How to replace a string in multiple files in multiple subfolders with different file extensions in linux using command line - linux

I have already followed this query # (How to replace a string in multiple files in linux command line).
My question is rather an extension of the same.
I want to check only specific file extensions in the subfolders also but not every file extension.
What I have already tried:
grep -rli 'old-word' * | xargs -i# sed -i 's/old-word/new-word/g' #
My problem: It is changing in every other file format as well. I want to search and replace only in one file extension.
Please add another answer where I can change the entire line of a file as well not just one word.
Thanks in advance.

Simplest solution is to use complex grep command:
grep -rli --include="*.html" --include=".json" 'old-word' *
The disadvantage of this solution. Is that you do not have clear control which files are scanned.
Better suggesting to tune a find command to locate your desired files.
Using RegExp filtering option -regex to filter file names.
So you verify the correct files are scanned.
Than feed the find command result to grep scanning list.
Assuming you are looking for file extensions txt pdf html .
Assuming your search path begins in /home/user/data
find /home/user/data -regex ".*\.\(html\|txt\|pdf\)$"
Once you have located your files. It is possible to grep match each file from the the above find command:
grep -rli 'old-word' $( find /home/user/data -regex ".*\.\(html\|txt\|pdf\)$" )


How to replace an unknown string in multiple files under Linux?

I want to change multiple different strings across all files in a folder to one new string.
When the string in the text files (within a same directory) is like this:
file1.json: "url/1.png"
file2.json: "url/2.png"
file3.json: "url/3.png"
I would need to point them all to a single PNG, i.e., "url/static.png", so all three files have the same URL inside pointing to the same PNG.
How can I do that?
you can use the command find and sed for this. make sure you are in the folder that you want to replace files.
find . -name '*.*' -print|xargs sed -i "s/\"url\/1.png\"/\"url\/static.png\"/g"
Suggesting bash script:
# for each file with extension .json in current directory
for currFile in *.json; do
# extract files ordinal from from current filename
filesOrdinal=$(echo "#currFile"| grep -o "[[:digit:]]\+")
# use files ordinal to identify string and replace it in current file
sed -i -r 's|url/'"$filesOrdinal".png'|url/static.png|' $currFile

Finding multiple strings in directory using linux commends

If I have two strings, for example "class" and "btn", what is the linux command that would allow me to search for these two strings in the entire directory.
To be more specific, lets say I have directory that contains few folders with bunch of .php files. My goal is to be able to search throughout those .php files so that it prints out only files that contain "class" and "btn" in one line. Hopefully this clarifies things better.
I normally use the following to search for strings inside my source codes. It searches for string and shows the exact line number where that text appears. Very helpful for searching string in source code files. You can always pipes the output to another grep and filter outputs.
grep -rn "text_to_search" directory_name/
$ grep -rn "angular" menuapp
$ grep -rn "angular" menuapp | grep some_other_string
output would be:
menuapp/public/javascripts/app.js:1:var app = angular.module("menuApp", []);
grep -r /path/to/directory 'class|btn'
grep is used to search a string in a file. With the -r flag, it searches recursively all files in a directory.
Or, alternatively using the find command to "identify" the files to be searched instead of using grep in recursive mode:
find /path/to/your/directory -type f -exec grep "text_to_search" {} \+;

Using grep to identify a pattern

I have several documents hosted on a cloud instance. I want to extract all words conforming to a specific pattern into a .txt file. This is the pattern:
and so one. Essentially the words start with a specific character string 'ABC', have a fixed number of numerals, and end with a letter. This is my code:
grep -oh ABC[0-9].*[a-zA-Z]$ > /home/user/abcLetterMatches.txt
When I execute the query, it runs for several hours without generating any output. I have over 1100 documents. However, when I run this query:
grep -r ABC[0-9].*[a-zA-Z]$ > /home/user/abcLetterMatches.txt
the list of files with the strings is generated in a matter for seconds.
What do I need to correct in my query? Also, what is causing the delay?
Based on the answers, it's evident that the command is missing the file name on which it needs to be executed. I want to run the code on multiple document files (>1000)
The documents I want searched are in multiple sub-directories within a directory. What is a good way to search through them? Doing
grep -roh ABC[0-9].*[a-zA-Z]$ > /home/user/abcLetterMatches.txt
only returns the file names.
If I use the updated code from the answer below:
find . -exec grep -oh "ABC[0-9].*[a-zA-Z]$" >> ~/abcLetterMatches.txt {} \;
I get a no file or directory error
The pattern can be anywhere in the line.
You can use this regexp :
~/ grep -E "^ABC[0-9]{3}[A-Z]$" docs > filename
There is no delay, grep is just waiting for the input you didn't give it (and therefore it waits on standard input, by default). You can correct your command by supplying argument with filename:
grep -oh "ABC[0-9].*[a-zA-Z]$" file.txt > /home/user/abcLetterMatches.txt
Source (man grep):
To perform the same grepping on several files recursively, combine it with find command:
find . -exec grep -oh "ABC[0-9].*[a-zA-Z]$" >> ~/abcLetterMatches.txt {} \;
This does what you ask for:
grep -hr '^ABC[0-9]\{3\}[A-Za-z]$'
-h to not get the filenames.
-r to search recursively. If no directory is given (as above) the current one is used. Otherwise just specify one as the last argument.
Quotes around the pattern to avoid accidental globbing, etc.
^ at the beginning of the pattern to — together with $ at the end — only match whole lines. (Not sure if this was a requirement, but the sample data suggests it.)
\{3\} to specify that there should be three digits.
No .* as that would match a whole lot of other things.

Using grep to overwrite its current file

I have a list of directories within directories and this is what I am trying to attempt:
find a specific file format which is .xml
within all these .xml files, read the contents in the files and remove line 3
For line 3, its string is as follows: dxflib <Name of whatever folder it is in>.dxb
I tried using find -name "*.xml" | xargs grep -v "dxflib" in the terminal (I am using linux) and I found out that while my code works and it displays the results, it did not overwrite the changes to the file.
And as I googled online, it is mentioned that I will need to add in >> output.txt etc
And hence, are there anyways in which I can make it to save / overwrite its own file?
Removes third line in file:
sed -i '3d' file

grep command on linux ( especially grep --exclude)

I'm newbie on linux issues and before asking here I googled it however I couldnt find a clue about grep --exclude.So I wonder what does the line below ?? Thanks in advance
grep --exclude=\*.svn\* -r REVISION* >
search REVISION on "*" file exluding .svn file and send output to
To grep through a directory while excluding various file types (in your example anything prefixed with .svn ) you probably want to do the following:
grep -r "SOMETHING" --exclude="*.svn*" /path/to/directory > 2>&1
This will grep through all files within a directory recursively, then post the matches to a file called which is located relative to where you are currently searching.
If you provide more information abut exactly what you're trying to grep/find I can update my answer with something that will work exactly for your case.
you can find grep on man pages here.
what exclude does:
Recurse in directories skip file matching PATTERN.
your command will search, recursively, in all directories, skipping file pattern "*.svn*" and searching for file pattern "* >"
