SharePoint 2013 user profile service change homepage - sharepoint

I have a sharepoint 2013 farm that start and configure and sync user profile service on it successfully. now when each user browse site homepage first time, it shows a white page with 2 link that is go to site and change attribute, how could I disable this page?

I saw the same error when one of a user profile properties wasn't set. In my case the user's location wasn't set. If the user goes to edit user their profile and save it without any changes, it fixes the issue. In my case, only few users were affected by this issue. You can write script to update missing property for all the users.


CRM 2011 Custom Aspx Page in IFRame

I am in kind of strange situation and cannot figure out whats the problem.
I have a Custom Page named /ISV/Portal/Portal.aspx and Custom Configuration Path /ISV/CustomConfiguration/Web.config
In Config File i have ServerName, user Login(i.e Administrator), Password to Create Service.
When account form is viewed by Development Manager of CRM the page is diplayed
and working fine, but the Page is not shown to any other Persons including users having Administrator Role
The Following Message is Displayed:
Unable to change domain logon name
You do not have the necessary permissions to change the domain logon name for this user
After surfing the Internet:
I was not able to make my aspx page work successfully.
At last i hosted my webpage as an independent Website:
Hosted separate Website
Published my Custom Page in that directory.
Gave access rights to read/write the C:/TempImages
And Changed the IFrame url to my new location.
Now it's working like a charm :)

Incorrect email and username in Sharepoint

here's my issue:
We have a brand new Sharepoint Server that we built out and started adding users by creating a group for them on the server and creating local usernames (so no domain involved) and then adding them to Sharepoint. I added a name wrong. I added server1\bob.shoo when I should have put in server1\bob.shoe.
I tried to delete the local username and build it back brand new, but for some reason when I try to add it back to Sharepoint it still remembers his name and email address as server1\bob.shoo with
How can I get Sharepoint to forget all that information? I'm kind of stumped, considering the Sharepoint account was deleted, the incorrect local account was deleted, and this should be brand new. Yet it still sees it as bob.shoo. Is there some way to access the Sharepoint Database to see exactly what's being saved in there and change it? If I could just change it manually I'd be fine with that, but right now it remembers everything incorrectly.
As always, thanks in advance.
I'm not sure by what you mean by "SharePoint Account".
Try deleting the User Profile from under Central Administration > Shared Services Administration > User Profiles and Properties > View User Profiles

Forms/AD Authentication with Sharepoint

I'm configuring Sharepoint to use forms authentication with LDAP/Active Directory. I'm new to Sharepoint, so if this is obvious, please point me in the right direction.
Whenever I attempt to log in with a bad account or password, I get the very friendly (and correct) error message,
The server could not sign you in. Make
sure your user name and password are
correct, and then try again.
... which implies that Sharepoint is able to communicate with AD. If I log in with a valid account, I get a page that says:
alt text
(I added the grey bar to cover up the login name)
Any suggestions? The account I'm logging in with is an administrator and has been granted full control in central administration.
Also, interesting note: If I click the "sign in as a different user" link, and attempt to sign in using with the same credentials I just used, the site just redirects back to the login page, with no error or status message. If I then manually enter the site url, it again shows the "Error: Access Denied" page. Argh.
Go to site action of the actual site and add user in the format of
It should resolve and show it underlined then try login in back to application that should fix it.
Your AD connection is working fine just need to add to sharepoint users list
Yourprovider name is the name you gave to the user provider in web config
And you can add this user from parent site that is windows protected and you have all
I suppose it's sharepoint site security issue.
I'm getting the same error when trying to enter Site Settings page with a user that has a lack of permissions.
If you have at least one user that can access the Site Settings page, I suggest you to go to Site Actions/Site Settings/Users and Permissions/People and grops then click New button and add a user from AD to an appropriate group, eg. Team Site Members.
You have made connection with Ad and its working fine. So that you got error, when you try to login with invalid user id.
But you have missed one step in above scenario.
You need to give the permission for all AD users in your SharePoint site. The better way is to create a user group in AD (it may already there) which included all the users and add this user group in your SharePoint site with read permission.

Cannot save layout page in Moss

I am trying to update a layout page in Sharepoint Designer but when I click Save I receive an Access Denied error. I can see that the layout page is created by the system account. I am in the site owners group so I think I should be able to make modifications to the page.
Any help?
The page could be checked out by the System Account or never had a published version, also, site owners have limited permissions in the site collection (where the page layouts reside)

SharePoint caches incorrect credentials

Every morning when i fire up my VM and IE (in my host OS) and go to my SP site it always logs me on automatically as DOMAIN\george which is a user I created for testing permissions.
So every morning after that I click "sign in as a different user" to sign in as my sys admin user instead and most days that is the only user I use. Any idea why george's credentials are being cached?
Part of "firing up my VM" is running a script that starts IIS as well as some services. I'm not entirely sure SharePoint is responsible for this, could very well be ASP.Net.
EDIT: I've already tried clearing my cookies.
Had a very similar problem! To solve it, go to 'User Accounts' under the Windows Control panel.
Navigate to 'Manage your network passwords'. Select the domain you wish to clear and select 'Remove'.
You should now have a clean login dialogue box and when you check the 'remember me' box, this will be stored as the login default for that domain.
I was able to remove the test login credentials using the User Account control panel applet in Windows 7
Open the Manage Credentials link.
Find the Sharepoint Login in the Windows Vault.
Expand the address for the site
Remove the test login for this site.
After doing this I am no longer prompted for the login and login as different user prompt.
Have you checked that there are no logins and passwords being stored by the browser? Assuming you are using IE, see this article on how to clear them.
If DOMAIN\george is same user ID you are logging in to the VM ? If that is the case try changing the Setting in IE that dictates what user name is send to the Server. Just go to Tools - > Settings - > Security and Click on Custom Level, scroll down to bottom and you will find User Authentication option Select the Prompt for User name and Password.
It could also be that you are using IE8, that caches my credentials as well it seems.
IE8 stores credentials for favourites it seems, don't ask me why. What you should do is log in as the needed user, then save a new favourite (or add it to the favourites bar by dragging it). Then use that link to go to your site.
