CodeMix/Eclipse cannot find 'react/jsx-dev-runtime' - node.js

I'm completely new to React, Node, NPM, and CodeMix in Eclipse. I'm a veteran java developer and so want to use eclipse over VSCode for familiarity. I'm following this tutorial:
I get to step 5 and run
react-scripts start
The result:
Module not found: Can't resolve 'react/jsx-dev-runtime' in 'C:\temp\workspace\CCFPortal\src'
I created my project via the new project to create a React project. The wizard added all the standard code. Bringing up the terminal gave me some issues because the terminal doesn't seem to set the path to bring nodejs.exe into scope, so I did it manually in the terminal window. Adjusting the properties in window->preferences terminal+ doesn't seem to ever take effect.
I did the following in npm (in addition to the steps in the tutorial) because there were two 'warnings' in the markers view that suggested it. As near as I can tell, all commands were successful whether from the tutorial or these two (though it does flag some 'vulnerabilities' in npm that I force fixed).
npm install #types/react
npm install #types/react-dom
It is indeed true that there is no react/jsx-dev-runtime under that src folder. There's NOTHING there but the src. But I'm unclear why it wasn't there given that I ran npm install and the other things suggested in the tutorial.
Can someone help explain my pathing issue in the terminal and especially why npm is doing this when I run react-scripts start?


How do I use Quokka with imported typescript files?

I've installed ts-node with NPM install, and tinkered with this for hours, I cant find any other documentation on the website as to why its not working. A quick google search has also turned up nothing; which is why I'm SURE its some small thing I'm missing. ts-node has also been installed globally AND in the project folder I'm getting the following error:
To import TypeScript files from quokka, `ts-node` module must be installed. 
It is also recommended to install `tsconfig-paths` module for tsconfig.json paths mapping. 
You may install the modules in your project or into quokka global folder by running `npm install ts-node tsconfig-paths` command inside the `~/.quokka/` folder. 
at ​​​Module.load​​​ ​internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653​
at ​​​tryModuleLoad​​​ ​internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593​
at ​​​Function.Module._load​​​ ​internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585​
at ​​​require​​​ ​internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25​
at ​​​Object.<anonymous>​​​ ​frontEnd/datrix/src/app/Logic/DeveloperTemplate.ts:1​
at ​​​Module._compile​​​ ​internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778​
does anyone have some insight on how this can be done?
I figured it out, I had to open the project file in vs code, not the directory above it.

I’d like to install and require “fs”, ”path”, and “js-yaml” in Windows 10 but only “js-yaml” led to "Error cannot find module "

 Nice to meet you. I'm a beginner in computer and these days have enjoyed your sophisticated Q&As here. This is my first question in StackOverFlow. Please forgive me when I use not common notations and unnatural English.
 I trid for several hours to install external modules in Node-Red (Node.js ?).
I’d like to install three---“fs”, ”path”, and “js-yaml”--- in Windows 10 but my trouble is that only “js-yaml” resulted in failure although the others can be successfully installed and used.
 I tried the following command…
C:\windows\system32>npm –g install js-yaml
C:\windows\system32>npm –g install fs
C:\windows\system32>npm –g install path
These commands created the modules, but only js-yaml behaved differently from the other two. After adding appropriate keys and properties such as “ fs: require(‘fs’)” to functionGlobalContext in (C:~~~/.node-red/) setting.js, I tried to start Node-Red.
When I commanded
C:\windows\system32> node-red
it returned the following errors only on js-yaml and node-red did not open. It ran successfully when I removed the term “jsyaml: require(‘js-yaml’)” from setting.js.
Error loading C:~~~/.node-red/setteing.js
Error cannot find module “js-yaml”
I’ll list reports which may be related with my problem.
*The other two (fs, path) created the folders only in the directory “C:~~~/npm/node-modules”, but js-yaml created another js-yaml file apart from there in “C:~~~/npm”.
*Perhaps I tried “npm link” command in each directory before install command. And npm link [module name] in C:~~~/.node-red directory.
*I downloaded external module (node-red-contrib-postgres) from github, which may have fs.js and path.js??
*It did not change the result to add “js-yaml” term into “dependency” in (C:~~~/.node-red/) package.json.
*I add C:~~~/npm.node_modules(got by "npm -g bin"command) to enviroment variable "PATH"
I would suggest you install them locally, not globally.
When you install npm modules globally using -g, they are stored under %APPDATA%\npm, which is user-specific, and to which Node Red may not have access, depending on how it's being run.
Have a look at Running on Windows under "Sharing Node-RED between Users" and npm-folders for further info.
Alternatively, you can also put the actual path in functionGlobalContext, which may work for you. Along the lines of:
js-yaml: require(‘/the/path/to/js-yaml’)

How to resolve bycrypt dependency issue in module.

I keep getting this issue:
[snip of my issue][1]
I'm teaching myself node and am trying to make a CRUD RESTful application in my spare time. I'm working off this book:
For the past 3 days I've been stuck with this issue. It is specifically concerning the bcrypt-node.js . It's job is to hash passwords. Some things I have tried.
Downloaded python 3.5 as I got errors saying the runtime was needed to execute.
Setting python environment variable in PATH
npm uninstall and install.
Tried creating a new project, same issues cropped up.
npm clear cache
Since it is an old version of the bcrypt-node.js module changed the version in package.json from "0.0.3" to "0.0.5". I thought it could be a bug. Unlikely as that is.
I'm very new to node.js so I feel like I'm doing something silly that I just cannot see. Also I don't understand a lot of the information the command line is providing me. Thank you in advance.
Picture of my code.
Edit. (For future visitors) I needed to pay more attention to the various dependencies and a further understanding of JS in general to utitlise the power of Node.js, which is something I didn't do. Also recommended is a good understanding of Express.
A deeper understand of the npm is needed.
I found a fix through trial and error and some googling.
In case any one looks up this again in the future I entered:
npm install node-gyp -g && npm cache clean && rm -rf node_modules && npm installinto the command line and it appeared to fix the issue when I ran nodemon server.js
Fingers crossed it does not crop up again.
If someone would like to explain to me what exactly was the problem I had I would really appreciate it. I have a feeling a module or dependency wasn't installed correctly?
EDIT 1. Furthermore configure the PATH in your environment variables.
ie I created a path for python in the command line
PATH python = C:\Python27\python.exe & another PATH for MongoDB
i.e C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.2\bin

Noflo example : Running inside browser

We are trying to get a simple noflo example running inside a browser as described the [Language for Flow-Based Programming]
We tried to refer to some examples available on GitHub
We tried npm install; grunt build. We get the below error and are not able to proceed beyond this:
Running "noflo_browser:build" (noflo_browser) task install
noflo/noflo#master Warning: dns lookup failed Use --force to
Any idea what are we missing ?
At the time of the question the build setup for the projects mentioned was still based on Component.js which had become unmaintained.
Nowadays we're using NPM for installing dependencies and WebPack for browser builds.
Suggested fix would be to fetch the latest versions of these repos, do npm install and build again. This will bring the build up to spec.
If you're using the old build setup in your own projects, this PR is a handy example on what to change to go from Component.js to WebPack.

Issues installing swiper.js (node.js/grunt noob)

Having issues getting swiper.js to work. Requires grunt/bower. I'm completely new to js generators and am only able to get through about half the walkthrough before running into issues.
When I type $grunt dist into terminal, I get the following response: -bash: dist: command not found
What step am I missing?
Followed the idangerous steps to the letter:
I have most often see "X command not found" for one of the following reasons:
The project's Grunt dependencies aren't installed or aren't installed properly
Your Gruntfile is mis-configured or missing
To fix this, first make sure there is a package.json file in your project. This will tell the npm what dependencies the project has and install them accordingly (assuming the package.json file is also configured correctly).
Next, make sure you have installed grunt correctly.
If you're still having issues, open your Gruntfile and search for:
This will show where the "dist" task is being defined. If you for some reason don't find it, then there's your problem. If you do find it, then check the proceeding commands inside square brackets that look like this:
grunt.registerTask('dist', ['clean', 'dist-css', 'copy:fonts', 'dist-js', 'dist-docs']);
'clean', 'dist-css', etc. are all other tasks defined in the Gruntfile, and there could be an issue with those as well.
If there's an issue with your package.json or Gruntfile, then trying re-installing the project with bower and repeat the above steps to ensure that it's not an issue on your end.
If it's not, then something is probably wrong with the author's source code.
