Incorrect email and username in Sharepoint - sharepoint

here's my issue:
We have a brand new Sharepoint Server that we built out and started adding users by creating a group for them on the server and creating local usernames (so no domain involved) and then adding them to Sharepoint. I added a name wrong. I added server1\bob.shoo when I should have put in server1\bob.shoe.
I tried to delete the local username and build it back brand new, but for some reason when I try to add it back to Sharepoint it still remembers his name and email address as server1\bob.shoo with
How can I get Sharepoint to forget all that information? I'm kind of stumped, considering the Sharepoint account was deleted, the incorrect local account was deleted, and this should be brand new. Yet it still sees it as bob.shoo. Is there some way to access the Sharepoint Database to see exactly what's being saved in there and change it? If I could just change it manually I'd be fine with that, but right now it remembers everything incorrectly.
As always, thanks in advance.

I'm not sure by what you mean by "SharePoint Account".
Try deleting the User Profile from under Central Administration > Shared Services Administration > User Profiles and Properties > View User Profiles


SharePoint 2013 user profile service change homepage

I have a sharepoint 2013 farm that start and configure and sync user profile service on it successfully. now when each user browse site homepage first time, it shows a white page with 2 link that is go to site and change attribute, how could I disable this page?
I saw the same error when one of a user profile properties wasn't set. In my case the user's location wasn't set. If the user goes to edit user their profile and save it without any changes, it fixes the issue. In my case, only few users were affected by this issue. You can write script to update missing property for all the users.

Database issue in sharepoint 2010

There's a strange problem on my sharepoint website. When I try to give access to a user on home page it detects a different name of that user, say abc pqr, and on sites and lists its detects a different name, say abc def pqr(middle name added in second name).
When I give access to a user the name is pulled from the active directory. So, I contacted the person who manages active directory to clarify if 2 accounts have been created for the same user in active directory. But this is not the case. I myself checked the active directory and there's only one account of this user and i.e. with the name abc pqr.
So, the user is able to access the home page but not the sites.
So my next guess is somewhere in the sharepoint database, this second name exists. But I'm unable to find the user database.
Also, when I tried to access the profile of this user by clicking on abc pqr, I was able to see the profile(my site).
But, when I clicked on abc def pqr I got this error - An unexpected error occurred. Troubleshoot the cases with sharepoint foundation(something like that with a correlation id). - For this I tried to start the profile synchronization but its not starting. I start it and then come back to synchronization page, in the right hand side it still mentions "Profile synchroniztion unavailable."
More info - this user's name was first deleted from the active directory and then was again added after a few years.
I guess I need to find out the sharepoint access database and there I need to delete this second name because except the homepage all the site, lists, libraries(when I try to give access) are pulling the second name.
can anyone help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
PS: I'm too new to sharepoint. So, sorry for the confusion I might have created. And, would love it if somebody explains me as to where is the backend of a sharepoint webste.
Have you tried giving permissions using the username instead of the name?
If you suspect that there's a duplicate user in your SQL database (Your SP site uses both AD and FBA?), all info about FBA db is found here:

Trouble adding users to SharePoint

i have a new sharepoint instance in standalone mode. yesterday i was able view newly added users (added in user & groups of computer management) to sharepoint. the search feature in sharepoint brings up the users while adding them to sharepoint.
but today, strangely, new users added to windows are not showing up in the sharepoint user search. hence i am not able to add any new user to my moss instance? I compare the previous users and newly users properties and found nothing different!?
any clue why this is happening?and how to fix this?
thanks in advance
Has the user profile service stopped working? Check the Shared Service Provider.

SharePoint FBA: Membership email vs. "People and Groups" email

I have a WSS 3.0 site with FBA and a custom user management web part. To track user email address, I have been using the Email property of the MembershipUser object. I just realized today that if you go into People and Groups and look at the email address for a user, the email address is blank, and can be edited there independent of the MembershipUser value. It seems that the alerts system uses the email address that is stored in People and Groups.
I have not gotten into recoding yet because I want to make sure I'm not missing anything first. I assume I could switch from MembershipUser.Email and story my information in SPUser.Email instead. But I seem to remember that on a different project I used MembershipUser.Email with no problems and the alerts went out fine (although that was MOSS).
So I guess I have two questions:
Is there a way to tell People and Groups or the Alerts system to use MembershipUser.Email?
Is it best practice to use SPUser.Email for email storage, rather than MembershipUser.Email?
This post goes in-depth in getting SharePoint to sync the user profiles in your FBA store by naming all properties sharepoint should know about in the web.config and create those properties in your ProfileProvider. Not sure if it is what you are looking for exactly though. FBA user profile mapping does not work as clean as AD user profile mapping does out of the box.
Also, check out the User Profile Import Tool on CodePlex. It's for MOSS but might provide some pointers.

Deleted everything but members from a SharePoint site

I created a SharePoint sub-site, and accidently deleted all permissions groups except for the Members (which included me) and now I'm stuck looking at the site I've created but I'm not able to edit or delete it and create a new one.
Any idea of what I could do to get myself out of this situation?
Normally you can still sign-in with the system account.
If not try adding the system account to the Site Collection Administrators. (In the settings of the root site of the site collection. )
You'll need to use an account that's in the Site Collection Administrators.
If you're not able to view the Site Collection Administrators (in Site Settings), you'll need to contact the admins of the site and ask them to re-assign you Full Control permissions to your site so you can begin rebuilding your site permissions.
