Apply VLookup on all sheets of excel file in one shot along with description - excel

I have a Data in ExcelFile 1 which look something like this
I have another excel file 'ExcelFile2' which contains over 50 sheets .
The data in this file contains two column - COlA is similar to ColA of ExcelFile1 and Col2 is Description .
My requirement is to Check what data in ExcelFile1 is matching from any sheet in ExcelFile2 and find what is the description from Col2 in ExcelFile2
Applying VLookup on each sheet will take forever . Is there a simpler automated way of achieving this ?
Looking for the help on this as soon as possible

To Vlookup multiple sheets at a time, carry out these steps:
Write down all the lookup sheet names somewhere in your workbook and name that range (Lookup_sheets in our case).
Adjust the generic formula for your data. In this example, we'll be:
searching for A2 value (lookup_value)
in the range A2:A6 (lookup_range) in four worksheets (s1, s2, s3, s4), and
pull matching values from column B, which is column 2 (col_index_num) in the data range A2:C6 (table_array).
With the above arguments, the formula takes this shape:
=VLOOKUP($A2, INDIRECT("'"&INDEX(Lookup_sheets, MATCH(1, --(COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"& Lookup_sheets&"'!$A$2:$A$6"), $A2)>0), 0)) &"'!$A$2:$C$6"), 2, FALSE)
This is an array forumula so Ctrl+Shift+Enter


Formula to sum items in a column only if other column has specific value

I have an excel table with 2 columns. First column contains a string such as A,B,C and second column contains numbers. I want to obtain sum of numbers in each row if text of first column for that row is equal to given text.
For example:
A 2
C 3
B 4
A 1
C 3
formula(A) = 3
formula(B) = 4
formula(C) = 6
and so on.
One way to achieve this is via SubTotal option. Follow the example in this link Creating subtotals
Another way to do the same is using sumif function follow this link Sumif function
SUMIFS() is capable of doing this. As is SUMPRODUCT()
In european excel this would look like this. I don't know where your reference is so I am putting it in a cell named Reference.
If you want a "running" count, then replace the arrays - from $B:$B to B$2:B2 and similar with $A:$A, and copy it down the rows.

Count with criteria for changing column in excel

I have a data looks like this:
a b c
1 3 4
2 3 3
4 1 2
2 4 2
In another worksheet, I want to do the following calculation:
whenever A1 returns a (header of data worksheet), count number of items that are smaller and equal to 2 in column "a". (result will be 2)
if A1 returns b, count number of items that are smaller and equal to 2 in column "b". (result will be 1).
A1 has already been preset with formula such that it will show a or b or c as conditions changed.
I need the formula to be lean... I actually have 6 headers, so if I keep on using if functions, I will probably have to set 6 if functions in one cell...that can be overwhelming. index match cannot provide a range to work on...Any suggestion? thanks
I don't know vba. If you could provide a workable vba code, i don't mind. but i don't know how to read it...>.< please provide user manual for that. lol, thank you~
If your data is found on Sheet1 and the a is found on column a, b is found on column b etc. enter this formula on then next sheet on b1 when a1 is the column value:
The Indirect is for adding text to your reference.
If your data sheet is Sheet1, you could try the array formula:-
Must be entered with CtrlShiftEnter
(actually there are 3 items less than or equal to 2 in column A)
Or you can use the SUMPRODUCT version if you prefer not to use an array formula:-
Or you can use this INDEX/MATCH method which is probably more efficient:-

Excel vlookup with two columns in source and target returning another column

I have a spreadsheet that has 4 columns sheet 1, and 5 columns sheet2 and I need to do a vlookup on Sheet1!a2&c2 and match the row in sheet2!a2&c2 and return sheet2!c5.
I think Index and Match would do it but all the examples have been matching a single value to an array which isn't what I need for eg.
Can't do attachments yet :( text it is sorry for the format
R1 A B C D
R2 2 D 3 Result will match sheet1!a2&c2 to sheet 2!A3&C3 and return Sheet2!e3 ie 34
R1 A B C D E
R2 2 F 5 GR 72
R3 2 X 3 FR 34
Any links or help?
Sorry I wasn't clear I want to match the cobination of A2 and C2 in sheet 1,
ie in the example =sheet1!A2&sheet1!c2=23
to the values in sheet2!a2 plus sheet2!c2,
ie in this example =Sheet2!a3&Sheet2!c3=23,
and then return the value in Sheet2!E? , ie Sheet2!E3=34 here
I've done this before by creating a cheat column in sheet 2 = a2&c2 in say d2 and filling down then using, assuming 3 rows, however I can't create the cheat column in sheet2
=vlookup(a2&c2,sheet2!d2:e3, 2, false)
The rows sheet2! look like, sorry about the formatting
Picture attached, which I suddenly got to do , where I need to match the yellow columns in the lookup then return the brown column to sheet1!E2 but I can't add the cheat column Sheet2!d2:3 to the sheet cause the user is difficult :)
Thanks again. Any good tutorial on Index?
Try using LOOKUP like this
The two "tests", i.e.
return "arrays" of TRUE/FALSE values but when you divide 1 by one of those and then the other TRUE is converted to 1 and FALSE to 0 so you get a resulting array of either 1s (where both conditions are TRUE) or errors [#DIV/0!] where one or both are FALSE.
When you lookup 2 in that array it will never be found so it matches with the last 1, i.e. the match is with the last row where both conditions are satisfied...and the corresponding value from Sheet2!E$2:E$10 is returned. Another way is like this:
which requires "array entry" with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER

Excel: Match\Index specific column based on multiple criteria

I have two Tables, Table 1 Column A is a rolling date column. Table 2 consists of four columns of differing "Trigger Dates". Table 2, Column 1 contains an Annual trigger, ie occurs once a year. Table 2 Column 2 contains Bi-Annual Triggers, and occurs twice yearly. Table 2 Column 3 contains Monthly Triggers, "12 dates" and Table 2 Column 4 contains Weekly Triggers, "52 dates".
Ok, so what I'm looking for is to a formula that will return the date trigger, where Table 1 Column 1 matches a condition (Annually, Bi-Annually, Monthly, Weekly) selected in a cell "we'll say F1, outside of any ranges that may be created.
Example: If Table 1 Col 2 = "01/02/2013" and I select "Weekly" in F1, the formula will look in the weekly Column in Table 2 to determine if "01/02/2013" exists.
I've allocated a named range to each column in Table 2
I've allocated a named range to the condition in F1 which is a drop down list
Any suggestions?
You might try:
Ok, so supposing your Range Name is in F1, your formula to find the match would look as follows:
=If(IsError(Match(LookupVal,Indirect(F1),0)),"No Match", "Match")
...Something along those lines
Hope this helps point you in the right direction.
INDIRECT and VLOOKUP will be your friends here.
I constructed Table2 just as you had described, with the Annual,Bi-annual,Monthly,Weekly labels for the columns in the table - this will avoid having to keep named ranges up to date, as it's looking directly at the table in the formula
For the function, I then used VLOOKUP to find the date, in the column referenced by F1.
Column Reference: INDIRECT("Table2["&$F$1&"]")
Find Value: VLOOKUP([#Col2],INDIRECT("Table2["&$F$1&"]"),1,FALSE) (looking at column 1 in the return values, as I don't really care what value is returned.
This will return the date if found, and an error if not. I can then wrap the result in the IF(ISERROR( so I can return Yes or No if the date is found.
This produces the entire formula of
for the next column in Table1, so that when I change the value in F1, it will look for that column name in Table2, and let me know if it is found.

Find values from one excel sheet in another

I have a column with the values in A excel sheet 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4.... and i have in B excel sheet another column with values 1 2 4 ...., what i want is read values from B and see if they are in A sheet, for example if value 2 is in B sheet, then write true in a new column in sheet A in front of 2, and similarly false or nothing in front of value 3.
You can use a simple VLOOKUP - For example, assuming that the content of cell A1 of sheet B is 2, and that the sheet you call A is called SheetA, you can put the following formula in cell B1:
Use the approach described here:
Key formula is this: =COUNTIF(OldList,D2)=0, which you can use within the conditional formatting context as described, or to generate your true/false indicators as you mention in your question, i.e.:
OldList is just a range, and you don't need to use a named range. But if you don't name the range, just be sure to use absolute references for the range you're searching against.
Do you want a cool formula you can use to count the number of each matching value. Try this for your original post:
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--($A1 =Sheet1!$A:$A) > 0), "True", "False")
And this to count the values: =SUMPRODUCT(--($A1 =Sheet1!$A:$A))
