How to use dynamic require in Remix? - node.js

In a Remix action, I use a dynamic require to retrieve different JSON files:
export async function action({ request }: { request: Request }) {
const body = await request.formData();
const country = body.get("country");
const cities = require(`~/cities_by_country/${country}.json`);
return cities;
This produces and "Application Error": Error: Cannot find module '~/cities_by_country/Afghanistan.json'
It turns out that the dynamic require is the issue. Hardcoding the country like this works:
const cities = require(`~/cities_by_country/Afghanistan.json`);
I read that adding "module": esnext (or es2020 or es2022) to tsconfig.json would enable dynamic imports, at least for React. I tried it but got the same results.
I've read these docs as well to no avail:
asset url imports
resource routes
What am I missing?


How does one secure api keys on sveltekit 1.0

I am using ghost, i made an integration and i would like to hide the api key from the front-end. I do not believe i can set restrictions on the ghost cms (that would also work). And i do believe so +page.js files are run on the browser also, so im a little confused on how to achieve this?
The interal sveltekit module $env/static/private (docs) is how you use secure API keys. Sveltekit will not allow you to import this module into client code so it provides an extra layer of safety. Vite automatically loads your enviroment variables from .env files and process.env on build and injects your key into your server side bundle.
import { API_KEY } from '$env/static/private';
// Use your secret
Sveltekit has 4 modules for accessing enviroment variables
$env/static/private (covered)
$env/static/public accessiable by server and client and injected at build (docs)
$env/dynamic/private provided by your runtime adapter; only includes variables with that do not start with the your public prefix which defaults to PUBLIC_ and can only be imported by server files (docs)
$env/dynamic/public provided by your runtime adapter; only includes variables with that do start with the your public prefix which defaults to PUBLIC_ (docs)
You don't need to hide the key.
Ghost Content API Docs:
These keys are safe for use in browsers and other insecure environments, as they only ever provide access to public data.
One common way to hide your third-party API key(s) from public view is to set up proxy API routes.
The general idea is to have your client (browser) query a proxy API route that you provide/host, have that proxy route query the third-party API using your credentials (API key), and pass on the results from the third-party API back to the client.
Because the query to the third-party API takes place exclusively on the back-end, your credentials are never exposed to the client (browser) and thus not visible to the public.
In your use case, you would have to create 3 dynamic endpoint routes to replicate the structure of Ghost's API:
src/routes/api/[resource]/+server.js to match /posts/, /authors/, /tags/, etc.:
const API_KEY = <your_api_key>; // preferably pulled from ENV
const GHOST_URL = `https://<your_ghost_admin_domain>/ghost/api/content`;
export function GET({ params, url }) {
const { resource } = params;
const queryString = url.searchParams.toString();
return fetch(`${GHOST_URL}/${resource}/?key=${API_KEY}${queryString ? `&${queryString}` : ''}`, {
headers: {
'Accept-Version': '5.0' // Ghost API Version setting
src/routes/api/[resource]/[id]/+server.js to match /posts/{id}/, /authors/{id}/, etc.:
const API_KEY = <your_api_key>; // preferably pulled from ENV
const GHOST_URL = `https://<your_ghost_admin_domain>/ghost/api/content`;
export function GET({ params, url }) {
const { resource, id } = params;
const queryString = url.searchParams.toString();
return fetch(`${GHOST_URL}/${resource}/${id}/?key=${API_KEY}${queryString ? `&${queryString}` : ''}`, {
headers: {
'Accept-Version': '5.0' // Ghost API Version setting
src/routes/api/[resource]/slug/[slug]/+server.js to match /posts/slug/{slug}/, /authors/slug/{slug}/, etc.:
const API_KEY = <your_api_key>; // preferably pulled from ENV
const GHOST_URL = `https://<your_ghost_admin_domain>/ghost/api/content`;
export function GET({ params, url }) {
const { resource, slug } = params;
const queryString = url.searchParams.toString();
return fetch(`${GHOST_URL}/${resource}/slug/${slug}/?key=${API_KEY}${queryString ? `&${queryString}` : ''}`, {
headers: {
'Accept-Version': '5.0' // Ghost API Version setting
Then all you have to do is call your proxy routes in place of your original third-party API routes in your app:
// very barebones example
let uri;
let data;
async function get() {
const res = await fetch(`/api/${uri}`);
data = await res.json();
<input name="uri" bind:value={uri} />
<button on:click={get}>GET</button>
Note that using proxy API routes will also have the additional benefit of sidestepping potential CORS issues.

Shopify API Node/Express Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Rest')

Just starting off with Shopify, and trying to get an order. Following the Shopify API documentation, here is my code:
const Shopify = require('#shopify/shopify-api');
const client = new Shopify.Clients.Rest('',
module.exports.getShopifyOrderById = async (orderId) => {
return await client.get({
path: `orders/${orderId}`,
I get the following error when I execute this code:
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'Rest')
Can't seem to figure out what the issue is.
You need to use Object destructing to get the Shopify object or use default export like below.
const { Shopify } = require('#shopify/shopify-api');
const client = new Shopify.Clients.Rest('',
const Shopify = require('#shopify/shopify-api').default;
const client = new Shopify.Clients.Rest('',
const ShopifyLib = require('#shopify/shopify-api');
const client = new ShopifyLib.Shopify.Clients.Rest('',
This has to do with how ES6 modules are emulated in CommonJS and how you import the module. You can read about that here.

Dynamic file names in react native require()

We're working on an app that will allow users to store templates with images on them, and pull those templates up later. This is for an AR environment using Viro on React Native.
We're trying to dynamically load an image into the component, and receiving errors when we require the filepath, which has been set to a variable:
const exampleUri = '/some/uri'
render() {
The URI for the source prop has to be dynamic, as the URIs are pulled from a Database.
We've tried storing the entire request in the database (in models/element.js):
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const db = require('../db');
const Element = db.define('element', {
sourceViro3DObject: {
type: Sequelize.STRING
sourceViro3DObject: `require('../../assets/emoji_heart/emoji_heart.vrx')`
When we called it in the React Native class component:
getObjectData = async () => {
try {
const {data} = await axios.get(`/api/elements/${this.props.elementId}`)
this.setState({sourceViro3DObject: data.sourceViro3DObject})
} catch (err) {
async componentDidMount() {
await this.getObjectData()
But this simply sets state.sourceViro3DObject to a string:
We've tried setting the filepath directly to state as a string:
state.sourceViro3DObject = '../../assets/emoji_heart/emoji_heart.vrx'
and then call require on it:
and received the following error:
Invalid prop `source` supplied to `Viro3DObject`
We've seen recommendations of storing the URIs in an object, but that can't work for us as we don't know what image is going to be used until it's pulled from the database. We can't hard-code them anywhere.
We'd appreciate any help with this!

Do not see the reason I am getting a NOENT returned when I can see the file at the exact spot I am calling for it to be

I know this is very similar to other questions that have been asked on the same error. In the case I have seen though, the file name had been left off of the url. In my case (as far as I know) the url is specified as it should be and I can see the file on my localhost using other tools.
I have a need in a node.js app to perform I/O on json files without the benefit of using express routing. This is an API that has only one route (processor.js). It is accessed by a menu selection on the GUI by selecting 'Process'. From that point on everything happens within that route including multiple GETs/PUTs to json (for ids to data and then using the ids to get the data) and the building of SQL rows for populating SQL-Server Tables from the parsed json data. That, at least is the concept I am testing now. It is the hand I have been dealt, so I don't have other options.
I am using fs-extra rather than request or axios etc., because they all seem to expect express routes to accomplish the I/O. I appear to be able to directly read and write the json using fs-extra. I am using sequelize (or will be) for the SQL side.
That's the background.
Here is my processor.js (I am merely validating that I can in fact get idsList returned to me at this point):
'use strict';
// node_modules
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const fse = require('fs-extra')
// local modules
const idsList = require('../functions/getIds');
router.get('/', (req, res) => {
module.exports = router;
Here is my getIds function:
'use strict';
// library modules
const express = require('express');
const router = express.Router();
const fse = require('fs-extra');
const uri = require('../uri');
// initialize general variables
let baseURL = `http://localhost:5000${uri}/`;
let idsID = 'ids.json';
const getIds = async () => {
let url = `${baseURL}${idsID}`;
try {
const idsList = await fse.readJson(url);
} catch (err) {
module.exports = getIds();
And, here is my error, output to the console (it didn't format very well):
Listening on port 5000...
{ [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open
errno: -2,
code: 'ENOENT',
syscall: 'open',
'http://localhost:5000/Users/doug5solas/sandbox/libertyMutual/playground/api/ids.json' }
What am I missing?
You can use fs-extra to manipulate files and directories in your local file system only.
If you want to read files hosted on other machine over http, try using an http client like: axios.
I moved away from fs-extra to fs.readFileSync and solved the problem. It is not my preference. But it does work and the file is small, and only once.

How to use i18next in serverless node js?

I am using Node JS Azure functions. I am trying to internationalize the error messages returned by the functions with i18next. I could find examples with express or plain node server. In these cases middleware pattern can be used.
But for functions, I need a way to call i18next.t('key') with probably a language parameter which I am not able to find. Calling i18next.changeLanguage() before every call to i18next.t('key') doesn't seem practical.
My skeleton code is as follows
const i18next = require("i18next");
const backend = require("i18next-node-fs-backend");
const options = {
// path where resources get loaded from
loadPath: '../locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
// path to post missing resources
addPath: '../locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.missing.json',
// jsonIndent to use when storing json files
jsonIndent: 4
exports.getString = (key, lang) => {
return i18next.t(key);
It is possible to fetch translations without doing changeLanguage each time?
As pointed out in the comments you need to call the i18next.changeLanguage(lang) function whenever the language needs to be defined or changed.
You can take a look to the documentation here.
The code could look like this
const i18next = require('i18next')
const backend = require('i18next-node-fs-backend')
const options = {
// path where resources get loaded from
loadPath: '../locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json',
// path to post missing resources
addPath: '../locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.missing.json',
// jsonIndent to use when storing json files
jsonIndent: 4
exports.getString = (key, lang) => {
return i18next
.then((t) => {
t(key) // -> same as i18next.t
