Please I want to find out how to deploy my APK on buildfire.
Also, can I use ReactNative on Buildfire?
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I want to download latest build of sp-dev-fx-webparts. I need sppkg file, where I can find latest build of pnp webparts?
.sppkg files for SPFx samples are not provided directly for some obvious reasons. Check the replies from repository moderator on this thread.
So, you have to clone the GitHub repository, build the web part & create a solution using below commands for which you the package file:
npm install
gulp build
gulp bundle --ship
gulp package-solution --ship
Related article: Walkthrough: how to deploy spfx sample webparts
When generating signed bundle or APK I need to choose one way or the other. But I wish to create both in single build, release settings for aab and debug for APK. Is it possible?
Use the Bundle tool to generate apk from app bundle. Download BundleTool.
First, generate app bundle then use this bundle to convert it into apk by running below command
java -jar F:\Android\AndroidStudioProjects\bundle-tools\bundletool-all-1.3.0.jar build-apks --bundle=F:\Android\AndroidStudioProjects\bundle-tools\app-debug.aab --output=F:\Android\AndroidStudioProjects\bundle-tools\app-debug.apks --mode=UNIVERSAL
Replace path to your file path of bundle, bundletool and output file path
i use strapi and i want to change the default text editor with the ckeditor5 classic.
On the strapi website is a guide how to configure the default ckeditor5 classic for strapi.
Strapi Guide
But there are some important tools missing so I want to build my custom fork of the ckeditor5 classic package.
I started with the ckeditor5 online builder. Downloaded the build package and want to import it in the strapi project.
Online Builder
My problems starting here.
First of all, how I can use a downloaded package in a project instead of download it over npm/yarn?
Package Structure:
I saw that package has no main command in the package.json. So an import in a node.js file to this package doesn't work. Here is my question, is this package i build with the online generator intended for usage in a node project?
Look at the truth, I don't know very well, I'm not an expert on the subject yet ... I'm really new and I'm working with strapi, but as I see these plugins have an install command with NPM. Example:
enter image description here
Try to download the plugins by NPM or Yarn and then import them as they say in this post: Customizing CKEditor for Strapi gives "ckeditor-duplicated-modules" error
I want to use gm package to generate thumbnail image (50x50) but I must install graphicsmagick in my Heroku server. So I googled it ,but haven't got a solution.
2021 Update:
I managed to install GraphicsMagick on my NodeJS Heroku project.
You just have to add heroku-buildpack-graphicsmagick
into your project.
Right now there are a lot of methods, but the fastest one is:
Go to your Heroku Dashboard > Your Project > Settings tab
Scroll down to your Buildpacks section.
Add the buildpack .git link:
Save and deploy your app again. Then it will be instaled.
Here's how it should look:
Now it should work.
If you're interested in my case:
I was trying to add a library to create barcodes into a pdf. For that I used a library called barcode and pdfkit. Then in order for the barcode library to work, I had to have a working installation of GraphicsMagick. Then I discovered that I had to install this 'gm' dependency into my Heroku project.
Also, this is how it looks when deploying your project:
GraphicsMagick app detected
+ install GraphicsMagick-1.3.19
I din't install anything on Heroku but It works I think GraphicsMagic is default
We have upgraded to Angular 6 so we had to change the ng build env=prod to
ng build configuration=production because angular-cli.json is not being used anymore.
Locally, ng build configuration=production works properly and the settings I need in prod were there. But when we trigger the build step/task in azure VSTS, ng build configuration=production does not replace the dev settings to production.
Did anyone encounter this? what did you folks do to fix this?
First, try changing your syntax to
ng run [project]:build:production
where [project] is replaced with the name of your project as specified in the projects object in angular.json.
For example, if your project is called "my-app", then try
ng run my-app:build:production
Second, in angular.json, make sure that my-app > architect > build > configurations > production is defined the way that you expect.
Third, notice that the output of the build will be dist\[project]\production (assuming your "outputPath" is "dist"). You need to ensure that your VSTS build's artifact include these files (for example, by archiving them into a ZIP and then copying them to $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)).