Sharepoint Requesting Access to ressource - sharepoint

I have an issue here with an user who has taken over the email of an old employee.
When searching for the user in sharepoint the correct name shows up
"Alex Alexen"
When looking at the user data either in azure active directory,graph api or delve
it all shows up as
"Alex Alexen"
However, if "Alex Alexen" tries to access a site he does not have access to "request access", the request shows up as
"Ali Alison" has requested access to X.
Is there somewhere else on sharepoint where user data is store?
Many years have
Years have passen from Ali to Alex.

• In sharepoint online, the items are retained for a period of 93 days from the time you delete them from their original location. They stay in the site recycle bin for the time until the bin is emptied, or the items are deleted from there. After that, these items are permanently deleted from the sharepoint database.
• Check if you are using directory synchronization, if yes, then the user has to be deleted from the on premises active directory first and then from Microsoft 365 admin center. After you delete a user, a series of jobs will remove the user from sharepoint. After the next incremental profile import job, the user (or users) will be marked as deleted, the user's profile page will be deleted, and the user's OneDrive will be marked for deletion by the MySite cleanup job.
• To delete a user from Microsoft 365 admin center, you will have to login as a global administrator and delete the user from there. Also, you can try clearing the browser cache and history of the browser from which you are accessing the sharepoint site.
Even after deleting a user from Microsoft 365, if the user still appears in people searches, you will have to delete it from user info list. To do this, please refer the steps below: -
• Browse to each site collection that the user had access to and visited the site, then add the ‘/_layouts/15/people.aspx?MembershipGroupId=0’ string to the site collection URL as a suffix and access it. Ex.: - ‘’
• Once opened, select the person from the list, then on the ‘Actions’ menu, select ‘Delete users from site collection’.
Please refer the below links for more information: -
Thanking you,


Kentico 10 Contact activity logged against previously logged out user

We have a Kentico 10 website using custom WIF authentication. That is all working fine. I can see that the authenticated user details match what is expected.
I tried enabling the online marketing - contact tracking and then discovered that even though I had logged out with one account and then logged in with another account the new user's activity was being logged as if the first user had performed it.
The only that works reliably is using a delete cookie plugin in chrome which isn't a good solution for production.
I tried expiring the existing cookies for the domain and then found after logging out and back in again with a new user that all the new activity was being logged as public anonymous user.
Is there anything I can add to signout or login to ensure that the correct Contact is being tracked against. Different users should be able to use the same browser logging out and back in again without this contact activity going against the wrong person.
The contact cookie is stored per user account on a computer. So if you're simply logging in and out of Kentico this activity will not change your contact cookie. Kentico sees you as the same contact even though you are authenticating with a different user account.
Kentico Contacts and Users are not synonymous although they can have a link to one another. So I'd expect if the user account with linked with a contact you may see different activity for that particular contact. The only way a contact is linked to a user account is if one of the 3 activities happen:
Registers on a website
Signs in with a user account
Fill in customer data while making a purchase
So even though you're doing #2, I'm guessing something unique is happening since you're doing some testing on the local machine. Check out the documentation about contacts and linking to user accounts. To test or see if a user is linked to a contact, go to Contact Management, manage a contact and click on the Membership>Users tab. If see a user account linked to the contact then that contact is linked. If you don't see one then that particular contact is not linked and you'll experience the issues you're explaining.

SharePoint 2013 user profile service change homepage

I have a sharepoint 2013 farm that start and configure and sync user profile service on it successfully. now when each user browse site homepage first time, it shows a white page with 2 link that is go to site and change attribute, how could I disable this page?
I saw the same error when one of a user profile properties wasn't set. In my case the user's location wasn't set. If the user goes to edit user their profile and save it without any changes, it fixes the issue. In my case, only few users were affected by this issue. You can write script to update missing property for all the users.

Database issue in sharepoint 2010

There's a strange problem on my sharepoint website. When I try to give access to a user on home page it detects a different name of that user, say abc pqr, and on sites and lists its detects a different name, say abc def pqr(middle name added in second name).
When I give access to a user the name is pulled from the active directory. So, I contacted the person who manages active directory to clarify if 2 accounts have been created for the same user in active directory. But this is not the case. I myself checked the active directory and there's only one account of this user and i.e. with the name abc pqr.
So, the user is able to access the home page but not the sites.
So my next guess is somewhere in the sharepoint database, this second name exists. But I'm unable to find the user database.
Also, when I tried to access the profile of this user by clicking on abc pqr, I was able to see the profile(my site).
But, when I clicked on abc def pqr I got this error - An unexpected error occurred. Troubleshoot the cases with sharepoint foundation(something like that with a correlation id). - For this I tried to start the profile synchronization but its not starting. I start it and then come back to synchronization page, in the right hand side it still mentions "Profile synchroniztion unavailable."
More info - this user's name was first deleted from the active directory and then was again added after a few years.
I guess I need to find out the sharepoint access database and there I need to delete this second name because except the homepage all the site, lists, libraries(when I try to give access) are pulling the second name.
can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I'm too new to sharepoint. So, sorry for the confusion I might have created. And, would love it if somebody explains me as to where is the backend of a sharepoint webste.
Have you tried giving permissions using the username instead of the name?
If you suspect that there's a duplicate user in your SQL database (Your SP site uses both AD and FBA?), all info about FBA db is found here:

Incorrect email and username in Sharepoint

here's my issue:
We have a brand new Sharepoint Server that we built out and started adding users by creating a group for them on the server and creating local usernames (so no domain involved) and then adding them to Sharepoint. I added a name wrong. I added server1\bob.shoo when I should have put in server1\bob.shoe.
I tried to delete the local username and build it back brand new, but for some reason when I try to add it back to Sharepoint it still remembers his name and email address as server1\bob.shoo with
How can I get Sharepoint to forget all that information? I'm kind of stumped, considering the Sharepoint account was deleted, the incorrect local account was deleted, and this should be brand new. Yet it still sees it as bob.shoo. Is there some way to access the Sharepoint Database to see exactly what's being saved in there and change it? If I could just change it manually I'd be fine with that, but right now it remembers everything incorrectly.
As always, thanks in advance.
I'm not sure by what you mean by "SharePoint Account".
Try deleting the User Profile from under Central Administration > Shared Services Administration > User Profiles and Properties > View User Profiles

Syncing profile details with active directory

Several fields in MOSS profiles are mapped to fields in active directory and we have given the user the ability to modify these.
But when the incremental profile import runs it overwrites these with the old values from active directory.
How do we make it so that AD is updated with the new values from the profile?
Thanks for any suggestions.
So some of you have requested support to provide 2-Way Synchronization of AD Users between a SharePoint List and Active Directory. The good news is that the AD Provider for Data Synchronization Studio now supports this.
So you can effectively publish your AD Users to an Intranet Site to create a "Staff List" or "Telephone List" and then from this you can now allow your staff to update the personal information stored in the AD themselves by just simply editing the records in SharePoint. Then when the Synchronization occurs all changes are applied to the AD. There are a few limitations you can't create new AD Users this way and you can't delete users from the AD and certain properties are not updateable such as Member-Of etc.
We've given up on an easy way to do this and are writing a scheduled task that gets the recent change info from the users profile and updates AD from that.
Will try to post code once I've got something working.
