Find the active button - pagination

I am trying to find a way I can get the value of the active button. In my test I need to find out what page is currently selected (active). And then will select another pagination and check that it's the next number.

this should select your active button and check if it contains the number 1.
I presumed that the pagination is on your landingpage. Otherwise you have to navigate to the component first.
cy.get('[class="jsx-1699082636 active"]')


How to pass value from one form to another in powerapps

I have a created list with values in it
When I create an item and click on "Next" then it should save and redirect to "Edit form". But instead of showing the values I have entered, it shows the previously edited item.
What am I doing wrong?
Please check the default value of the form.And also one thing you can do is ,you can always filter the First row from the list,so it always shows the latest saved data.

Multi Select List Box Document Property with Search bar enabled

I am working on Multi Select List Box document property with search field.
It works fine when I give any keyword like 'An' it gives me Andorra, Angola, Anguilla etc. I can multi-select all these 3 records and make my underlying data table filtered.
Now the challenge is, if I search for the records that starts with Z in the search bar and click Enter then the above selection is deselected/disappeared (meaning the last search elements alone will be available).
Any ideas on how to make the current selection and newly searched elements available ?
Any inputs and suggestions would be much helpful.
Attached the sample dxp file and screenshots.
I think the filtering you are doing is based on the document property attached to this multi select list box.
You can make another property and attach this value to that doc property, whenever somebody changes this value run an IronPython to append to that doc property.
Give a reset button to clear this value when required

Xpages chained djFilteringSelect in separate dialogs

I am trying to make a 2nd djFilteringSelect using a #Dbcolumn depending on the value selected in the 1st djFilteringSelect control. That's a common task, using a partial refresh. However, each of the controls is within a dialog control from the extension library. One dialog pops up, the user selects a value, and automatically the 1st dialog closes and the 2nd opens. YOU CAN'T SEEM TO REFRESH THE FIELD (I'm guessing b/c it's not in the DOM). I've tried writing the first value to to an computed field and/or a text box on the main Xpage using CSJS and then looking for that value for the second lookup. Also, tried with SSJS, etc. I tried do updates and writing to fields on either the onChange or on the click of button. How do I go about using the selected value of the first to do the lookup in the 2nd?
You can use a single dialog control where you hide and show the relevant controls. I am using this approach in several apps.

Multi option custom MsgBox popup window

I am not sure if this is even doable in Macro (VBA). The issue is, if a user enter a value in specific cell (lets say A2). I need to trigger a popup window (similar to MsgBox function) with several option for the user to select in the popup (either a drop down list or Radio buttons). The values in the drop down list or Radio buttons can be populated in the code. I need to let the user select the option "value" from the list and then can click OK or Cancel. The value that the user selected would be display in the same cell. I checked online and it seems like there are very small selections for the MsgBox function. Can this be done??
Your best option would be to use Data Validation to make a drop-down list.
If you go to Data-Data Validation-Allow-List you can create a drop-down list of all values you want. Store all of the values you want in the drop-down list on another sheet and just set it as the Source.
Any other issues let me know.

magento advanced search with multiple select menu's

I'm using magento and I have a question about the advanced search form. In this form I use 2 select menu's.
The first option value of the select menu's pretends as the name of the select menu, i'm wondering if its possible to give that option value an empty value. This should work better when a customer want to search only on one of the two select menu's. Else it uses both select values.
Someone knows if this is possible?
Thanks in advance!
