WooCommerce REST API: updating product variation attributes sets attribute name and option to Any:Any - attributes

So, I am making use of the endpoint https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs/?javascript#update-a-product-variation
to update existing attributes of a variation. The attributes have been added in the product before using them for variation. But, updating the existing attribute to the values available is setting them to Any:Any (which means attributes have been overridden with an empty array) and on the webshop the product now can be purchased in any combination of the attributes.
For ex.-
Existing attributes on the product variation were:
[{"name":"Brand", "options": "Bare Denim"},{"name":"Material", "options": "Cotton"}]
and updating the attributes to one of the available options from Brand and Material:
[{"name":"Brand", "options": "Levis"},{"name":"Material", "options": "Polyester"}]
is making the variation attributes set to an empty array. Variation attributes after update:
Is this the right way of updating product variation attributes? Can the attributes be updated this way or will have to create a new variation in this case?

After hours of debugging and looking for the solution to this issue, I found it was a silly mistake of mine which occurred from giving options with variation attributes instead of option. Basically, while creating/updating product attributes name and options are used and in creating/updating variation attributes name and option are to be passed.
To all the ones, facing the issue with creating or updating product variation attributes please check once if these two keys are passed correctly or not. The major issues will be solved here only.
Answer to the questions I asked above:
Is this the right way of updating product variation attributes?
It is the right way, but with a correction. Correct request data for variation attributes (notice it is option not options):
[{"name":"Brand", "option": "Levis"},{"name":"Material", "option": "Polyester"}]
Can the attributes be updated this way or will have to create a new variation in this case?
Existing variation attributes can be updated using this and we can create new ones if required.


Segmented Keys in ACUMATICA

I’ve created new Segmented Keys in ACUMATICA for use in a specific module. I would like to assign the Dimension name dynamically but I noticed it works only with hard code or name like [PXDimension(“VENDOR”)]
Also, I have some limitation to create an IF Conditional inside the customized field… it does not recognize the IF clause (see the image).
I would appreciate any suggestion how to solve this issue.
I haven't seen how your original attempt at PXDimension looked, but I'm going to take a guess and assume you tried to reference a new custom field contained in a setup table, something like:
If that's indeed what you tried to do, one very important thing to do is to ensure that you have a view for your table in your graph, otherwise the attribute will not find the table and record in your cache. For instance:
public PXSetup<XXMySetup> XXMySetup;
Without this view declared in the graph, the dimension attribute will not work as expected. It would be nice if a clear exception was thrown in this case - I made the same mistake recently and it would have been helpful.

Graph CacheAttached method

I want to make the SOLine Qty field to 1.0 by default, so I have changed at DAC level, by doing this it will be applied to the entire application?
Next, I can do same by writing Graph CacheAttached method also, I think this will apply only to that particular graph and if the same field is used in another graph or a custom new screen this will not affect in that graph.
Please suggest.
You are correct, adding an attribute to SOLine DAC extension will apply this attribute system wide. To limit its scope to a graph, use a CacheAttached.
Here are good reads on this subject :
DAC : https://help.acumatica.com/(W(12))/Wiki/ShowWiki.aspx?pageid=b3d24079-bda4-4f82-9fbd-c444a8bcb733
Append and replace of dacs attributes : http://asiablog.acumatica.com/2017/01/append-and-replace-of-dacs-attributes.html
These concepts are well explained in the T200 certification, which I suggest you do if you haven't already.

Hybris - Deleting product from everywhere

We have a requirement to delete certain products from everywhere in hybris (including cart, orders, promotions) and all its references as well like Media, Category, Stocks, etc.
I found this one solution:
REMOVE Product [batchmode=true];itemType(code)[unique=true]
I was wondering if just deleting the product, would remove all its references from hybris, or is there any better solution to do this.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Removing the product will remove references to it, but not the objects which are refering to it (like Media, Category, Stocks, etc.)
The only objects which will be deleted are those refered by attributes with the partOf modifier.
A Part Of relationship between two classes extends an aggregation
relationship by ensuring that the lifecycle of the dependant object
(the part) is bound to the lifecycle of the parent object. When you
delete the parent object, all instances of its attribute types that
are marked as partOf will then be cascade-deleted.
Hybris doesn't know if a Media or a Category is no longer needed after a Product is removed. Therefore you must delete those objects explicitly.
Removing product will remove only instances of product type, but not all data like media.
To remove from cart : it should inform user that product no longer available in store
For successfully placed orders : you should be able to display basic details of product with message as in cart [ :) :) But you should deliver if order is placed successfully and payment is received otherwise its a bad eCommerce impression]
For promotions : you should remove all promotions related to this product Or reconfigure according to business need.

How to find unused/non-dependent fields of any entity in CRM 2011?

I am trying to identify unused or non-dependent fields of any entity in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011. By unused or non-dependent i mean the field that is not used in any of the entity forms.
I have googled to find on the same topic but couldn't get the desired results. One link that i have come across also doesn't address this problem:
Finding unused CRM fields
First I should note that just checking if a field is not on a form does not mean it is not being used somewhere. There is a chance if you have a third party integration, or other logic running on an entity that it could be updating hidden fields. If you're unsure if there is data stored for an attribute you can do a retrieve request where your condition is that the attribute is not null. If nothing comes back then there is no data stored for that attribute.
Assuming that is already clear, what you'd want to do is utilize Dynamics CRM's Dependency Tracking to check for dependencies of individual attributes.
Here's the full article on Dependency Tracking for CRM 2011: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg309749.aspx
The request that sounds most like what you're looking for is the RetrieveDependentComponentsRequest. This request seems to be the closest match according to what you're looking for and per the documentation:
Returns a list of dependencies for solution components that directly depend on a solution component.
For example, when you use this message for a global option set solution component, dependency records for solution components representing any option set attributes that reference the global option set solution component are returned.
When you use this message for the solution component record for the account entity, dependency records for all of the solution components representing attributes, views, and forms used for that entity are returned.
The basic steps to accomplish what you're looking for would then be:
Execute a RetrieveEntityRequest to retrieve all the attributes for a particular entity
For each attribute in the response, execute a RetreiveDependentComponentsRequest where you set the ObjectId to the MetadataId of the attribute, and the ComponentType to be 2 (attribute).
Parse the EntityCollection property on the response to see if any of the dependencies have a ComponentType of 24 (form).

How can I automatically enable content approval on a SharePoint list?

I'm trying to create a feature that both creates a list template and an instance of that list (using the <ListTemplate> and <ListInstance> elements. I would like for content approval to be turned on by default. According to the docs on ListTemplate, setting the EnableModeration attribute to TRUE should do it. However, when I try to install the solution, I get the following error:
The 'EnableModeration' attribute is
invalid - The value 'TRUE' is invalid
according to its datatype
- The Enumeration constraint failed.
A bit more searching reveals that the value accepted is actually "True", not "TRUE". That installs fine, but it seems to have no effect when the list is created - it still doesn't require content approval. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Edit: If anyone could even confirm for me if they've seen "True" or "TRUE" work before, that would at least narrow down my search.
Update: I've found that I can enable content approval using code in a feature receiver:
list.EnableModeration = true;
That's a bit of a hack, so it'd still be nice to be able to do this through the XML instead.
I ended up just using the feature receiver approach, since I just needed to move on. However, I later found that the List element used for defining your list schema also has ModeratedList and ModerationType properties that look like they probably have something to do with this. So if anyone else is having the same problem, I would recommend giving those a shot.
Does your custom list have a field of type 'ModStat' on it?
ModStat Specifies Content Approval
status. Corresponds to the
SPFieldModStat class and to the
ModStat field type that is specified
on the Field element. Value = 23.
from the SPFieldType Enumeration docs
I set ModeratedList="TRUE" ModerationType="TRUE" for List element and EnableModerate="True" for ListTemplate element . It works for me. Well it does not matter to use TRUE or True both are same.
You only have to set ModeratedList="TRUE" for List element and EnableModerate="True" for ListTemplate element. I just checked that and work fine for me. But this only will be affected for new list instances.
I had similar question - where to enable versioning and moderation from code.
In ListInstance, go to <ListTemplate> and set following attributes:
VersioningEnabled="TRUE" for versioning and EnableModeration="True" for automatic moderation.
Link: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms462947.aspx
