How to create custom chart in azure devops - azure

Is it possible to create any kind of chart in azure boards?
I am trying to have this kind of chart:
I have a specific query that shows me 'cool' tasks:
I want to make a statistic chart with the percentage of done cool tasks. For example (it is on excel)
I tried to make this chart on the dashboard, but I couldn't found this kind of chart. Is there any possibility to make this kind of chart?

No, the built-in charts are quite limited. Your best option is to open the query results in Excel, and then create the table/chart you want in the Excel version.
A word of caution though. The data will be live and linked to TFS, so be careful you don't edit something and publish it back into TFS.


Generate Automated Google Analytics Excel Reports

I want to be able to create reports in Excel which read data from Google Analytics
How do I go about doing this? I find a lot of information about using Google Spreadsheets but my team is more familiar with Excel
I'd like them to be able to pivot data from google analytics/create graphs and i'd like to be able to create graphs which refresh when the data refreshes
You can easily convert a Google Spreadsheet to Excel format by downloading it as "xlsx".
I'm doing pretty much the same.
First of all, you need to have 2 separate sheets, 1 for your core data and one for your visual part (ur graphs).
In raw data sheet, get insert the data from GA
In graphs sheet, create ur graphs using the raw data.
Now, if you import new data and replace the old one, it should automatically update your graphs as well (unless you deleted some references).
In general, this could be automated, but typically you need additional tool to so so. I hope this helps

How do I create a timeline chart in Excel?

How do I create a timeline chat which visualizes peoples activities throughout a day in one graph? On the x-axis I plan to place the time. And the y-Axis would be the different persons. First, I thought of a simple stacked bar chart. However, the problem is that Excel would combine all the same activities to one item and don't visualize it on the timeline... I also can't do it by hand as I have several 1000 entries to visualize...
I found this post on Stackoverflow, but there there is only one activity per entry and not mulitple times the same...
It would be great if I could use Excel (as my data set is there). But if there is a better way (i.e. tool) I'd also appreciate new suggestions.
This is what I imagine the timeline to look like:
If you have data prepared in the correct way this can be easily done in Excel. Check the animation below (you can open image in a new tab to see the full resolution).
As I didn't find a solution that let me create a timeline in Excel, I used JavaScript and the visualization framework D3, together with a neat opensource library, d3-timeline:

Generating reports using PPS-SharePoint2010

Hi All,
I need to generate some reports (bar graphs, pie charts etc) using
Performance Point Service in SharePoint 2010. I am able to generate
I am facing issue when I am supposed to do some calculation and then
show values in these charts e.g.) get marks1 and marks2 and show
division(marks1/marks2) as one axis on graph.
As we create these graphs we don't a provision of doing
calculations(We have measure and dimension to drag and drop).
Please guide.
Vikrant Raj Behal
It sounds like you need to have some columns in a PerformancePoint chart that need to be dynamically calculated.
This is not possible with PerformancePoint charts using the drag and drop capabilities. Depending on your needs you may be able to do some calculations or aggregates if you edit the MDX Query itself. However this may limit your drill down ability.
The other option is to do those calculations inside of your cube in the form of a calculated measure, then you could use the drag and drop functionality.
Here is link to someone on technet whom asked a similar question

MS Dynamics CRM 2011 output to Excel

I want to be able to run a workflow from right out of Dynamics that will "mail merge" into excel and attach the result into email. Something like an excel version of automerge would be amazing.
We have set templates the data would need to be pushed to, for sending onto various companies for engineer bookings.
Any ideas the easiest way of doing this?
You can do that the quick way by exporting data (there's a button on the ribbon for that). However, it's more nice if you design a function that produces a CSV-file containing what you need. The optimal design depends on the exact requirements of your task.

load VBA data to line chart

I need to feed data into a line chart with VBA. I need to give a basic unidimensional range when I do it with Excel in a raw test. The thing is that now I need to hide some things in VBA code, so that the user just sees a curve resulting of some basic input at the click of a button.
I think there are at least two options for me :
either have the chart object placed in the Excel before, and having it point to some VBA snippet. In this case, should I somehow point to VBA from Excel ? Or would VBA access the chart area by some ID ?
create everything dynamically from VBA, the chart window, the chart, and the series input. This might be trickier to figure out maybe as I have frozen panes, so there would be the question of which pane is active (I'd like to avoid to have to do Selects to select the right one)
What would you recommend ? And in either case, how to actually do it ? What type of data to put in ?
Thank you so much !
I was involved in a project a couple of years ago that might be relevant.
A report was created monthly for the organisation's management board which contained dozens of charts. It was a near full time job for a statistician to collate and process data from across the organisation that provided the source data for these charts. I was asked to automate what could be automated.
It became clear that the appearance of the chart could not be automated. The statistician and the management board's staff held regular discussions and often agreed minor changes which they thought would better present the organisation's performance.
I could automate the collection of the data, its processing and placing of the results in the ranges from which the charts got their data. The most I ever did with a chart was change the size of a source range.
What would be the parameters that would control your macro's changes to a chart? How would your macro get the determine: type of chart, nature of the axes, text, etc?
Hope these thoughts help. I could look out my notes if my experience seems particularly relevant.
