Generating reports using PPS-SharePoint2010 - sharepoint

Hi All,
I need to generate some reports (bar graphs, pie charts etc) using
Performance Point Service in SharePoint 2010. I am able to generate
I am facing issue when I am supposed to do some calculation and then
show values in these charts e.g.) get marks1 and marks2 and show
division(marks1/marks2) as one axis on graph.
As we create these graphs we don't a provision of doing
calculations(We have measure and dimension to drag and drop).
Please guide.
Vikrant Raj Behal

It sounds like you need to have some columns in a PerformancePoint chart that need to be dynamically calculated.
This is not possible with PerformancePoint charts using the drag and drop capabilities. Depending on your needs you may be able to do some calculations or aggregates if you edit the MDX Query itself. However this may limit your drill down ability.
The other option is to do those calculations inside of your cube in the form of a calculated measure, then you could use the drag and drop functionality.
Here is link to someone on technet whom asked a similar question


How to create custom chart in azure devops

Is it possible to create any kind of chart in azure boards?
I am trying to have this kind of chart:
I have a specific query that shows me 'cool' tasks:
I want to make a statistic chart with the percentage of done cool tasks. For example (it is on excel)
I tried to make this chart on the dashboard, but I couldn't found this kind of chart. Is there any possibility to make this kind of chart?
No, the built-in charts are quite limited. Your best option is to open the query results in Excel, and then create the table/chart you want in the Excel version.
A word of caution though. The data will be live and linked to TFS, so be careful you don't edit something and publish it back into TFS.

Is it possible to format numbers in Azure Powerapps chart?

I am working on Powerapp application. Want to show the Cost (In $) for the last 12 months in a Powerapp bar chart. But I don't see any option to format the numbers to add $ symbol at the end.
I feel this is a very basic requirement in charts and can't find a way to do it in powerapps.
Is there any workaround for this?
Short Answer NO,It is not possible !
You are looking to format the series value in the Chart Features of the PowerApps.
Column Chart Properties --> Advanced
As far As I have researched only the, Labels ( The X - axis) feature can be will be formatted where as the series will always a numerical value. (Despite adding the Currency Format)
You can add the currency format using the below code :
AddColumns(<TableName>,"currency",Text(<numbervalue>,"[$-en-US]$###,###.00") )
However, this will not be helpful in formatting the Series Value
If you use the updated column as label :
Understand , this may not suit the requirement - but sharing just in case you get alternate ideas.
Other workaround :
If you are persisting the data outside - you use Power BI Embed to Visually represent the data. If real time visualization of data is not a requirement - this would be your Solution.
Unfortunately, you cannot use PowerBI Embed to Visualize the In-Memory Powerapp Collection (Live data).Also,the data might not be near real time ( the sync will have to take place in order to reflect the new data).
If visualizing a real time data is mandatory for you, you could use streaming dataset to get real time data & display in the POwer BI embed Visuals - but then it has its downsides.
Note :
There is an idea submitted for the same below :

How do I create a timeline chart in Excel?

How do I create a timeline chat which visualizes peoples activities throughout a day in one graph? On the x-axis I plan to place the time. And the y-Axis would be the different persons. First, I thought of a simple stacked bar chart. However, the problem is that Excel would combine all the same activities to one item and don't visualize it on the timeline... I also can't do it by hand as I have several 1000 entries to visualize...
I found this post on Stackoverflow, but there there is only one activity per entry and not mulitple times the same...
It would be great if I could use Excel (as my data set is there). But if there is a better way (i.e. tool) I'd also appreciate new suggestions.
This is what I imagine the timeline to look like:
If you have data prepared in the correct way this can be easily done in Excel. Check the animation below (you can open image in a new tab to see the full resolution).
As I didn't find a solution that let me create a timeline in Excel, I used JavaScript and the visualization framework D3, together with a neat opensource library, d3-timeline:

Expand/Collapse Crosstab in CrystalReports for VS2012

I am attempting to recreate a CrossTab report in CrystalReports for VS2012 that was originally done using SSRS / ReportDesigner.
What I cannot figure out how to do is enable expand/collapse interactivity for the groupings at column or row level.
This type of behavior seems to be a fairly standard part of this type of report (other tools I am comparing all seem to have this behavior available).
How / where do I enable this behavior in my report definition in CrystalReports?
As far as I know you cannot do this. Crystal reports provides very limited dynamic features. It is designed with the idea to print the report.
You can emulate similar behavior by placing 2 crosstabs in 2 on demand subreports ( one for expanded, one for collapsed crosstab) However this looks like too much work to me and will require 2 calls to the database. If you already have the report in SSRS why would you convert it to Crystal ?
There are some other options to handle this: Check the first 3 minutes of this video:
It demonstrates the same data presented in SSRS matrix, Crystal crosstab and SQL Pivot table. The pivot table will allow your users to have expand/collapse functionality without reporting server available.
Crystal Reports' cross-tab objects don't support expanding or collapsing. Nor do they support drill-down functionality.

On demand drilldown report in SSRS 2008

We can implement drilldown report using grouping feature of SSRS 2008, where we just give SSRS filtered data and group expression and rest is done by SSRS, great. Our problem is that we have very large data even after giving filter, so it takes lot of time for SSRS to get data and group it. What can be ideal situation is that we have opportunity to really implement drill down, i mean when user expand group level 1 , group level 2 data is fetched from DB by SSRS and rendered and delivered to client.
We tried with subreports but then again it preloads data. and we have to provide up to 8 levels of drill down.
Any suggestion how to do it in SSRS 2008 is welcomed, any alternative approach suggestion is welcomed as well.
Try using the "Link to Report" feature in one of your columns. This way you can create a summary report, and then fire off another report when the user clicks the columns row data. The drill down report can accept a parameter from the main report to determine what data should display.
