Flutter how to handle textformfield in landscape - keyboard

I don't know if anyone can help achieve this TextFormField Top Keyboard
I am having issues seeing my input field in the landscape when the keypad displayed in Flutter.


Android Virtual Keyboard affect screen rotation ( Using Cocos Creator to build )

I using Cocos Creator 3.5.2 for this project.
When I start testing input text field in android phone either in app or web browser, after the virtual keyboard appear and I try rotate screen from landscape to portrait, the keyboard got change but the screen layout dint resize still is landscape but only smaller n at top.
It need to close the keyboard then the screen layout will start resize and this is in app.
Any idea that can cause this happen?
And any solution for it.

UIWebView Creates empty space below textfield when keyboard appears

I'm using UIWebView in Xamarin iOS for loading my webpage
When the keyboard appears extra space appearing between textfield and keyboard, I need to remove the unwanted space, Kindly help on this. Thanks in Advance

Custom Keyboard for iPhone X inputView.frame size

I have my custom keyboard that's fine with all iPhones except iPhone X. In my custom keyboard i create UI with XIB file and i am not using Autolayout. Here is how i add my keyboard view in Keyboard Extension.
self.myKeyX.frame = self.inputView.frame;
[self.inputView addSubview:self.myKeyX];
However my keyboard show only in black Area and not showing full keyboard place. Please see in photo. How can i solve it? Thank you.
Here is photo
Following is working for me, on iPhone X
xib need to tick "Use safe-area Layout Guides"
add constraints to safe-area guides

How to fix only 3 images in HorizontalListView in both portrait and landscape mode

I got a requirement where I need to set only 3 images for every scroll in horizontal listview in android like this. please help me out.Thanks in advance

J2ME, LWUIT (V. 1.2) - Menu bar from bottom to the right of the screen!

I'm working with the mobile graphic framework LWUIT (V. 1.2) to develop an application for Nokia N97.
Results are striking and elegant but I have a problem: when I rotate mobile screen, menu bar doesn't switch from bottom to the right of screen. Commands remain on the bottom while correspondent mobile buttons are now on the right...
Is there an event that I can intercept when the user open or rotate mobile screen? Or I have to extend some library class to make this behaviour automatic? Or anithing else?
Anyone of you can describe a solution?
Thanks in advance
I didn't use LWUIT much, but you can insert following parameter to jad:
Nokia-MIDlet-App-Orientation: portrait
This should disable auto-rotating on Nokia S60 5th.
If you want to catch an event when the screen rotates, you can check canvas.getWidth() and canvas.getHeight(). If device's screen is not square, its width and height should change.
