This is the command that I tried to use and the error message received is shown below the command
az network lb create --name <name> -g <RG name> --frotnend-ip-name <frontend_name> --frontend-ip-zone "1","2","3" -l southeastasia --private-ip-address <“static_ip”> --private-ip-address-version IPv4 --sku Standard --subnet “<subnet_id>” --subnet-address-prefix “<prefix>” --vnet-name “<vnet_name>” --public-ip-address “”
Below is the error received for the command
az network lb create: '1, 2, 3' is not a valid value for '--frontend-ip-zone'. Allowed values: 1, 2, 3.
You should first create the LB then add frontend-IP to the LB,
Create LB:
az network lb create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyLb --sku Standard
Add Zone redundant frontend across Zones,
az network lb frontend-ip create -g {rg} --lb-name lb -n LoadBalancerFrontEnd -z 1 2 3 --vnet-name vnet --subnet subnet
We are working on Public PR to enable this feature during the creation of LB itself.
I am facing a interesting problem in a Jenkins pipeline. I am trying to create a frontend ip for a load balancer in Azure with the following command:
sh "az network lb frontend-ip create \
--lb-name ${LB_NAME} \
--subnet '${SUBNET_ID}' \
--name ${DNS_HOST}
--zone {1,2,3} \
The command works on my local computer, but in Jenkins sh puts single quotes around the --zone parameter and then the command fails (subnet was shortened to **** by me for better visibility):
+ az network lb frontend-ip create -g RG --lb-name LB --subnet '****' --name NAME --zone '{1,2,3}' --only-show-errors
ERROR: az network lb frontend-ip create: '{1,2,3}' is not a valid value for '--zone'. Allowed values: 1, 2, 3.
Examples from AI knowledge base:
az network lb frontend-ip create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyFrontendIp --lb-name MyLb --private-ip-address --subnet MySubnet --vnet-name MyVnet
Create a frontend ip address for an internal load balancer.
az network lb frontend-ip create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyFrontendIp --lb-name MyLb --public-ip-address MyFrontendIp
Create a frontend ip address for a public load balancer.
Read more about the command in reference docs
I tried a lot of combinations of escapes \ and workarounds without success. Did anyone also faced this issue and was able to solve it?
I have a resource group with all of my networking in it. I need to create a VM in another resource group but using the vnets/subnet in the other resource group. It is failing miserably at the cli. Here's the command I'm using:
az vm create --name vm-jmp-poc-e --resource-group rg-mgmt-poc-eastus-001 --public-ip-address "" --image Win2016Datacenter --data-disk-sizes-gb 10 --admin-user adminuser --admin-password ThisIsThePass123$ --availability-set av-cpe-poc-eastus-001 --subnet subscriptions/938b61f6-ecac-4c61-ad3b-7e856c377660/resourceGroups/providers/Micosoft.Network/virtualNetworks/rg-sql-cpe-poc-eastus-001/vnet-primary-poc-eastus-001/subnets/snet-mgmt-poc-eastus-002 --location eastus
Here is the error:
ValidationError: incorrect usage: --subnet ID | --subnet NAME
--vnet-name NAME
Please help!!!
The problem is that you have provided a wrong subnet ID, the correct format is that
You can get the subnet ID via
az network vnet subnet show -g <rgName> -n <subnetName> --vnet-name <vnetName> --query id -o tsv
You lack the resource group name in your providing subnet ID.
I have created my VNET & SubNet as mentioned below
az network vnet create \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--name ${VNETNAME} \
--location ${LOCATION}
az network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--vnet-name ${VNETNAME} \
--name apim \
and I want to provision the Azure API Management in the apim subnet created above
az apim create --name ${APIMNAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -l ${LOCATION} --sku-name ${SKU} --publisher-email ${PUBLISHEREMAIL} --publisher-name ${PUBLISHER} --virtual-network ${APITYPE}
Looks like Azure CLI does not take the subnet parameter while creating the APIM, how do I set the subnet and create the Azure API Management using azure cli?
You are right. For some reason az apim create does not provide option to input a subnet reference of a VNET.
You have 2 options:
Use ARM template. Refer Create an API Management service in External Virtual Network for sample template.
az group deployment create --resource-group <my-resource-group> --template-uri
Use az resource command to add subnet reference after you create APIM.
az apim create --name ${APIMNAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -l ${LOCATION} --sku-name ${SKU} --publisher-email ${PUBLISHEREMAIL} --publisher-name ${PUBLISHER} --virtual-network ${APITYPE}
$apimResourceId = az apim show -n ${APIMNAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'id' -o json
$subnetResourceId = az network vnet subnet show -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -n apim --vnet-name ${VNETNAME} --query 'id' -o json
az resource update --ids $apimResourceId --set properties.virtualNetworkConfiguration.subnetResourceId=$subnetResourceId
I am taking a course and stuck for almost a week. I created a VM and now it wants me to change the IP config method to static. The exact words are.
"You have created a ubuntu virtual machine in the second step, in which check the public IP (publicIpAllocationMethod) address and change it to Static by executing the azure CLI commands."
I created the VM with below command.
az vm create -n MyVm1 -g groupname --admin-username "n1234" --admin-password "nk123#9090" --location westUS --image UbuntuLTS
Got the VM NIC with below command.
nic_id=$(az vm show -g gropname -n MyVm1 -d --query networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id)
az network nic show --ids MyVm1VMNic
I have the IP of the VM but not sure how to change it to static.
I got it resolved by using the below command.
az network public-ip update -g GROUPNAME -n MyVm1PublicIP --allocation-method Static
What you're looking for can be found here:
With your example, you would run the following:
nic_id=$(az vm show -g gropname -n MyVm1 -d --query
networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id --output tsv)
nicName=$(az network nic show --ids $nic_id --query name --output tsv)
ipconfig=$(az network nic show --ids $nic_id --query ipConfigurations[0].name
--output tsv)
az network nic ip-config update -g gropname --nic-name $nicName -n $ipconfig --private-ip-address <static ip address>
By setting the private IP, the IP configuration will be updated to static. The above code relies on the VM having a single NIC, which is assumed based on your example.
Hopefully that helps!
I'm trying to automate few of our BAT script and for this our script need to know the private IP of each instances of VMSS(no public IP for instances).
Is there a way to query the private IP of all instances under a particular VMSS using azure cli. I tried few command of LB and VMSS but didn't find a solution yet.
az vmss show -g <rg> -n <vmss>
az vmss list-instances -g <rg> -n <vmss>
az vmss nic list-vm-nics -g <rg> --vmss-name <vmss> --ids <id>
az network lb address-pool list -g <rg> --lb-name <lb>
az vmss list-instance-connection-info -g <rg> -n <vmss>
Any help is highly appreciable and I'm not looking for powershell.
You can use the Azure CLI and bash command:
az vmss nic list -g groupName --vmss-name ScaleSetName | grep -w "privateIpAddress"
It can show all the private ips like this:
"privateIpAddress": "",
"privateIpAddress": "",