How to solve this in Haskell? - haskell

I'm a beginner in Haskell and I would need help with this problem.
e :: [[(c,[d])]] -> Int
e [(x,xs):[y,ys]] = 0
The goal would be to define a term "z", that gives "e z == 0".
I just can't figure it out, any help would be appreciated.

Well, you have a clause right before you that will give 0 as the result, so all that's left to do is to generate a term matching it. Because patterns and expressions use essentially the same syntax, that's just a matter of taking the pattern
and replacing all the variables with concrete values. In this case there's an extremely easy solution: note that the matched variables aren't even used, i.e. the clause could (and should!) have been written like this (I'm also regrouping to make the list syntax more consistent)
e [[(_,_),_,_]] = 0
Because of this, you could simply leave them all undefined:
Prelude> let e :: [[(c,[d])]] -> Int ; e [[(_,_),_,_]] = 0
Prelude> e [[(undefined, undefined), undefined, undefined]]
If you want something that feels less like a cheat, you need to pick concrete types for c and d. You can do that at will because they're unconstrained polymorphic type-variables; let's use c ~ Char and d ~ Bool. The most elegant way of picking concrete types is to use the type-applications extension
Prelude> :set -XTypeApplications
Prelude> :t e #Char #Bool
e #Char #Bool :: [[(Char, [Bool])]] -> Int
Then, you can ask the compiler what type each gap should be.
Prelude> e #Char #Bool [[(_,_),_,_]]
<interactive>:6:36: error:
• Found hole: _ :: Char
• In the expression: _
In the expression: (_, _)
In the expression: [(_, _), _, _]
• Relevant bindings include it :: Int (bound at <interactive>:6:1)
ok, let's put in some random character, how about 'q'
Prelude> e #Char #Bool [[('q',_),_,_]]
<interactive>:7:40: error:
• Found hole: _ :: [Bool]
• In the expression: _
In the expression: ('q', _)
In the expression: [('q', _), _, _]
• Relevant bindings include it :: Int (bound at <interactive>:7:1)
list of booleans, let's pick [True],
Prelude> e #Char #Bool [[('q',[True]),_,_]]
<interactive>:9:48: error:
• Found hole: _ :: (Char, [Bool])
and so on.

I have changed the function signature to make it possible to return x for showing purposes but the pattern is the same:
e :: Num a => [[(a,[a])]] -> a
e [(x,xs):[y,ys]] = x
The following term will match and return x which is zero.
λ> e [[(0, [1,2]), (3, [4,5]), (6, [7, 8])]]
Please note that the patterns are non-exhaustive meaning that if you give e anything with a different structure (not value), will result in an exception.
This pattern [(x,xs):[y,ys]] effectively means that you need to pass a list that has exactly 3 elements. If you look at this (x,xs):[y,ys], you see that it's a list of two elements with one to their left. That element to the left in turn is a tuple which is also destructured into its members and when you set the first member to zero, it return zero.
Alternatively, if you like to generally match on the given pattern and don't care to extract any elements, which was your original question, it becomes easier:
e' :: [[(c,[d])]] -> Int
e' [(x,xs):[y,ys]] = 0
Just pass in a list inside a list that has exactly 3 elements which are tuples as follows:
λ> e' [[(1,[]), (1,[]), (1,[])]]


Conditions on list comprehension using Haskell and SBV

I want to write a Haskell list comprehension with a condition on symbolic expressions (SBV). I reproduced the problem with the following small example.
import Data.SBV
allUs :: [SInteger]
allUs = [0,1,2]
f :: SInteger -> SBool
f 0 = sTrue
f 1 = sFalse
f 2 = sTrue
someUs :: [SInteger]
someUs = [u | u <- allUs, f u == sTrue]
with show someUs, this gives the following error
*** Data.SBV: Comparing symbolic values using Haskell's Eq class!
*** Received: 0 :: SInteger == 0 :: SInteger
*** Instead use: 0 :: SInteger .== 0 :: SInteger
*** The Eq instance for symbolic values are necessiated only because
*** of the Bits class requirement. You must use symbolic equality
*** operators instead. (And complain to Haskell folks that they
*** remove the 'Eq' superclass from 'Bits'!.)
CallStack (from HasCallStack):
error, called at ./Data/SBV/Core/Symbolic.hs:1009:23 in sbv-8.8.5-IR852OLMhURGkbvysaJG5x:Data.SBV.Core.Symbolic
Changing the condition into f u .== sTrue also gives an error
<interactive>:8:27: error:
• Couldn't match type ‘SBV Bool’ with ‘Bool’
Expected type: Bool
Actual type: SBool
• In the expression: f u .== sTrue
In a stmt of a list comprehension: f u .== sTrue
In the expression: [u | u <- allUs, f u .== sTrue]
How to get around this problem?
Neither your f nor your someUs are symbolically computable as written. Ideally, these should be type-errors, rejected out-of-hand. This is due to the fact that symbolic values cannot be instances of the Eq class: Why? Because determining equality of symbolic values requires a call to the underlying solver; so the result cannot be Bool; it should really be SBool. But Haskell doesn't allow generalized guards in pattern-matching to allow for that possibility. (And there are good reasons for that too, so it's not really Haskell's fault here. It's just that the two styles of programming don't work well all that great together.)
You can ask why SBV makes symbolic values an instance of the Eq class. The only reason why it's an instance of Eq is what the error message is telling you: Because we want them to be instances of the Bits class; which has Eq as a superclass requirement. But that's a whole another discussion.
Based on this, how can you write your functions in SBV? Here's how you'd code f in the symbolic style:
f :: SInteger -> SBool
f i = ite (i .== 0) sTrue
$ ite (i .== 1) sFalse
$ ite (i .== 2) sTrue
$ sFalse -- arbitrarily filled to make the function total
Ugly, but this is the only way to write it unless you want to play some quasi-quoting tricks.
Regarding someUs: This isn't something you can directly write symbolically either: This is known as a spine-concrete list. And there's no way for SBV to know how long your resulting list would be without actually running the solver on individual elements. In general you cannot do filter like functions on a spine-concrete list with symbolic elements.
The solution is to use what's known as a symbolic list and a bounded-list abstraction. This isn't very satisfactory, but is the best you can do to avoid termination problems:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
import Data.SBV
import Data.SBV.List
import Data.SBV.Tools.BoundedList
f :: SInteger -> SBool
f i = ite (i .== 0) sTrue
$ ite (i .== 1) sFalse
$ ite (i .== 2) sTrue
$ sFalse -- arbitrarily filled to make the function total
allUs :: SList Integer
allUs = [0,1,2]
someUs :: SList Integer
someUs = bfilter 10 f allUs
When I run this, I get:
*Main> someUs
[0,2] :: [SInteger]
But you'll ask what's that number 10 in the call to bfilter? Well, the idea is that all lists are assumed to have some sort of an upper bound on their length, and the Data.SBV.Tools.BoundedList exports a bunch of methods to deal with them easily; all taking a bound parameter. So long as the inputs are at most this length long, they'll work correctly. There's no guarantee as to what happens if your list is longer than the bound given. (In general it'll chop off your lists at the bound, but you should not rely on that behavior.)
There's a worked-out example of uses of such lists in coordination with BMC (bounded-model-checking) at
To sum up, dealing with lists in a symbolic context comes with some costs in modeling and how much you can do, due to restrictions in Haskell (where Bool is a fixed type instead of a class), and underlying solvers, which cannot deal with recursively defined functions all that well. The latter is mainly due to the fact that such proofs require induction, and SMT-solvers cannot do induction out-of-the-box. But if you follow the rules of the game using BMC like ideas, you can handle practical instances of the problem up to reasonable bounds.
(.==) takes two instances of EqSymbolic, returning an SBool. Inside a list comprehension, conditionals are implemented using the guard function.
Here's what it looks like:
guard :: Alternative f => Bool -> f ()
guard False = empty
guard True = pure ()
For lists, empty is [], and pure () returns a singleton list [()]. Any member of the list that evaluates to False will return an empty list instead of a unit item, excluding it from computations down the chain.
[True, False, True] >>= guard
= concatMap guard [True, False, True]
= concat $ map guard [True, False, True]
= concat $ [[()], [], [()]]
= [(), ()]
The second branch is then excluded when the context is flattened, so it's "pruned" from the computation.
It seems like you have two problems here - when you pattern match in f, you're doing a comparison using the Eq class. That's where the SBV error is coming from. Since your values are close together, you could use select, which takes a list of items, a default, an expression which evaluates to an index, and attempt to take the indexth item from that list.
You could rewrite f as
f :: SInteger -> SBool
f = select [sTrue, sFalse, sTrue] sFalse
The second problem is that guards explicitly look for Bool, but (.==) still returns an SBool. Looking at Data.SBV, you should be able to coerce that into a regular Bool using unliteral, which attempts to unwrap an SBV value into an equivalent Haskell one.
fromSBool :: SBool -> Bool
fromSBool = fromMaybe False . unliteral
someUs :: [SInteger]
someUs = [u | u <- allUs, fromSBool (f u)]
-- [0 :: SInteger, 2 :: SInteger]

Type Specification in a Where Clause

I'm trying to do something very simple as part of a homework. All I need to do is write a function that takes in a list of 2-tuples of numbers representing base and height lengths for triangles, and return a list of the areas corresponding to those triangles. One of the requirements is that I do that by defining a function and declaring its type in a where clause. Everything I've tried so far fails to compile, here's what I've got:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses 4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
This fails with the error The type signature for ‘triArea’ lacks an accompanying binding, which to me sounds like triArea is not defined inside of the where-clause. Okay, so let's indent it to match the where:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses 4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --... and so does this
This one fails to compile the particularly uninformative error message parse error on input triArea. Just for fun, let's try indenting it a bit more, because idk what else to do:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses 4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --this has 8
but, no dice, fails with the same parse error message. I tried replacing the spacing in each of these with equivalent, 4-space tabs, but that didn't
help. The first two produce the same errors with tabs as with spaces, but the last one, shown here:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --this uses a preceding tab character
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --this has 2
gives the error message
Illegal type signature: ‘(Num, Num) -> Num triArea (base, height)’
Perhaps you intended to use ScopedTypeVariables
In a pattern type-signature
and I have no idea what that's trying to say, but it seems to be ignoring newlines all of a sudden. I've been reading through "Learn You a Haskell", and I'm supposed to be able to do this with the information presented in the first three chapters, but I've scoured those and they never specify the type of a functioned defined in a where clause in those chapters. For the record, their examples seem to be irreverent of spacing, and I copied the style of one of them:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: (Num, Num) -> Num --4 preceding spaces
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2 --10 preceding spaces
but this also failed to compile, spitting out the utterly incomprehensible error message:
Expecting one more argument to ‘Num’
The first argument of a tuple should have kind ‘*’,
but ‘Num’ has kind ‘* -> GHC.Prim.Constraint’
In the type signature for ‘triArea’: triArea :: (Num, Num) -> Num
In an equation for ‘calcTriangleAreas’:
calcTriangleAreas xs
= [triArea x | x <- xs]
triArea :: (Num, Num) -> Num
triArea (base, height) = base * height / 2
I can't find anything when I google/hoogle it, and I've looked at this question, but not only is it showing haskell far too
advanced for me to read, but based on the content I don't believe they're having the same problem as me. I've tried specifying the type of calcTriangleAreas, and I've tried aliasing the types in the specification for triArea to be Floating and frankly I'm at the end of my rope. The top line of my file is module ChapterThree where, but beyond that the code I've shown in every example is the entire file.
I'm working on 32-bit Linux Mint 18, and I'm compiling with ghc ChapterThree.hs Chapter3UnitTests.hs -o Test, where ChapterThree.hs is my file and the unit tests are given by my teacher so I can easily tell if my program works (It never gets to the compilation step for ChapterThreeUnitTests.hs, so I didn't think the content would be important), and my ghc version is 7.10.3.
EDIT: Note that if I just remove the type specification altogether, everything compiles just fine, and that function passes all of its associated unit tests.
Please, save me from my madness.
Your last example is correct, but the type you wrote doesn't make sense. Num is a class constraint not a type. You probably wanted to write:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: Num a => (a, a) -> a
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
The rule is: assignments must be aligned.
Moreover (/) requires the Fractional class:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs]
where triArea:: Fractional a => (a, a) -> a
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
Note that the indentation level is not related in any way with the indentation level of the where. For example you could write that code in this way:
calcTriangleAreas xs = [triArea x | x<-xs] where
triArea:: Fractional a => (a, a) -> a
triArea (base, height) = base*height/2
The indentation level is defined by the first assignment in a where/let or the first line of a do block. All the other lines must align with that one.
So all of these are correct:
f x = y where
a = b
y = ...
f x = y
where a = b
y = ...
f x = y
a = b
y = ...
spitting out the utterly incomprehensible error message:
Expecting one more argument to ‘Num’
The first argument of a tuple should have kind ‘*’,
but ‘Num’ has kind ‘* -> GHC.Prim.Constraint’
To complement Bakuriu's answer, let me decode that for you.
The error says that -- line by line:
Num is expecting one more argument -- we should write Num a from some a
A tuple type such as (,) expects a type as argument. The statement "should have kind *" means "should be a type". The kinding system of Haskell associates * as the "kind of types". We have e.g. Int :: *, String :: *, and (Maybe Char, [Int]) :: *. Unary type constructors such as Maybe and [] are not types, but functions from types to types. We write Maybe :: *->* and [] :: *->*. Their kind *->* makes it possible to state that, since Maybe :: *->* and Char :: *, we have Maybe Char :: * ("is a type") similarly to ordinary value-level functions. The pair type constructor has kind (,) :: *->*->*: it expects two types and provides a type.
Num has kind *-> Constraint. This means that, for every type T, the kind of Num T will be Constraint, which is not * as (,) expects. This triggers a kind error. The kind Constraint is given to typeclass constraints such as Eq Int, Ord Bool, or Num Int. These are not types, but are requirements on types. When we use (+) :: Num a => a->a->a we see that (+) works on any type a, as long as that type satisfies Num a, i.e. is numeric. Since Num T is not a type, we can not write Maybe (Num T) or [Num T], we can only write e.g. Maybe a and require in the context that a belongs to typeclass Num.

What does '#' mean in Haskell?

I've tried googling but come up short. I am furthering my Haskell knowledge by reading some articles and I came across one that uses a syntax I've never seen before.
An example would be:
reconstruct node#(Node a b c l r) parent#(Node b d le ri)
I've never seen these #'s before. I tried searching online for an answer but came up short. Is this simply a way to embed tags to help make things clearer, or do they have an actual impact on the code?
It is used in pattern matching. Now node variable will refer to the entire Node data type for the argument Node a b c l r. So instead of passing to the function as Node a b c l r, you can use node instead to pass it up.
A much simpler example to demonstrate it:
data SomeType = Leaf Int Int Int | Nil deriving Show
someFunction :: SomeType -> SomeType
someFunction leaf#(Leaf _ _ _) = leaf
someFunction Nil = Leaf 0 0 0
The someFunction can also be written as:
someFunction :: SomeType -> SomeType
someFunction (Leaf x y z) = Leaf x y z
someFunction Nil = Leaf 0 0 0
See how simpler was the first version ?
Using #t as a type indicator
Besides the argument pattern matching usage described in the answer of #Sibi, in Haskell the "at" character ('#', also known as an arobase character) can be used in some contexts to force a typing decision. This is mentioned in the comments by #Josh.F.
This is not part of the default language features, and is known as the Type Application Haskell language extension. In summary, the extension allows you to give explicit type arguments to a polymorphic function such as read. In a classic .hs source file, the relevant pragma must be included:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
$ ghci
GHCi, version 8.2.2: :? for help
λ> let x = (read #Integer "33")
<interactive>:4:10: error:
Pattern syntax in expression context: read#Integer
Did you mean to enable TypeApplications?
λ> :set -XTypeApplications
λ> let x = (read #Integer "33")
λ> :type x
x :: Integer
λ> x
Further details
For the read polymorphic function, the type indicator introduced by # relates to the type of the result returned by read. But this is not generally true.
Generally speaking, you have to consider the type variables that appear in the type signature of the function at hand. For example, let's have a look at the fmap library function.
fmap :: Functor ft => (a -> b) -> ft a -> ft b
So here, we have 3 type variables, in order of appearance: ft, a, b. If we specialize fmap like this:
myFmap = fmap #type1 #type2 #type3
then type1 will relate to ft, type2 will relate to a and type3 will relate to b. Also, there is a special dummy type indicator #_ which means: “here, any type goes”.
For example, we can force the output type of fmap to be Integer and the functor to be the plain list [], leaving the input type a unspecified:
λ> myFmap = fmap #[] #_ #Integer
λ> :type myFmap
myFmap :: (_ -> Integer) -> [_] -> [Integer]
As for the read function, its type is:
read :: Read a => String -> a
So there is only room for one type indicator, and it relates to the type of the result returned by read, as displayed above.

Defaulting the following constraints to type 'Double' when using Scientific

I have two scientific numbers that are necessarily Integers that I want to convert to Ints, as below.
Please ignore code conventions and the idiomaticness of the code.
> import qualified Data.Vector as V
> import Data.Scientific
> cToTy (Array v) = case V.toList v of
> [String nm, Number p, Number s]
> | all (==True) $ map isInteger [p,s] -- We make sure they're always integers
> , [pr,sc] <- map (forceEitherToInt . floatingOrInteger) [p,s] -- And then hack them out
> forceEitherToInt :: (RealFloat r, Integral i) => Either r i -> Int
> forceEitherToInt (Left _a) = 0 -- This shouldn't happen, so we'll default it to 0 all the time.
> forceEitherToInt (Right a) = fromIntegral a
However, I get this warning and I can't figure out how to rid myself of them.
JsonUtils.lhs:76:26: Warning:
Defaulting the following constraint(s) to type ‘Double’
(RealFloat r0) arising from a use of ‘forceEitherToInt’
In the first argument of ‘(.)’, namely ‘forceEitherToInt’
In the first argument of ‘map’, namely
‘(forceEitherToInt . floatingOrInteger)’
In a stmt of a pattern guard for
a case alternative:
[pr, sc] <- map (forceEitherToInt . floatingOrInteger) [p, s]
Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas?
First off, you can explicitly cause an error if "neither should happen"; second, you can drop RealFloat as #bheklilr states; thirdly you can specify the double more concretely if you prefer the double; fourthly it can help with Hungarian notation if you write 'A from B' rather than 'B to A' in your names. So you could write for example:
intFromEither :: (Integral i) => Either Double i -> Int
intFromEither (Left d) = error $
"intFromEither tried to coerce `Left " ++ show d ++ "` to an Int."
intFromEither (Right i) = fromIntegral i
You can replace the Double above with x to make it more general; the most general type signature here is (Integral a, Num b) => Either t a -> b.

No instance for (Integral [t0]) error in Haskell code

I'm getting an error:
No instance for (Integral [t0]) when I run this haskell code.
boomBangs xs = [(a,b,c) |a<-[1..xs],b<-[1..xs],c<-[1..xs], xs <- xs `div` 2]
Where am I going wrong?
The problem is that you're trying to divide a list. In particular, xs `div` 2 is the incorrect expression.
You can get this from the error message: it's complaining that [t0] does not behave like an integer (e.g. it isn't in the Integral class). [t0] is just a list of stuff--the t0, being in lowercase, is a type variable that represntes any type.
Since lists of stuff aren't numbers, we can't really know how to divide them.
You can see why you get this exact error message by looking at the type of div:
div :: Integral i => i -> i -> i
All this means is that given some type i in the Integral class, you can divide two of them together to get a third. Since lists of things are not part of the integral class, you can't divide them and so you get an error.
If div had a concrete type like div :: Int -> Int -> Int, you would get an error telling you that it can't match the expected type Int with the actual type [t0]. However, since the type actually contains a variable i, the error is a bit more complex: [t0] cannot be a valid type to use in place of i because it is not in the Integral class.
What you said was:
Give me a tuple of a, b, and c:
[ (a, b, c)
For each a, b, and c in the list of values from 1 to xs1:
| a <- [1..xs1]
, b <- [1..xs1]
, c <- [1..xs1]
For each xs2 in the quotient of xs1 and 2.
, xs2 <- xs1 `div` 2
If you compile with warnings enabled (-Wall) or turn them on in GHCi (:set -Wall) then you’ll get a warning that the xs in xs <- ... shadows the xs in boomBangs xs = ..., and also that it’s unused. Obviously this kind of warning can be very helpful, as it points right to your problem.
Since xs1 is the input to your function, you end up with a type like this:
(Integral [t]) => [t] -> [([t], [t], [t])]
Which is to say that the function takes a list (xs1) that can act as a number ((`div` 2)) and gives you back a list of tuples of such lists. Even though you’re trying to divide a list by a number, GHC allows it and infers a more general type because you could have defined an Integral instance for lists. It only discovers that you haven’t when you actually try to use the function on a concrete type. Writing down type signatures can help keep the compiler grounded and give you better error messages.
I can only guess you meant for boomBangs to have a type like:
Integral t => [t] -> [(t, t, t)]
Or just:
[Int] -> [(Int, Int, Int)]
In which case maybe you were thinking of something like this:
[ (a, b, c)
| x <- xs
, a <- [1..x `div` 2]
, b <- [1..x `div` 2]
, c <- [1..x `div` 2]
