Can not find Admin button on GitLab - gitlab

In this GitLab docs it has been mentioned that:
You can change how often this happens or turn it off:
On the top bar, select Menu > Admin. On the left sidebar, select Settings > Repository.
But when I open Menu but there is no Admin button. How can I add Admin button into Menu and also use it? Is it free to access using Admin option?

The admin menu is restricted to GitLab administrators. If you do not see an Admin button, this most likely means you are not a GitLab Administrator. If you are using, this is the case for pretty much all users.
If you are an admin, in modern versions of GitLab you should see the button at the bottom of the dropdown:
In older versions, the admin button is directly in the top bar.
If you are an admin on a self-hosted GitLab instance, you can also attempt to access the admin area directory directly at the path /admin. If you are logged in and get a 404, it means you are not an admin (or your instance has admin mode setting enabled).
Note that this documentation is under the "Administration" section, meaning this is intended for (self-managed) administrators only. The docs could probably also be updated to make this more clear:
Administrators can change how often this happens or turn it off:


Sharepoint user permission

I have a SharePoint site where I am the admin and I have full control permission. One of the users created a link on the navigation menu, but I cannot edit it or delete it. The user is no longer on the site. I checked the permission again, and it shows I have full control.
How do I modify or delete the link and its page?
I tried giving myself more permission, but that did not help. I thought full control covers everything.
On the edit mode, some links are editable, but the one I need to remove doesn't give me that option.
If it is a link to a list/library, it might not be permissions related. Check the List/Library Settings, "Name, Description and Navigation" option:

How to lock down a branch, but still allow certain users to check-in?

What I intend to do is lock the whole release branch down so nobody can do check-in.
But there's one developer that does a lot of installer changes, so he has to be able to submit changes.
Is there a way to do it?
Assuming you are an admin for the project: right-click a folder (in your case, your branch root) in source control explorer, click "Advanced/Security" in the menu, and then choose your settings. You may wish to create a new user group, or just add the user individually.
As a side note, it's often more user-friendly if you deny lock and check-in rights (rather than denying check out): if a developer is browsing the code, VS will often try to check out various files, and the error dialogs this shows when security-blocked can be quite intrusive.

How to disiable navigation bar in openbravo 3

I would like to disable top navigation bar for certain users.
Quick Menus
Create New
Application Menu
Log out
User Preferences
I would like to show only workspace with default widgets in it when certain users logs into openbravo.
How to achieve the above features in openbravo.
Any help greatly appreciated!.
1) You can enable portal interface
For Portal Users: If checked, this role will have a simplified (portal) interface, where we may see only configured workspace widgets with role access. Portal interface changes the look and feel of the workspace. Top page menu and left-side menu are hidden. Usually a role for Portal Users givess access to users only to their own information using widgets.
2) To remove logout link you have to add patch/tweak client application module
3) Since portal interface also disables left-side menu (i.e recent views, recent documents etc) to enable you have to add patch/tweak client application module
patches or changes may need to go on smartclient code as well as java code related to default workspace
It's possible to hide tool bar here via preferences. But Openbravo core customization is required to disiable top navigation bar in openbravo 3. It is not possible to achieve the above using openbravo's extended module feature. Check this link

How to remove My Pages and My Submissions from Liferay Control panel

I'm currently working on a Liferay project and want to get rid of the My Pages and My Submissions menu items on the right side so that users of my site do not bother with them. Tried looking for the jsp that renders the left side menu, but could manage to remove the item from there. Any ideas how to proceed? Thanks!!!
You could add the following lines to your (usually found in webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes under tomcat):
#deactivate Personal Community with *private* pages
#deactivate Personal Community with *public* pages
#hide Personal Community from my places
and restart the server.
Recently I had the same task assigned. Fortunately removing this items from the menu is quite straightforward since the control panel is nothing more than a special layout for displaying portlets that are deployed in the portal server. You can read my blog post here to check the simple steps on how to customize the Control Panel and My Account portlet.
You probably rather want to limit the permissions to people. Don't give out global administration roles, but create your own roles, "Define Permissions" for them as you need them and leave out the permissions that you don't want to provide to your users - e.g. "access in control panel" or the general permission to add a page.
Otherwise you'll miss other ways to use the interface and still allow them to add pages through other means (e.g. "Manage/Page").
Edit: The easiest way to get rid of "My Submissions" is to undeploy the workflow plugin (kaleo-web) - of course you can only do this if you don't need workflow.

show administration theme when editing page in drupal

I am using a custom theme for the front end of my drupal website.I created it by modifying garland theme.And I am using garland as the admin theme.
When I try to edit a page from admin it shows the edit page with my custom theme ( And It breaks up the layout.
I want to show the admin theme for all the admin tasks. This problem also occurs on the blocks page (
Is there any custom module or core hack to show admin theme when editing pages.
If you want to use admin theme by non-admin users you must give permissions to that user: Permitions->System->View the administration theme
Be sure that you check the option in the page
To get the admin theme showing for non-admin users, I went to admin/people/permissions/list and checked the "View the administration theme" box for all roles.
Sounds simple except that the Filter list wasn't showing that entry when I typed theme, so it took me awhile to find it. Finally I used the browser find to find all instances of the word "theme".
Or, you could type "System" in the Filter list to show only a few options in the relevant category.
You can use admin theme module, download and install it , the go to permission in dmin/people/permissions then in Administration theme set permission to waht user you want by checking Access administration theme.
Then goto in bottom of the page in custom page add
and finally clear the cache
You have to check the checkbox under:
