I'm trying to automate few of our BAT script and for this our script need to know the private IP of each instances of VMSS(no public IP for instances).
Is there a way to query the private IP of all instances under a particular VMSS using azure cli. I tried few command of LB and VMSS but didn't find a solution yet.
az vmss show -g <rg> -n <vmss>
az vmss list-instances -g <rg> -n <vmss>
az vmss nic list-vm-nics -g <rg> --vmss-name <vmss> --ids <id>
az network lb address-pool list -g <rg> --lb-name <lb>
az vmss list-instance-connection-info -g <rg> -n <vmss>
Any help is highly appreciable and I'm not looking for powershell.
You can use the Azure CLI and bash command:
az vmss nic list -g groupName --vmss-name ScaleSetName | grep -w "privateIpAddress"
It can show all the private ips like this:
"privateIpAddress": "",
"privateIpAddress": "",
I am facing a interesting problem in a Jenkins pipeline. I am trying to create a frontend ip for a load balancer in Azure with the following command:
sh "az network lb frontend-ip create \
--lb-name ${LB_NAME} \
--subnet '${SUBNET_ID}' \
--name ${DNS_HOST}
--zone {1,2,3} \
The command works on my local computer, but in Jenkins sh puts single quotes around the --zone parameter and then the command fails (subnet was shortened to **** by me for better visibility):
+ az network lb frontend-ip create -g RG --lb-name LB --subnet '****' --name NAME --zone '{1,2,3}' --only-show-errors
ERROR: az network lb frontend-ip create: '{1,2,3}' is not a valid value for '--zone'. Allowed values: 1, 2, 3.
Examples from AI knowledge base:
az network lb frontend-ip create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyFrontendIp --lb-name MyLb --private-ip-address --subnet MySubnet --vnet-name MyVnet
Create a frontend ip address for an internal load balancer.
az network lb frontend-ip create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyFrontendIp --lb-name MyLb --public-ip-address MyFrontendIp
Create a frontend ip address for a public load balancer.
Read more about the command in reference docs
I tried a lot of combinations of escapes \ and workarounds without success. Did anyone also faced this issue and was able to solve it?
This is the command that I tried to use and the error message received is shown below the command
az network lb create --name <name> -g <RG name> --frotnend-ip-name <frontend_name> --frontend-ip-zone "1","2","3" -l southeastasia --private-ip-address <“static_ip”> --private-ip-address-version IPv4 --sku Standard --subnet “<subnet_id>” --subnet-address-prefix “<prefix>” --vnet-name “<vnet_name>” --public-ip-address “”
Below is the error received for the command
az network lb create: '1, 2, 3' is not a valid value for '--frontend-ip-zone'. Allowed values: 1, 2, 3.
You should first create the LB then add frontend-IP to the LB,
Create LB:
az network lb create -g MyResourceGroup -n MyLb --sku Standard
Add Zone redundant frontend across Zones,
az network lb frontend-ip create -g {rg} --lb-name lb -n LoadBalancerFrontEnd -z 1 2 3 --vnet-name vnet --subnet subnet
We are working on Public PR to enable this feature during the creation of LB itself.
I have created my VNET & SubNet as mentioned below
az network vnet create \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--name ${VNETNAME} \
--location ${LOCATION}
az network vnet subnet create \
--resource-group ${RESOURCE_GROUP} \
--vnet-name ${VNETNAME} \
--name apim \
and I want to provision the Azure API Management in the apim subnet created above
az apim create --name ${APIMNAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -l ${LOCATION} --sku-name ${SKU} --publisher-email ${PUBLISHEREMAIL} --publisher-name ${PUBLISHER} --virtual-network ${APITYPE}
Looks like Azure CLI does not take the subnet parameter while creating the APIM, how do I set the subnet and create the Azure API Management using azure cli?
You are right. For some reason az apim create does not provide option to input a subnet reference of a VNET.
You have 2 options:
Use ARM template. Refer Create an API Management service in External Virtual Network for sample template.
az group deployment create --resource-group <my-resource-group> --template-uri https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/master/201-api-management-create-with-external-vnet/azuredeploy.json
Use az resource command to add subnet reference after you create APIM.
az apim create --name ${APIMNAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -l ${LOCATION} --sku-name ${SKU} --publisher-email ${PUBLISHEREMAIL} --publisher-name ${PUBLISHER} --virtual-network ${APITYPE}
$apimResourceId = az apim show -n ${APIMNAME} -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} --query 'id' -o json
$subnetResourceId = az network vnet subnet show -g ${RESOURCE_GROUP} -n apim --vnet-name ${VNETNAME} --query 'id' -o json
az resource update --ids $apimResourceId --set properties.virtualNetworkConfiguration.subnetResourceId=$subnetResourceId
I am taking a course and stuck for almost a week. I created a VM and now it wants me to change the IP config method to static. The exact words are.
"You have created a ubuntu virtual machine in the second step, in which check the public IP (publicIpAllocationMethod) address and change it to Static by executing the azure CLI commands."
I created the VM with below command.
az vm create -n MyVm1 -g groupname --admin-username "n1234" --admin-password "nk123#9090" --location westUS --image UbuntuLTS
Got the VM NIC with below command.
nic_id=$(az vm show -g gropname -n MyVm1 -d --query networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id)
az network nic show --ids MyVm1VMNic
I have the IP of the VM but not sure how to change it to static.
I got it resolved by using the below command.
az network public-ip update -g GROUPNAME -n MyVm1PublicIP --allocation-method Static
What you're looking for can be found here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cli/azure/network/nic/ip-config?view=azure-cli-latest#az-network-nic-ip-config-update
With your example, you would run the following:
nic_id=$(az vm show -g gropname -n MyVm1 -d --query
networkProfile.networkInterfaces[0].id --output tsv)
nicName=$(az network nic show --ids $nic_id --query name --output tsv)
ipconfig=$(az network nic show --ids $nic_id --query ipConfigurations[0].name
--output tsv)
az network nic ip-config update -g gropname --nic-name $nicName -n $ipconfig --private-ip-address <static ip address>
By setting the private IP, the IP configuration will be updated to static. The above code relies on the VM having a single NIC, which is assumed based on your example.
Hopefully that helps!
I have a VMSS on Azure and I need to change the DNS server of it. I have found the Azure CLI command for this but I can't figure it out how the final form of it.
This is what I have:
az vmss update -n myVmss --set virtualMachineProfile.networkProfile.networkInterfaceConfigurations[0].dnsSettings
What am I doing wrong?
az vmss update -n myVmss --set virtualMachineProfile.networkProfile.networkInterfaceConfigurations[0].dnsSettings='{"dnsServers":["", ""]}'
If you are using --set you need to supply the entire object. You may need to escape the double quotes.
...dnsSettings="{\"dnsServers\":[\"\", \"\"]}"
If the DNS settings object isn't empty, you could also do this:
az vmss update -n myVmss --add virtualMachineProfile.networkProfile.networkInterfaceConfigurations[0].dnsSettings.dnsServers ""