Why is my Remix online IDE's screen flickering? - remix

Whenever I type something in the Remix ONLINE IDE, the entire code flickers. What I mean is that say the keyword function is shown in blue color, now when I start typing that blue color will turn to white and then the blue very fast (flickering).

Had the same problem and couldn't find a reson. But if you reload the page it stops flickering.


My Android Application misbehaves it is showing spread color like ink on the paper anyone knows why so?

I have not use black bg in my whole application
First it shows like this which is expected
after clicking floating action button bg color of listview changes
but then it shows like this after action

Dark Gray background on text - Visual Studio

This is what it looks like
The dark grey part behind every word, not the light grey selection boxes.
Does anybody have any idea what setting can actually get rid of it?
Figured it out.
Just put background color for all user-related items to automatic:

Pure black background in PyCharm CE and Android Studio

While my search for a Python debugger on Emacs remains unfulfilled, I am giving PyCharm CE a test drive.
Already on my second day I'm encountering a trivial but frustrating point. Is it possible to set the background to be pitch black in just one place?
A program written by programmers for programmers should certainly have included a feature such as "change the background for Docstrings, Comments, Keywords, ... the whole shebang" to black, but I don't see it.
I understand of course that some parts of the UI will stubbornly refuse to change, and I'm OK with that, just so long as the Python code itself appears on a pure black background.
The Twilight and Mokokai themes come close, but their backgrounds still leave ample "contrast room" that could be used by darkening the background color.
(How do we get from left to right... err.. I mean.. how do we get darker than we are.. um, wait... Isn't the version on the right so much easier on the eye.. but anyway, how can we do it?)
The exact same problem and solution apply to Android Studio.
In File > Settings:
Go to Editor > Colors & Fonts > General
Choose the theme you want to modify (will likely need to Save As... your own as you can't modify the default color schemes.
Go to the Text > Default Text colors and change the background to black. The only ones that won't be affected are the syntax highlighters that define their own background (usually select/highlight/errors/etc.)

How do you change the color of a cursor so you can see it on a black background?

I'm using TextEdit to transcribe sections of 26 moleskine notebooks that I've filled up over the past 7 years. I changed the background to black and the text color to gray, which is great for the eyes except I cannot see the cursor. This makes it hard to edit, as you can imagine. When I use textwrangler or sublime the cursor blinks white..how do I extend these settings to textedit?
Thank you - first ever stackoverflow question :)
Unfortunately it looks like TextEdit does not allow configuring the color of the cursor.
Is there a way to change the cursor color in TextEdit?

Web Colors - Light Grays on PC not showing

I could be completely off but just wanted to see if there was anything on this subject:
I'm developing a site at the moment that includes a few DIVs that use different shades of really light greys for background and border colors. On both my Mac (laptop and desktop) the colors can be seen quite easily. However, on PC (both Firefox and IE) the colors are not there at all.
The current colors I have are #E9E9E9 and #E1E1E1.
The weird thing is when I change the colors to something darker like #CCCCCC the color is easily seen on PCs and I would assume I could put up a few more shades lighter. But when I move it to the next color like #DDDDDD the color is completely gone.
Just on a limb but is there any weird thing like PC's not rendering certain color codes or am I just trying to make something out of nothing here?
I've been in the exact situation and I had a hard time designing UIs because of this issue.
I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 and Chrome, either of which is not the problem.
This issue resides in the monitor settings, in my case I'm using a Samsung Monitor.
I've solved my issue by doing the following:
Reveal your Monitor Settings (via some button in your monitor).
Navigate to Menu, and then go to Picture.
Scroll down to reveal the other settings down below.
Set HDMI Black Level to Normal
Instantaneously you'll see your black colors improved.
There shouldn't be any problem with a PC displaying those colors. It could be a problem with your PC's video settings or your monitor. Have you tried it with multiple PCs and monitors?
