Post Review on product through Amazon SP-API - node.js

Scenario: I'm build a NodeJs (NestJs Framework) application, Where I can get feedback from my clients (Amazon Product Purchaser) and Post its review on my Amazon Product page. I have successfully validated Amazon Order ID using SP-API endpoint{orderId}, but I can't find any SP-API endpoint through which I can post Product Review on my Amazon Product Page.
Summary: I am trying to find an API endpoint (Amazon SP-API) through which I can post buyer review collected on my own website.

This use-case is impossible through SP-API.
You can't post a review on behalf on an Amazon customer.
The only thing you can do is redirect the customer to the review page.
Eventually you can add a parameter to pre-fil the form with 5 stars.
Here is the URL pattern to do so:
/review/create-review?&asin={{ ASIN }}:5


Woocommerce checkout to process order on an separate WordPress site?

SITE A : WooCommerce have products no accepted by Stripe
Payment Gateway : WooCommerce Custom Payment Gateway Pro "Plugin"
Plugins related to this trick : AffiliateWP
SITE B : WooCommerce have products accepted by stripe
Payment Gateway : Stripe "Plugin"
How can I make integration between these site I want to make SITE B handle all Payment Process will come from SITE A
Explanation: when customer make order via SITE A when Fill all details for order like (Name, Phone no, etc..) and Choose Payment method (Custom one the site use) when click Pay order the plugin must forward all these details to SITE B and direct process payment via Stripe.
I know many sites work like this and I did some research about it, when customer click on pay now it make redirect to link likes this
I have done research about it right now I don't know how exactly I must make this integration but i know some information may be right
Create endpoint in SITE B to start receive API request from SITE A
Send payment request from SITE A (handle all variables like order_id, amount, customer details etc,, ) using > WooCommerce Custom Payment Gateway Pro plugin
Receive request and process payment via stripe in SITE B
QUESTION IS : how to make these integration in the right way?

Can I get session and pageview data by product from Amazon?

Like Amazon Seller Central's business report, I would like to acquire sessions and report dates for each product through API.
I've checked Amazon MWS and SP-API, but I can't find a way, so I'm asking you for help.
you can make a chrome extension to get sessions and page view data. i did the same as there is no way with in MWS and SP API to get this information.
You can now get session and page view by product by getting the GET_SALES_AND_TRAFFIC_REPORT report.
You first have to add Brand Analytics role to your application.
Then the seller must authorize your app after you had add this role.

Find my own product ratings via Amazon API

I need to find my product details such as ratings without scraping.
Is that possible or any existing API to get these information from?
If not is it possible to scrape it by my self any good source for free node js amazon scraper?
There does exist an API called Amazon's product advertising API.
The problem with it is that you need an Amazon associate account which is an affiliate marketing program that expects you to drive sales to products.
Product Advertising API sign up is available only to associates who have referred qualified sales and have been accepted into the program.
You could use the Keepa API. Keepa is a browser widget that scrapes Amazon through its users. The downside here is the data may not be real time. The more active an item is, the more often it is scraped. You can pull price, offers, reviews, rating, and more. The plugin is free, but the API is not.

Advertising API issue :error_description=An+unknown+scope+was+requested&error=invalid_scope

My purpose is to download the advertising report, but I encounter Advertising API issue on below step 4 of Authorization.
I should get the authorization code but get below screen-shot error message
rather than the authorization code .
by the way, this account also is the seller account and has approvaled the advertising API access, what should I do, thanks!
Amazon advertising API url:enter link description here
This happens when the client (for that application within amazon ads) is not whitelisted for Amazon ads.
Create a support ticket requesting your app to be whitelisted.
Amazon send you a email, you need to finish the step 2 then visit the url.

Does Stripe's API pull the URL of the webpage where the transaction takes place?

Scenario #1: You have 5 separate Stripe accounts but 1 website, so you somehow rotate those 5 payment gateways on that 1 website. Now if 10 sales come in, then if equally distributed, each Stripe account gets 2 sales. Will Stripe see that the transactions actually originated from the same URL?
Scenario #2: You have 5 separate websites but 1 Stripe account. Now if each website generates 2 sales there will be 10 sales on that 1 Stripe account. Will Stripe see that the transactions actually originated from different URLs?
Thank you!
You don't need a website or an active HTTP request on a web server to use the Stripe API. The Stripe API has no idea about the context in which you're making a call to their database. No, they do not know the URL of the website associated with your web server. All they know is the IP address of your server making the API call.
