How to use a Trapper Item without Zabbix S - azure

How do I send a JSON payload to a Zabbix Trapper Item without using Zabbix Sender?
I see the documentation on how to format the sender request and I see the documentation related to the header, but I haven't found how to use the header with a JSON payload.
My goal is to send Azure Activity Logs to Zabbix a Trapper Item using Azure Alerts.
I don't want to setup a Script Item or equivalent that would pull the information from the Azure API, as I would then have to worry about hitting the query limit for the Azure Management APIs and being throttled by the Azure platform.
How is the header incorporated into the request payload?

You need to use an implementation of the same protocol, for example:
in go:
in python:
and put that in a cloud function to send the payload to Zabbix.


How to Access Talend Cloud Webhook Header

I'm just starting to work with Webhooks in Talend cloud.
how do I access the webhook callback header?
So far I have successfully:
Created a job
Published the artifact to the cloud
configured the environment and engine
invoked the webhook from the command line with curl
Output the payload via the context.resource_webhook_payload variable
I see my problem. I'm still learning API calls and such and Smartsheet API indicated they would send Header attributes.
When in fact this is simply in the payload, not a separate header designation.
Sorry for the naive question.

Is it possible to add custom application data to an email via the Gmail API?

I am currently sending email via the Gmail API using the Google Node SDK. I am successful in doing so, but my application requires that I be able to attach specific identifiers to emails that I send in order to be able to track and process certain events correctly.
I have heard of custom metadata being added to emails sent through other services such as Mailchimp, Postmark, etc so it seems like some sort of standard to be able to do this in email. I however, have not been able to find how to do this via the Gmail API specifically. Is this even possible?
No, you cannot add custom application data to messages sent via Gmail API.
The corresponding Message resource doesn't include any property for custom metadata.
And the related methods send and insert don't allow this either.
Issue Tracker:
A related feature request was reported in Issue Tracker, I'd suggest you to star it:
Add Custom Metadata to Email Messages via Gmail Api
I'd suggest you to use labels to identify messages.

Azure Logic app - Send the whole email to a rest call as a .eml attachment

I am trying to create a logic app with email received trigger.
When email has multiple attachments, I am able to loop and make a http call per attachment
However we have to send the whole email as http call by creating .eml file of the email with attachments.
Pls advise
While the built-in actions do not seem to support this out of the box, you can make a Microsoft Graph API call to get the MIME content of a message.
There is no official connector for all available Microsoft Graph APIs, so you would need to use the HTTP with Azure AD Connector instead.
The response body content could then be written to a file in blob storage using the Create Blob Action.

Configure Alert Mail (SendGrid) in Azure using Webhook

I have an Alert configured to my app service. Consider I have server down check alert.
Whenever the alert gets triggered , I want the mail to be delivered to our mailbox with sufficient details. To achieve this, Iam directly calling the sendgrid api from Azure Alert Webhook. Im able to send mail with hardcoded data. I would want to utilise the details , Azure Alert possess, to include in the mail.
Webhook url is as follow:********&api_key=****&to=*****&toname=*&subject=&text=#workspaceid%20#applicationid&from=**
"#workspaceid" is a parameter of json that is being sent.
However the approach does not work.
I would like to have entire json content that is initiated by Azure alerts to be included in mail body.
The JSON payload send by the alert needs to be parsed, somehow, and sent onwards to SendGrid. I haven't found any way to do this elegantly, so that you could just call a parameter from the JSON and pass it along the mail call.
However, there are still way we could build this :)
Microsoft Flow
Using a flow we can trigger it from a HTTP request and have it parse the input. Once the input is parsed we can get the relevant parameters and form the SendGrid URL for sending the email.
This approach is a bit more involved but it opens a lot more doors for setting up all kinds of logic an alert could trigger.
See this link for how to create a flow triggered from a HTTP request.

Azure Logic App - Simple Email Template for JSON Request Body

I've got a simple Azure Logic App, which receives and emails out JSON data in a very basic HTML table format (created with a convertToTableAction).
Does anyone know of a way to instead send this out using an email template?
I've got a SendGrid account set up with my Azure subscription, but there doesn't seem to be any way to specify a template id with the Send email (v2) action in Logic apps.
I can't quite see how I'd edit the Logic App code to use the only SendGrid api that seems to support sending templates V3 either. (It is my first Logic app though, so I could well be missing a trick)
Really, any advice on how to send out a templated email would be appreciated.
As you mentioned that the logic app integrate the Sendgrid(V2) currently. You could give your feedback to Azure team.
If azure function is acceptable, you could add and run custom code for logic apps through Azure Functions
there is two way to do it ..
1) Using SendGrid Connector :
You need to create one azure function or web API pass request as your JSON outout string and replace with html content and get html in response
Pass html response in body of the send email action of SendGrid Connector
Details of SendGrid Connector
Please refer this link for Json data replaced to html
my explanation is very short but if you don't understand then i will help you in details
