I am trying to export my entire site including the "App_Code" folder which contains my site codes' folder, but the folder did not export. I read the Kentico document that I can export it as long as I checked the "Export site folders" option when selecting the export options, but it did not happen as I expected. When I check the "App_Code" folder on the target server after importing, I could see the site folder did not import.
I guess I probably miss some things, could you please help me?
Please check first your project type like Website Or Web Application from Source and Target locations.
If source and target is website then App_Code folder is available on target.
If source is website and target is web application then Old_App_Code folder is available on target.
Example :
App_Code (or Old_App_Code if you installed Kentico as a web application)
Global (exports with any site, if the Export global folders option is selected during the export process)
(exports with the given site if the Export site folders option is selected during the export process)
Follow below steps:
You need to select Export global folders option while export then all files under the following folders will be added to the export package:
You need to select Import global folders option while import then the import process includes global files originally exported from the following folders:
Reference URLs -
I made a static folder where I saved all css files to be used in my flask web development project. It is not reflecting the changes while I was doing some change .When I deleted that static folder then also it is accesing the files.
I have not clue from where it is accessing..
Please solve this problem
Thanks in advance
gallery.css file is not present:-
but accessing this file:-
try going to your project directory (not in your IDE, but the folder where the project is located)
find any/all directories named
and delete them.
clear all browser cache.
rerun the app in your IDE
In one of my git repos, I've got a simple HTML website with the following folder structure:
repo root:
I just created a App Service Web App on Azure, configured it to pull the source out of my repo, and deployed it.
I made sure that the Application Settings -> Default Document list had an entry for the index.html file.
However, as understood, due to my folder structure, I can only view my website if I go to:
I cannot go just to:
and see my index.html page.
Now, I can change my folder structure by putting my HTML pages in the root, to make the website appear at foo.azurewebsites.net/. But I was wondering if there was a way to not have to do that, esp. given that every repo also stores stuff other than the source code, for example in my case the Reference folder, and most repos have the source, which only one of the many artifacts, in the source folder.
Is there?
One thing you can do is to change the virtual path for your root application to point to your views folder in the Virtual applications and directories section of your Application settings. That way you will have foo.azurewebsites.net/ serve your index.html file.
Another thing you will have to do in this case, is to set the virtual application paths for your content and scripts folders (and the reference folder if you need to access it's content from the web) since they are not under your views folder.
Given your folder structure, it would look something like this:
I'm using Android Studio and I want to create a directory folder inside the lib folder. I right-clicked on the lib folder but the directory option is not showing.
Can anyone suggest to me how to create a directory folder inside a folder?
You need to go File -> Project structure.
Select lib folder and unmark as source
Right click on the package then "Mark Directory as" -> Unmark as Sources Root. All child packages will be seen as folders.
Try to create package instead of a directory. Seems like Create New Package and Create New Directory will both just create a folder under lib directory.
I found a solution that worked for me In Mac OS,
1- Click over file and select project structure
2 - After, you should click on the lib folder, then unselect the "Source" from top
3- Then, click on Apply then Ok Buttons
4- Now when you try to create a directory on lib you will found the Directory option appears.
Hopefully, that's what you need.
Yeah I had the same problem, so you just have to follow these steps:
1) Go to project structure
2) Go to Modules and find "Sources" tab
Click here
3) Uncheck Sources and click "Apply"!
(at the beginning it was unchecked and it didn't work, but when I checked "Sources", my folders changed as it was at the beginning(like packages), so I unchecked again and folders changed, and now I can create directories, not packages, hope it helped you!)
Like this:
This was reported here
It's an IntelliJ issue in how they deal with folders marked as source. The lib folder needs to be a source folder for internal flutter purposes. The best way is to use your file manager or terminal to create the folder.
Step 1: There is no pre featured option in Android for adding raw folder unlike Assets folder. Open App folder and select res folder
Step 2: Right click on res folder, select New> Directory, then studio will open a dialog box and it will ask you to enter the name.
Step 3: Write “raw” and click OK. Open res folder and you will find your raw folder under it.
Now you have created raw folder in your project.
You can use the in-built IDE terminal to create the folders.
Here is complete solution that works. Click the link to see images.
Problem- Cannot create Directory
1)Cannot Create Directory
Click the Gear icon and Untick Compact Middle Package
2)Click Gear icon and Untick Compact Middle Package
Package Structure gets expanded
3)Now Expanded Package View can be seen
Still Not possible to create Directory
4)Still cannot create package
Do as shown in the image
5)Right click Package COM->Mark Directory as->Unmark as Source root
Packages are expanded and now you can create Directory
6)Now the packages are expanded and now Directory can be created
For creating the folder in case of flutter framework in Android studio, follow the steps as shown below:-
Right click on the folder with the name of your app i.e. the root folder.
In the drop down menu click on the new option.
After this a drop down menu opens here you will see directory option just click on that.
After this enter the name of your directory / folder and press enter this will create a new folder / directory inside your root folder.
If you want to make the directory inside the lib folder then just drag the directory from the root folder into the lib folder.
After this a dialog box will open in this dialog box check if search for references is tick marked or not if not then tick mark it.
Now click ok this will create your directory inside the lib folder.
Hope this may help.
I have a customization project where I'm importing an Excel file content into the Lot/Ser No. Allocation grid. This works fine on my machine, but I had to download the DocumentFormat.OpenXml dll and include a reference in my class library project in order to do this. I've created a customization project, but when someone else tries to use it, that reference and that file are not there. I've tried to include it in the files section of the customization manager, but I have no way of doing that (can't browse to a file) - not that that would make any difference anyway, since that's the bin folder of the website, and not the class library.
Bottom line: Is there a way to include a dll file that's used in the class library project references in a customization package?
Add the dll file in Bin folder of your local website -> the file should appear in the Add Files dialog inside Customization Project Manager
Select the dll file in the Add Files dialog and click Save
After that, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.dll becomes a part of your customization package, which will always deploy it together with your extension library
Ruslan provided a good answer explaining how to include your custom DLL, however you might want to know that there are built in functions to read Excel files which make inclusion of third-party libraries unnecessary. Please refer to the following article: http://asiablog.acumatica.com/2016/03/reading-excel-file-acumatica.html?m=1
I have developed an eclipse plugin product for which I am using POI.jar to create an excel sheet. I have placed the poi.jar in a folder 'lib' and added the jar into classpath of plugin. When I export the plugin product, it works fine. e.g.: lib/poi-3.14-20160307.jar
But when I place the poi.jar in an external folder and access it through an environment path, after exporting the product it is not working. Please see the attached image. e.g.: external:$PRODUCT_PATH$/poi-3.14-20160307.jar where PRODUCT_PATH is an environment variable which points to a specific location.
This is the error I am getting:
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
The import org.apache.poi cannot be resolved.
import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow;
The import org.apache.poi cannot be resolved.
The below link helped me to solve my problem.
I have added two entries for the same jar in runtime-classpath. One pointing to the 'lib' folder kept in the project and other one pointing to the external path. while exporting it will use the jar kept in 'lib' folder for compilation. after exporting the product remove the jar from the 'lib' folder.
It will use the external path to access the jar while running the exported product.