but got this error on any query: Database 'neo4j' is unavailable. To troubleshoot I ran sudo neo4j console and the problem went away. When I ran the console as user ne04j the problem came back.
$ /usr/share/neo4j/bin/neo4j console
Directories in use:
home: /var/lib/neo4j
config: /etc/neo4j
logs: /var/log/neo4j
plugins: /var/lib/neo4j/plugins
import: /var/lib/neo4j/import
data: /var/lib/neo4j/data
certificates: /var/lib/neo4j/certificates
run: /var/run/neo4j
So I tried: sudo chown -R neo4j:neo4j /var/lib/neo4j/data and the problem went away. Apparently when I'd done a restore of the database I'd run the neo4j server as root and when the system runs neo4j it does it as the user neo4j so couldn't read any of its data. It seems that an error like this would warrant an easy to parse error message but verbosity is not the neo4j way.

phpmyadmin.conf default file

First of all, I'm pretty new to this all...
I am using Amazon web services and I have installed LAMP on Amazon linux using this.
When installing phpmyadmin, I was trying to grant access to all IP addresses (i know, not a good idea), so I tried adding Require all granted under # Apache 2.4 in phpmyadmin.conf file, I was using Mac's terminal, and I messed up the file while trying to learn how to add it, so now that I found how to add it, it is not working anymore... this the error I get:
Stopping httpd: [FAILED]
Starting httpd: AH00526: Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf:
Invalid command '# phpMyAdmin - Web based MySQL browser written in php', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
Is there anyway that I can just replace the phpMyAdmin.conf file to default and start editing it over?
or do I have to unistall and re install phpmyadmin all over again?

PDO driver for XAMPP on Linux

I'm about to gain some experience on Yii so I set up a XAMPP (1.8.1) for Linux environment and installed the Yii framework.I progress based on the book titled 'Web Application Development with Yii and PHP' and there's an example to set up database connection and test that through the Yii console by running the following code:
echo Yii::app()->db->connectionString;
Of course previously I created the appropriate MySQL database and set up the connection string in corresponding main.php and console.php but I'm getting an error:
exception 'CDbException' with message 'CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver' in /work/webroot/yii/framework/db/CDbConnection.php:382
Based on Yii's requirement checker PDO for MySQL is enabled. If I check the HTML version of phpinfo it says:
PDO Driver for MySQL: Enabled
Client API version: mysqlnd 5.0.10 - 20111026 - $Id: b0b3b15c693b7f6aeb3aa66b646fee339f175e39 $
However if I run phpinfo from a Yii console it gives the following result:
PDO support => enabled
PDO drivers =>
So, for me it seems PDO driver is missing. I read several forum threads about how to download PDO drivers for linux and how to change the php.ini to use those drivers but I guess that solution works for CLI environment and not for XAMPP.
Can somebody help me out here how can I set up PDO driver for MySQL database on XAMPP? I'm using Ubuntu 13.10 desktop.
I was playing around for a while and found the solution with the help of several forum threads.
To resolve the following driver issue...
'CDbException' with message 'CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: could not find driver'
... I had to install the correct connector. I ran the following:
sudo apt-get install php5-mysql
After that I tried to check the connection string once again via the Yii console by running code:
echo Yii::app()->db->connectionString;
But this time it gave me a different error mesage:
'CDbException' with message 'CDbConnection failed to open the DB connection: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'
To resolve this issue I changed my main.php and console.php under /protected/config directory and replaced 'localhost' to ''.
Based on the PHP documentation this is required because MySQL Unix socket shouldn't be used with host or port.
This resolved the second error message and I could connect to my database.

Error pulling image (latest) from centos, Authentication is required

I have installed on CentOS 6.4 64 bit following the steps mentioned here:
Now I am able to start the docker daemon. When I am searching for a container as follows it's giving me result
[root#test ~]# docker search tutorial
Found 8 results matching your query ("tutorial")
mhubig/echo Simple echo loop from the tutorial.
kyma/ping Ping image from the tutorial.
ivarvong/redis From the redis tutorial. Just redis-server and telnet on the base image.
amattn/postgresql-9.3.0 precise base, PostgreSQL 9.3.0 installed w/ default configuration.
danlucraft/postgresql Postgresql 9.3, on port 5432, un:docker, pw:docker. From following the Postgresql example tutorial.
But When I am trying to pull a container it's giving me below error
[root#test ~]# docker pull learn/tutorial
Pulling repository learn/tutorial
8dbd9e392a96: Error pulling image (latest) from learn/tutorial, Authentication is required.
2013/10/08 02:50:01 Internal server error: 404 trying to fetch remote history for learn/tutorial
How to set the authentication and where? Please help
I had the same problem and this answer was the solution for me.
It was a time-zone issue. I ran docker on a VM, and my host and guest clock had different ctimezone, the authentication failure was due to clock divergence. Once I setup ntp correctly (with HW clock set to UTC) on my host, this problem went away.

How to change the host name of the ubuntu server running oracle xe

I have a oracle 11g XE instance running under ubuntu server. I tried changing the hostname of the server by modifying the host name in /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts, tnsnames.ora and listener.ora but the oracle-xe instance fails to start after reboot. Any idea which configuration I am missing?
Sometimes Oracle starts with only certain services / functionalities not working properly... If that's the case and your Oracle instance partially failed to start you can get some more information about running listeners by invoking the lsnrctl command line utility and then using the status command.
You can also look for clues in the Oracle log files under <oracle-install>/app/oracle/diag/tnslsnr/<hostname>/listener/alert/log.xml - you should definitely have one for your old hostname and you might have another one created for your new hostname as well.
I had this and solved it just rename your listner.ora and restart, it will change the setting for the new host name
see my explanation Here
