Find partial name matches between two columns - excel

Column A
Camisi, Terry
Goodman, Harris
Kostin, Heidi
Malachi, Lorrie
Column B
I'd like to create a formula that looks for a partial match of a name in two columns (Column A and Column B) in the same sheet, and if there is a partial match between the two names, it returns the value of Column B in Column C. Pls note, names are not in sequence.
#Harun24HR, Please see modified question below:
Column A (Last Name, First Name)
Camisi, Terry
Goodman, Harris
Kostin, Heidi
Malachi, Lorrie
Column B (Last Name)
Column C (First Name)
I have three columns, I need to compare Column A vs. Column B & C to find a partial match. If there's a match Name from Column A should be visible in Column D. Please advise. Thx

You can try MATCH() function with wildcard matching.
Or below one


Formula to reformat of names in excel where column A has Last, First, Middle but not always a middle

I have a column of names (column A) formatted as "Last, First, Full Middle".
However, some of the names in column A do not have a middle name (i.e. only have "Last, First" or "Last, First, Middle initial"). I'm trying to come up with a formula (or multiple) that formats the names so that column B has "Last, First, Middle initial[period]" and column C has "Last, First Middle initial[period]"
E.g., if column A has: Smith, John, David
then I want column B to be: Smith, John, D.
and column C to be: Smith, John D.
I tried the following:
in column B:
=IF(ISBLANK(A2),"",LEFT(A2,FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(A2," ","~",LEN(A2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A2," ",""))))+1)&".")
and in column c:
=IF(ISBLANK(A2),"",SUBSTITUTE(B2,", "," ",LEN(B2)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(B2," ",""))))
Both formulas work EXCEPT if the name in column A doesn't have a middle name.
Use this in Column B:
and in Column C:
=IFERROR(LEFT(A1,FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(A1,",","~",2))-1)&" "&MID(A1,FIND("~",SUBSTITUTE(A1,",","~",2))+2,1)&".",A1)

Index and Match function

I am having issues making the function Index and Match work together.
Here's my data:
ShortName Fullname NumberID Shortname
Craig Craig David 54 John
John John Long 53 Enrique
Raymond Raymond Short 23 Craig
Bill Bill Bush 21 Raymond
Here, the column "C" is blank. Basically, I merged two data sheets together (column A and B with column D and E). What I would like is to have the NumberID in column C associated with the shortname in A. Here the NumberID in column D is associated with the shortname in column E.
So far I have tried Vlookup but it is not working. I have tried also Index and Match function but it ain't working either.
What I have:
I am using Excel in french that's why I used ";" in formula). Does anyone have a solution ?
You were close, Column Reference is E:E not E and you do not need to reference both columns in the INDEX, just the output.

Comparing two columns in Excel

I have data with about 15 different columns and a total of 2400 rows.
The two columns I'm interested in: (Column C = Application Owner & Column D = Application Tester). I'm trying to see which rows have the same name for both columns.
Column C =
Column D =
So for this example I would like it to delete the contents of the three middle rows and only show me the first and fifth row because that is what I'm concerned with. Can anyone suggest a function of code or a function in Excel in which I can do this without actually having to go through all of them row by row?
Add a column with something like =C2=D2 copied down to suit, filter for FALSE in that column and delete rows.
In a new Columns you can use =if(C2=D2,"DELETE","") then filter out this new column for DELETE and delete the values from column C and D or the entire range

Identify matching numbers and then imput a value from a different column

I have two sheets, Sheet1 and Sheet2. Sheet1 has a list of company names in column A, Revenue in column B and a unique number identifier in column D (also seen as "unique #forAAA in Sheet2). In Sheet2, I pulled a list from Hoovers, and the format comes up something like below (so this format should not be changed).
Column A B C D
Company Name Place Type of Comp Revenue
1 AAA US HQ 10.0 M
2 unique #forAAA
3 BBB India Branch 5.0 M
4 unique #forBBB
What I'd like to do is match the unique number for each company between Sheet1 and Sheet2 and then put the revenue # from Sheet2 into column B of Sheet1 which corresponds to the correct #. I'm pretty lost here, so any help or ideas would be great. Thanks for your help!
Because the unique identifier is on a different row than the result to be returned, you can use a variation using INDEX and MATCH:
=INDEX(Sheet2!D:D, MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0)-1)
INDEX will return the value within range Sheet2!D:D on row MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0)-1.
MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0) will give you the row number where the unique ID is found, then -1 to get the row number of the revenue amount.
EDIT: As per comment, to remove the M, you can use this:
=TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(INDEX(Sheet2!D:D, MATCH(D2, Sheet2!A:A, 0)-1),"M",""))
I would put the unique value in a column inserted before A (would be the new column A) instead of putting it below each row. Then, in the other sheet I'd put the VLOOKUP like this:
That should return the value in column E (column D before the column insertion, i.e. revenue for the unique company identifier).
Note that the third argument in the vlookup function is the number of the column you want to be retrieved, so the range defined in the second argument (Sheet2!A:E) should contain that column.

In Excel.. How do take the first letter of a name and add it to their last name in another column

In column E I have a list of 400 first names and in column F I have a list of their last names. How do I merge the first letter with the last name in another column. Column G is what I want in the below example.
ColE ColF ColG
John Smith JSmith
Mike Tomas MTomas
Jill Lake JLake
Use the LEFT() function and the ampersand to concatenate
This formula in column G will get what you want:
In Column G, try
left(E1,1) & F1
