Error pulling image (latest) from centos, Authentication is required - linux

I have installed on CentOS 6.4 64 bit following the steps mentioned here:
Now I am able to start the docker daemon. When I am searching for a container as follows it's giving me result
[root#test ~]# docker search tutorial
Found 8 results matching your query ("tutorial")
mhubig/echo Simple echo loop from the tutorial.
kyma/ping Ping image from the tutorial.
ivarvong/redis From the redis tutorial. Just redis-server and telnet on the base image.
amattn/postgresql-9.3.0 precise base, PostgreSQL 9.3.0 installed w/ default configuration.
danlucraft/postgresql Postgresql 9.3, on port 5432, un:docker, pw:docker. From following the Postgresql example tutorial.
But When I am trying to pull a container it's giving me below error
[root#test ~]# docker pull learn/tutorial
Pulling repository learn/tutorial
8dbd9e392a96: Error pulling image (latest) from learn/tutorial, Authentication is required.
2013/10/08 02:50:01 Internal server error: 404 trying to fetch remote history for learn/tutorial
How to set the authentication and where? Please help

I had the same problem and this answer was the solution for me.
It was a time-zone issue. I ran docker on a VM, and my host and guest clock had different ctimezone, the authentication failure was due to clock divergence. Once I setup ntp correctly (with HW clock set to UTC) on my host, this problem went away.


How to install ERPNext on RHEL 8

I am trying to install ERPNext on RHEL 8. I have no experience with ERPNext installation and RHEL 8 so this is a learning process for me.
Below is where I'm having trouble with the installation. Since this is just for me to learn how to install before I implement it on the production/development server, I decide to use "localhost" as I do not own any domain.
[erp#localhost frappe-bench]$ bench new-site localhost
MySQL root password:
For key character_set_server. Expected value utf8mb4, found value latin1
For key collation_server. Expected value utf8mb4_unicode_ci, found value latin1_swedish_ci
Creation of your site - localhost failed because MariaDB is not properly
configured. If using version 10.2.x or earlier, make sure you use the
the Barracuda storage engine.
Please verify the settings above in MariaDB's my.cnf. Restart MariaDB. And
then run `bench new-site localhost` again.
Database settings do not match expected values; stopping database setup.
The guide that I'm following is here
I am a beginner with server deployment, RHEL and related topics.
####################### -UPDATED- #######################
I managed to complete the installation. All I need to do was adding a few lines to the my.cnf file. Then, everything work just fine!

Docker - error when extracting in Centos (invalid tar header)

Docker version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
My docker file is
FROM node:8
When I execute - docker build -t my-image . i got following error
Sending build context to Docker daemon 44.03kB
Step 1/1 : FROM node:8
8: Pulling from library/node
f189db1b88b3: Extracting [==================================================>] 54.25MB/54.25MB
3d06cf2f1b5e: Download complete
687ebdda822c: Download complete
99119ca3f34e: Download complete
e771d6006054: Download complete
b0cc28d0be2c: Download complete
7225c154ac40: Download complete
7659da3c5093: Download complete
failed to register layer: ApplyLayer exit status 1 stdout: stderr: archive/tar: invalid tar header
Any clue? Any suggestion what can I do to fix it ?
I have the same error when running docker run -it ubuntu
The error message indicates that the image you are attempting to download has been corrupted. There are a few places I can think of where that would happen:
On the remote registry server
In transit
In memory
On disk
By the application
Given the popularity of the image, I would rule out the registry server having issues. Potentially you have an unstable server with memory or disk issues that were triggered when downloading a large image. On Linux, you'd likely see kernel errors from this in dmesg.
The version of docker is recent enough that any past issues on this have long since been fixed. There's only a single issue on the tar file processing related to very large layers (over 8GB) which doesn't apply to the image you are pulling. The tar processing is embedded directly into docker, so changing or upgrading your tar binary won't affect docker.
Potentially you could have an issue with the storage driver and the backend storage device. Changing from devicemapper to overlay2 if you haven't already would be a good first step if docker hasn't already defaulted to this (you can see your current storage driver in docker info and change it with an entry in /etc/docker/daemon.json).
My first guess on that list is the "in transit" part. Since the request will be over https, this won't be from a bad packet. But a proxy on the network that intercepts all web traffic could be the culprit. If you have a proxy, make sure docker is configured to login and use your proxy. For more details on that, see
Try unpack your image with: tar tvf yourarchive
If there no errors, try update docker(if it possible)
If error presents try rebuild your archive.
Similar issue described there
when you have the same error on tar extraction, the fetched image might indeed be corrupt.
comments on issue 15561 hint for, that building locally still works.

Cannot contact any KDC in Kerberos?

I'm quite new to Linux but have to get through it for an assignment. I have to send jobs to a Hadoop cluster. I'm sending these jobs inside a Docker container. To access the cluster i have to use the following command: kinit <username>#CUA.SURFSARA.NL . Now of course I've substituted for my actual username. This command works fine inside the Docker container. But to access a resource manager I have to start Firefox from a Kerberos authenticated terminal, this is where I'm running into trouble.
The same command in a fresh terminal results in the following:
kinit: Cannot contact any KDC for realm 'CUA.SURFSARA.NL' while getting initial credentials
Currently I'm suspecting this is caused by missing Kerberos packages.
The command that was giving in the instructions to get these is this:
sudo dnf install krb5-workstation krb5-libs krb5-auth-dialog
However, dnf doesn't work (Ubuntu instead of Fedora?) so I tried apt-get.
But doing that it is unable to locate the krb5-workstation and krb5-libs packages.
How can I get these missing packages? And will this solve the contacting KDC problem?
Please make sure your /etc/hosts file is same as before when you installed KDC.
Once I installed kdc in my lxc but after a day I couldn't start kdc for this type of error that you have got. And make sure that your Kerberos server and client are pingable(ping IP) to each other.
This is super old, but I wanted to say that you'll likely need to stop and start the service once you've edited your /etc/hosts file. At least that was the fix for me.
systemctl stop krb5kdc.service
systemctl start krb5kdc.service
Then do "kinit" again or "kinit -k", then klist. You should now see a ticket.

HDP 2.5 Hortonworks ambari-admin-password-reset missing

I have downloaded the sandbox from hortonworks (Centos OS), then tried to follow the tutorial. It seems like the ambari-admin-password-reset command is not there and missing. I tried also to login with putty, the console asked me to change the password so I did.
now it seems like the command is there, but I have different passwords for the console and one for the putty for the same user.
I have tried to look for the reason why for the same user 'root' I have 2 different passwords (one for the virtual box console and one for the putty) that I can login with. I see different commands on each box. more than that when I share folder I can only see it on the virtual box console but not on the putty console) which is really frustrating.
How can I enforce that what I would see from putty would be the same as what I see from the virtual box console.
I think it somehow related to TTY but I am not sure.
running commands from the virtual box machine output:
grep "^passwd" /etc/nsswitch.conf
OUT: passwd: files sss
grep root /etc/passwd
OUT: rppt"x"0"0"root:/root:/bin/bash
getent passwd root
OUT: root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash
I think this is all about docker containers. It seems like the machine 2222 port is the ssh port for the hdp 2.5 container and not for the hosting machine.
Now I get another problem. when running
docker exec sandbox ls
it is getting stuck. any help ?
Thanks for helpers
So now I had the time to analyze the sandbox vm, and write it up for other users.
As you stated correctly in your edit of the question, its the docker container setup of the sandbox, which confuses with two separate root users:
via ssh root# -p 2222 you get into the docker container called "sandbox". This is a CentOS release 6.8 (Final), containing all the HDP services, especially the ambari service. The configuration enforces a password change at first login for the root user. Inside this VM you can also execute the ambari-admin-password-reset and set there a password for the ambari admin.
via console access you reach the docker host running a Centos 7.2, here you can login with the default root password for the VM as found in the HDP docs.
Coming to your sub-question with the hanging docker exec, it seems to be a bug in that specific docker version. If you google that, you will find issues discussing this or similar problems with docker.
So I thought that it would be a good idea to just update the host via yum update. However this turned out to be a difficult path.
yum tried to update the kernel, but complained that there is not enough space on the boot partion.
So I moved the boot partion to the root partition:
edit /etc/fsab and comment out the boot entry
unmount /boot
mv /boot
cp -a / /boot
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
grub2-install /dev/sda
After that I have found out that the docker configuration is broken and docker does not start anymore. In the logs it complained about
"Error starting daemon: error initializing graphdriver:
\"/var/lib/docker\" contains other graphdrivers: devicemapper; Please
cleanup or explicitly choose storage driver (-s )"
So I edited /etc/systemd/system/ and changed the ExecStart setting to:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --storage-driver=overlay
After a service docker start and a docker start sandbox. The container worked again and I could could login to the container and after a ambari-server restart everything worked again.
And now - with the new docker version 1.12.2, docker exec sandbox ls works again.
So to sum up the docker exec command has a bug in that specific version of the sandbox, but you should think twice if you want to upgrade your sandbox.
I ran into the same issue.
The HDP 2.5 sandbox runs all of its components in a docker container, but commands like docker exec -it sandbox /bin/bash or docker attach sandbox got stuck.
When I ran a simple ps aux, I found several /usr/bin/docker-proxy commands which looked like :
/usr/bin/docker-proxy -proto tcp -host-ip -host-port 60000 -container-ip -container-port 60000
They probably forward the HTTP ports of the various UIs of HDP components.
I could ssh into the container ip (here using root/hadoop to authenticate. From there, I could use all "missing" commands like ambari-admin-password-reset.
$ ssh root#
... # change password
$ ambari-admin-password-reset
NB: I am new to docker, so there's probably a better way to deal with this.
I'd like to post here the instructions for 3.0.1 here.
I followed the instructions of installing hortonworks version 3.0.1 here:
After running the docker container, go to your browser and enter "localhost:4200", that will take you to the in browser terminal of the container, that hosts ambari. Enter "root" for login and "hadoop" for password, change the root password, and then enter "ambari-admin-password-reset" in order to reset ambari password.
In order to be able to use, you need to add the line "" at the end of the /private/etc/hosts file on your mac.
Incorrect Pass
Then right corner click on power button >> power off drop down >> Restart >> when it boots up then press Esc key to get into recovery menu
select advance option and hit enter
Advance Option
Select Recovery mode hit enter
Select Root
Root enter
mount -rw -o remount/
ls /home
change pass command
passwd username
user as yours
last step
enter pass two times by pressing enter
enter image description here
Hopefully you changed password (:

Web2Py on AWS EC2 Linux

I have an instance running Linux at Amazon AWS EC2 after carefully following the instructions provided by Amazon here: Setting Up to Host a Web App on AWS.
I have set-up the security groups as mentioned in the documentation provided by Amazon.
The default security group has all traffic, all protocols, on all ports open.
In addition to the above security rule, I have setup SSH on port 22 and then, using CyberDuck (a great FTP app), I have uploaded the Web2Py source code into a folder named web2py at AWS.
After successfully FTP the source code into this web2py folder, I have SSH'ed into the AWS machine using the Terminal (on Mac locally) having the my-keys-file.pem on hand:
ssh -i my-keys-file.pem
(where the xx are the numbers in the Public DNS as they appear on my instance on EC2 page)
Then I have checked whether my AWS instance has python installed and it does have it.
Thus, I have proceeded to install Web2Py.
password = pwd
it warns that GUI not available since Tlk library is not installed, but Massimo says here ( that it's not critical.
Running the Web2Py ....
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 80
It says:
there is an error with the Rocket Server with that specific port (used by another process that is not willing to share...)
If I try:
python -a pwd
it says nothing (which begs the question: is web2py running ?) and when I try to access the web2py server
in both cases it says page is not available since it takes too long to access it (nothing about security cause).
If I try:
python -a pwd -i -p 8000
again - it says nothing (is web2py running ?)
trying to access the Web2Py server at
in both cases it says page is not available, same as above.
I have tried to use the IP address instead, but it is immediately translated to the amazon format of ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.etc...
I have tried to access web2py by explicitly mentioning the port (8000) in the address - still it doesn't work while giving no reason except page is not available
My questions:
Is there any DETAILED recipe on how to install AND run Web2Py on AWS EC2 ?
Is the web2py server running ? How can I know if it is running ? If it is not - what am I doing incorrectly ?
If the web2py server is running how can I access it ?
Any help would be much appreciated.
I have deployed my Web2py to an EC2 instance running Ubuntu, but I guess you can adapt the same approach to your system.
The simplest way to deploy Web2py is following the 'One step production deployment' script introduced in the official Web2py book.
chmod +x
sudo ./
Running this will install and configure everything you need.
When finished, simply type your IP or domain name into a web browser and you will see the default web2py website.
