Telegram bot doesn't process messages anymore - bots

I face a somewhat weird problem. Unfortunately, I have to diagnose and repair it from distance without any real access. So I don't know if I can provide enough information to solve it.
I built an interface for my grandma (94) to chat with the family via telegram by connecting a Telegram bot to a microphone (for her to record voice messages) and a small printer (for the messages to be printed for her). [This is inspired by the Yayagram invented!]
The problem:
For the last one year, everything worked just fine. However, a few days ago, the bot stopped working. My grandma could not send any voice messages and didn't receive any of our messages. After calling her and checking all the connections, we restarted the device. Now, she can send voice messages, but the bot still doesn't process our text messages (nor commands!).
I have never encountered a bot being able to send messages without processing incoming messages. As I said, I have no way to analyze the problem in detail as my grandma lives 500km from me. If anybody has any ideas where the problem could be, I would be very happy.
I knew it would work to post a question on StackOverflow! Out of nowhere, the bot seems to work again. I have no idea what caused it, or why it started again as I did nothing. I am still grateful for any insight for what might have caused it!


What config option allows bot to respond to commands posted by itself?

If I have en external process post a message as bot, let's say !help how can make Errbot respond to it? Currently it ignores messages coming from errbot itself. I could not find a configuration option for this.
Good question: It is in the contract of each backend to detect and filter out the messages coming from the bot itself.
This design choice is mainly to avoid weird infinite loop behavior etc.
In general if the bot emits something and needs to react from it, why not doing that at that point instead of waiting for its own response?

HipChat Nodejs Bot - Cant receive room messages

I am trying to create an hip chat bot with nodejs. The main library is node-xmpp. However at the moment the build is failing and I think thats why my nom install doesn't work.
Any who I managed to write my own version based on the core modules.
- node-xmpp-client
- node-xmpp-component
- node-xmpp-jid
I can see messages fine and send. But only private! although I am registered in a room I cannot see room messages.
The source code of node-xmpp says thats a message or stanza should have a type and from that understand if the message is private or not. Well to me only private messages come. I wonder if its an issue with Hipchat.
If you want to take a look at the code, I made a github repo as it would an overkill to page here. github
The 'problem' lies with the xmpp protocol itself.
Due to the way the protocol works, you need to have joined the room before you can receive messages from it.
Why I was, lead to believe otherwise, was because hip chat showed the user as online on the room, but in reality he is not online on the group he is just online.

Does emit sometimes fail?

I have a web based multiplayer game. It happens from time to time that someone is kicked out because server did not get expected message from client. It seems from my logs that client did not disconnect, just did not send message or server did not receive it. My question here is "Does this things happen normally from time to time?" Should i use some kind of callback mechanism to ensure message is delivered and if not send it again or is there some issue that i am not aware? already provides ACKs and message ID tracking, on top of TCP.
Also, uses pings to check the connection. So, if you say that the client is not disconnected, and the server tells that the client is not disconnected, then the connection is still there.
The problem must be situated elsewhere.
Are you sure there is not a bug in either part of the implementation? Showing some code snippets could help, as well as the environment you are using.

Some kind of timeout proglem with node.js / chat

We've built simple node.js chat from an example chat document. Here is our problem that we've stucked with;
When A person clicks to B person for chat it says "it's ready start conversation"
When they send message nothing happens, hitting enter only clearing message neither A nor B person sees it.
But if they do f5 both it says "it's ready to start conversation" again and now they can chat without any problem.
With this first trigger every chat can be made without f5. For example after 1-5 hours if C person clicks to D person they can start conversation without problem.
But if a day passed without any conversation people that starts first conversation on that day has to make f5 to make some kind of trigger. Then anyone after them starts without any problem.
The server goes some kind of timeout or screensaver mode..! People on first conversation always have to make f5. Then it works for a day.. I am not sending any code or something we need guidance what to look for. Node.js? What can cause this silly problem? Thx
But if a day passed without any conversation people that starts first conversation on that day has to make f5 to make some kind of trigger. Then anyone after them starts without any problem.
This sounds like you're trying to keep a websocket connection open for several days without any client doing any reconnect?
If this is the case, then maybe it is a clientside problem. Perhaps the browser closes the websocket-connection after a long time. Your web app doesnt recognize the lack of connection and still shows "it's ready to start conversation". But browser doesnt send any messages to the server anymore.
Check this thread: howto reestablish connection
It would help a lot, if you show us some code.
Best regards

A way to transfer IRC chatter/pm to gtalk

I'd like to know if some sort of bot/tool/service exists that would allow people on (regular) IRC chat to me on gtalk
so: irc user X sends a pm to MyBot (f.e.); that pm forwards to me
a irc room to chat would also work fine (so everything said in channel #abc gets into my gtalk conversation with
hope I was clear enough for you to understand what I'm looking for and that anyone knows a way for me to solve it.
You can use PircBotX to create an IRC bot in Java yourself, and use pm events to send gtalk messages using any old Jabber library. A quick search finds me Smack.
I did something similar once, but I made two instances of PircBotX, one to connect to the IRC server, and another to connect to this special IRC server somewhere that was configured to automatically pass on messages to popular IM protocols. I can't seem to remember what that service was called, perhaps you'll have better luck.
Well, there's the hans-irc-gtalk bot which does something like that. People need to subscribe to the messages in order to get them from gtalk. Not sure how well supported the project is.
