Advertising API issue :error_description=An+unknown+scope+was+requested&error=invalid_scope - amazon

My purpose is to download the advertising report, but I encounter Advertising API issue on below step 4 of Authorization.
I should get the authorization code but get below screen-shot error message
rather than the authorization code .
by the way, this account also is the seller account and has approvaled the advertising API access, what should I do, thanks!
Amazon advertising API url:enter link description here

This happens when the client (for that application within amazon ads) is not whitelisted for Amazon ads.
Create a support ticket requesting your app to be whitelisted.

Amazon send you a email, you need to finish the step 2 then visit the url.


How to request merchanID from binance to use its API create order

may i know how to get merchantId or whats the process to request merchantId from binance ?
thanks in advance.
The POST /binancepay/openapi/order endpoint that you're referencing, creates a P2P merchant order. You can get the ID in your Merchant profile of the P2P platform (after Binance has confirmed you as a P2P merchant).
If this is not what you're looking for and you just want to submit a (regular) spot order (e.g. to buy BTC to USDT), you can use the POST /api/v3/order endpoint. It only requires your API key and API secret that you can generate in the API management section of your profile.

Instagram webhook not activating

My goal is to use the Facebook webhooks to get a notification whenever an IG user mentions my IG account. For that I have followed these steps:
I have created a Facebook page and connected it with an Instagram business account.
I have created a Facebook app (which is now live) and added the product "webhooks".
I have connected my app with my page.
I have created a webhook and subscribed to the mentions event.
I have tested the webhook, using the tools provided by Facebook and it works.
The problem I'm facing is that I can't get my app to work with real data. I have tried to mention my business IG account from my IG personal account, but nothing happens. My callback url is not getting called.
My app doesn't need users to login, so I'm not sure if I need to send my app for review. Do I need a special permission?
I had the same problem. For my case, when I installed the app via graph api explorer, the page token I was using didn't have the instagram_manage_insights permission. So I granted that permission, got a new token, re did the POST request to the {page-id}/subscribed_apps again with the new token and that fixed the problem. Just for the record, I used a system user token from the business manager.
Did you verified your Facebook app via app review? If not, you won't get production data via a webhook callback for the Instagram. I had the same issue and asked the Facebook support and got following response:
However, this is not the same for instagram or pages. This is just how the product teams have decided to implement it. For app review, you can show a mock process of the flow, using either the test webhook or your own process. The app review is less about technical implementation steps, but just a way to make sure that your app is going to use the permission in a way that follows our guidelines, so mocking the procedure should be fine. The reviewers understand that you do not receive webhooks in dev mode and should take this into consideration.
For more information check out following links:
Why is the Instagram Graph API webhook not working
I just figure it out of this problem.
There is a mistake in the official Instagram webhook guide:
With Graph API version 3.2, the /{page-id}/subscribed_apps edge now requires the subscribed_fields parameter, which currently does not support Instagram webhooks fields. To get around this, use your app's dashboard to subscribe.
However, the app's dashboard subscribe is another function. You need your page to subscribe to some field to receive webhooks
Just POST /{your-instagram-connected-page-id}/subscribed_apps?subscribed_fields=feed&access_token={your-instagram-connected-page-token}
Then you will receive webhooks in live mode.

Instagram API comments webhook

I try to integrate Instagram into my web app.
I need receive webhook by each comment in my media.
I create a Client in Instagram/developers and POST subscription,
But only receive when posting a media.
When another way,
I try with Facebook Instagram API, and receive webhook from a commets,
but if the user which write the commets isn´t a business account, I´m can´t get a data from the user.
Any suggestion?
Existe another way to integrate API Instagram?
No. You have covered the possible scenario. Comment webhooks are only supported in the FB graph API. And to use that you need to connect with business account. They don't support comment webhooks for non-business account.

Docusign Webhook is not hitting into my application

I created application and using e-signature using Docusign.
I want to get Envelop status updates using Docusign Webhook through eventNotification.
I hosted my website into public accessible environment also enabled ssl here is
my webhook url -
As per the Docusign feature, when Envelop status gets changed then webhook try to post some data into webhook url but it's getting failed and I can see that failed post request at Docusign -> connect -> failure tab. here is screen shot enter image description here
I have check with with my network team, No firewall is blocking. and also tried to post some data using fiddler from other network it is working fine. then I am wondering, why Docusign webhook is unable to post data into my webhook url.
I am unable to access the URL
Looks like it is not publicly accessible.
Use a tool like GeoPeeker and make sure your URL is indeed publicly accessible.
As CodingDawg suggested, it should either be publicly accessible or becasue of security concern you don't want it to be publicly accessible then you have to work with your Network/Firewall team to whitelist DocuSign IPs. You can find DocuSign IPs at

How to request xAuth privileges of my iPhone App for Custome Twitter Login UI?

In my application i want to use my own Login page for twitter login. I search around and i found tutorial and code for that ,
i have gone through both of this code. but getting error like
error : Client application is not permitted to use xAuth.
I serched for this error and found xAuth document on developer.twiiter here it is
From this document i found that i have to sent a detailed message to to request xAuth privileges. Include the name of my application, the consumer key, the application ID (if available), and a summary of how xAuth is best-suited for your application.
I have sent mail to according they ask for.but i still not get xAuth Privilage to use my Custome Login UI.api.twitter reply my mail but there is nothing mention about my xAuth access that i have requested for. Here is reply from them
- Please type your reply above this line -
Hello, This email is an automated response to acknowledge receipt of your email regarding xAuth access. Please note: for your application to qualify for xAuth access, it must be production-ready and only accessible via standalone desktop application or via mobile. We are not granting xAuth for test purposes, single-user applications, web-based applications, or for applications that are in the early stages of development. In order for your request to be processed, you must reply to this email with the following required information within 5 days: • Your App ID number (or consumer key) from • A link to your application’s website • A link to a short video demonstrating the following: - Your application’s main features - How your application interacts with Twitter, including its user login functionality - a fully functional OAuth integration. Knowledge of OAuth is required to implement xAuth; we require your application have a fully working OAuth integration before we can grant this authentication privilege. • A link to a demo twitter account which has authorized access to your application’s OAuth integration and has used it. Please note that our ticketing system does not accept attachments; you will need to upload your video to your server or a video host (for example, YouTube or Vimeo) and provide a direct link (URL) to the video. You may remove the video if you so choose once your request has been processed and you have received our reply. If you provided the required information listed above in your initial request, please respond to this ticket to affirm that all required information is present. If you were not requesting access to xAuth but received this response, please let us know by responding to this ticket. If you have a technical question about the API, please visit our developer site, where you will find extensive documentation about the Twitter API: Thanks, Twitter API Policy
Now anyone can help me please how can i get xAuth access to use my custome UI for twitter Login?
help will appreciate lot. its really curd of mind....
