how dose yugabytedb guarantee the snapshot consistent during garbage collection? - google-cloud-spanner

For example:
There are two items, k1 and k2, with time t1.
Then, a read transaction(A) get a snapshot whose time is t1.And transaction(A) read k1 with t1 successfully.
At the same time, another transaction(B) write k2 with time t2(t2>t1).
yugabytedb does garbage collection in some way, so the k1 with t1 will be delete.
If transaction(A) read k2 with time t1, it will can't find any version of k2 with time less equal than t1.
I am confused how yugabytedb maintains a consistent snapshot.
I almost searched yugabytedb's transaction documents, but I didn't find anything related to garbage collection.
I have seen some descriptions of google spanner about garbage collection, which is to keep the old version for one hour.But yugabytedb use HLC instead of Truetime.
Can anyone introduce yugabytedb's garbage collection mechanism? Is it the same as spanner?

The general mechanism that YugabyteDB uses for consistency is using Hybrid Logical Clocks (HLC). See this presentation: HLC. Using HLC, transactions can pick a version of a row consistent with its transaction time. I do believe this is already known.
Because we use LSM tree storage, no data is overwritten. An updated row means another another entry for the same row, with a different HLC timestamp. This way, when a row is requested, a transaction can pick a row version consistent with its HLC.
Garbage collection, alias the purging of old, non-current versions of a row happens during major compaction. Major compaction is the process of merging SST files. If lots of data is changed, major compactions could happen happen after a short amount of time, therefore we implemented a parameter/gflag --timestamp_history_retention_interval_sec to guarantee a minimal of time a change remains available.
Obviously if the amount of changes is low, a non-current version could remain available for a long time.
Compaction happens per rocksdb database, which is per tablet of a table or secondary index.


Optimizing YugabyteDB for tables with frequent deletes

[Question posted by a user on YugabyteDB Community Slack]
Wanted to check if we should do any optimization on the db side for the tables that have frequent inserts and deletes re-indexing or vacuuming etc.
300000 row inserts per hour.
Out of these most of the time 90% will get deleted up with in the hour and remaining will be cleaned up at the end of the day.
YugabyteDB uses rocksdb, which is an LSM-tree implementation. Any change, including a delete, is an addition to the memtable.
Unlike PostgreSQL, where changes introduce row versions that must be cleaned up, YugabyteDB performs this principle automatically.
When a memtable reaches a certain size, it is persisted as a SST file, and once the number of SST files reaches a certain amount, a background thread reads the SST files and merges them. Any changes that are old enough (>15 minutes by default) are removed because they are expired. This principle resembles PostgreSQL vacuuming.
If you do batch DML, and especially deletions with time-series, partitioning allows you to work on a logical single table, whilst the heavy transactions, such as deleting a day can be performed by removing a daily partition instead of doing it row by row.

Time window compaction strategy on data with TTLed inserts followed by TTLed updates

I am facing problem with cassandra compaction on table that stores event data. These events are generated from censors and have associated TTL. By default each event has TTL of 1 day. Few events have different TTL like 7/10/30 which is business requirement. Few events can have TTL of 5 years if event needs to be stored. More than 98% of rows have TTL of 1 day.
Although minor compaction is triggered from time to time, disk usage are constantly increasing. This is because of how SizeTierd compaction-strategy works i.e. it would choose table of similar size for compaction. This creates few huge tables which aren't compacted for long time. Presence of few large table would increase average SSTable size and compaction is run less frequently. Looks like STCS is not right choice. In load-test env, I added data to tables and switched to leveled compaction-strategy. With LCS disk space was reclaimed till certain point and then disk usage were constant. CPU was also less compared to STCS. However time window compaction-strategy looks more promising as it works well for time series TTLed data. I am going to test TWCS with my dataset. Mean while I am trying to find answer for few queries to which I didn't find answer or whatever I found was not clear to me.
In my use case, event is added to table with associated TTL. Then there are 5 more updates on same event within next minute. Updates are not made on single column, instead complete row is re-written with new TTL(which is same for al columns). This new TTL is liked to be slightly less than previous TTL. For example, event is created with TTL of 86400 seconds. It is updated after 5 second then new TTL would be 86395. Further update would be with new TTL which would be slightly less than 86395. After 4-5 updates, no update would be made to more than 99% rows. 1% rows would be re-written with TTL of 5 years.
From what I read: TWCS is for data inserted with immutable TTL. Does
this mean I should not use TWCS?
Also out of order writes are not well handled by TWCS. If event is
created at 10 AM on 5th Sep with 1 day TTL and same event row is
re-written with TTL of 5 years on 10th or 12th Sep, would that be
our of order write? I suppose out of order would be when I am
setting timestamp on data while adding data to DB or something that
would be caused by read repair.
Any guidance/suggestion will be appreciated!
NOTE: I am using cassandra 2.2.8, so I'll be creating jar for TWCS and then use it.
TWCS is a great option under certain circumstances. Here are the things to keep in mind:
1) One of the big benefits of TWCS is that merging/reconciliation among sstables does not occur. The oldest one is simply "lopped" off. Because of that, you don't want to have rows/cells span multiple "buckets/windows".
For example, If you insert a single column during one window and then the next window you insert a different column (i.e. an update of the same row but different column at a later period of time). Instead of compaction creating a single row with both columns, TWCS would lop one of the columns off (the oldest). Actually I am not sure if TWCS will even allows this to occur, but was giving you an example of what would happen if it did. In this example, I believe TWCS will disallow the removal of either sstable until both windows expire. Not 100% sure though. Either way, avoid this scenario.
2) TWCS has similar problems when out-of-time writes occur (overlap). There is a great article by the last pickle that explains this:
Overlap can occur by repair or from an old compaction (i.e. if you were using STCS and then switched to TWCS, some of the sstables may overlap).
If there is overlap, say, between 2 sstables, you have to wait for both sstables to completely expire before TWCS can remove either of them, and when it does, both with be removed.
If you avoid both scenarios described above, TWCS is very efficient due to the nature of how it cleans things up - no more merging sstables. Simply remove the oldest window.
When you do set up TWCS, you have to remember that the oldest window gets removed after the TTLs expire and GC Grace passes as well - don't forget to add that part. Having a varying TTL number among rows, as you have described, may delay windows from getting removed. If you want to see what is either blocking TWCS from removing a sstable or what the sstables look like, you can use sstableexpiredblockers or the script in the above mentioned URL (which is essentially sstablemetadata with some fancy scripting).
Hopefully that helps.

cassandra blobs, tombstones and space reclamation

I'm trying to understand how quickly space is reclaimed in Cassandra after deletes. I've found a number of articles that describe tombstoning and the problems this can create when you are doing range queries and Cassandra has to scan through lots of tombstoned rows to find the much more scarce live ones. And I get that you can't set gc_grace_seconds too low or you will have zombie records that can pop up if a node goes offline and comes back after the tombstones disappeared off the remaining machines. That all makes sense.
However, if the tombstone is placed on the key then it should be possible for the space from rest of the row data to be reclaimed.
So my question is, for this table:
create table somedata (
category text,
id timeuuid,
data blob,
primary key ((category), id)
If I insert and then remove a number of records in this table and take care not to run into the tombstone+range issues described above and at length elsewhere, when will the space for those blobs be reclaimed?
In my case, the blobs may be larger than the recommended size (1mb I believe) but they should not be larger than ~15mb, which I think is still workable. But it makes a big space difference if all of those blobs stick around for 10 days (default gc_grace_seconds value) vs if only the keys stick around for 10 days.
When I looked I couldn't find this particular aspect described anywhere.
The space will be reclaimed after the gc_grace_seconds clause is done, and you will have keys and blobs sticking around. Also you'll need to consider that this may increase if you also have updates (which will be different versions of the same record identified by the timestamp of when it was created) and the replication factor used (amount of copies of the same record distributed across the nodes).
You will always have trade-offs between fault resilience and disk usage, the customization of your settings (gc_grace_seconds, ttl, replication factor, consistency level) will depend on your use case and the SLA's that you need to fulfill.

how to rapidly increment counters in Cassandra w/o staleness

I have a Cassandra question. Do you know how Cassandra does updates/increments of counters?
I want to use a storm bolt (CassandraCounterBatchingBolt from storm-contrib repo on github) which writes into cassandra. However, I'm not sure how some of the implementation of the incrementCounterColumn() method works .. and there is also the limitations with cassandra counters (from: which makes them useless for my scenario IMHO:
If a write fails unexpectedly (timeout or loss of connection to the coordinator node) the client will not know if the operation has been performed. A retry can result in an over count CASSANDRA-2495.
Counter removal is intrinsically limited. For instance, if you issue very quickly the sequence "increment, remove, increment" it is possible for the removal to be lost
Anyway, here is my scenario:
I update the same counter faster than the updates propagate to other Cassandra nodes.
Say I have 3 cassandra nodes. The counters on each of these nodes are 0.
Node1:0, node2:0, node3:0
An increment comes: 5 -> Node1:0, node2:0, node3:0
Increment starts at node 2 – still needs to propagate to node1 and node3
Node1:0, node2:5, node3:0
In the meantime, another increment arrives before previous increment
is propagated: 3 -> Node1:0, node2:5, node3:0
Assuming 3 starts at a different node than where 5 started we have:
Node1:3, node2:5, node3:0
Now if 3 gets propagated to the other nodes AS AN INCREMENT and not as a new value
(and the same for 5) then eventually the nodes would all equal 8 and this is what I want.
If 3 overwrites 5 (because it has a later timestamp) this is problematic – not what I want.
Do you know how these updates/increments are handled by Cassandra?
Note, that a read before a write is still susceptible to the same problem depending from which replica node the read executes (Quorum can still fail if propagation is not far along)
I'm also thinking that maybe putting a cache b/w my storm bolt and Cassandra might solve this issue but that's a story for another time.
Counters in C* have a complex internal representation that avoids most (but not all) problems of counting things in a leaderless distributed system. I like to think of them as sharded counters. A counter consists of a number of sub-counters identified by host ID and a version number. The host that receives the counter operation increments only its own sub-counter, and also increments the version. It then replicates its whole counter state to the other replicas, which merge it with their states. When the counter is read the node handling the read operation determines the counter value by summing up the total of the counts from each host.
On each node a counter increment is just like everything else in Cassandra, just a write. The increment is written to the memtable, and the local value is determined at read time by merging all of the increments from the memtable and all SSTables.
I hope that explanation helps you believe me when I say that you don't have to worry about incrementing counters faster than Cassandra can handle. Since each node keeps its own counter, and never replicates increment operations, there is no possibility of counts getting lost by race conditions like a read-modify-write scenario would introduce. If Cassandra accepts the write, your're pretty much guaranteed that it will count.
What you're not guaranteed, though, is that the count will appear correct at all times unless. If an increment is written to one node but the counter value read from another just after, there is not guarantee that the increment has been replicated, and you also have to consider what would happen during a network partition. This more or less the same with any write in Cassandra, it's in its eventually consistent nature, and it depends on which consistency levels you used for the operations.
There is also the possibility of a lost acknowledgement. If you do an increment and loose the connection to Cassandra before you can get the response back you can't know whether or not your write got though. And when you get the connection back you can't tell either, since you don't know what the count was before you incremented. This is an inherent problem with systems that choose availability over consistency, and the price you pay for many of the other benefits.
Finally, the issue of rapid remove, increment, removes are real, and something you should avoid. The problem is that the increment operation will essentially resurrect the column, and if these operations come close enough to each other they might get the same timestamp. Cassandra is strictly last-write-wins and determines last based on the timestamp of the operation. If two operations have the same time stamp, the "greater" one wins, which means the one which sorts after in a strict byte order. It's real, but I wouldn't worry too much about it unless you're doing very rapid writes and deletes to the same value (which is probably a fault in your data model).
Here's a good guide to the internals of Cassandra's counters:
The current version of counters are just not a good fit for a use case that requires guarantees of no over-counting and immediate consistency.
There are increment and decrement operations, and those will not collide with each other, and, barring any lost mutations or replayed mutations, will give you a correct result.
The rewrite of Cassandra counters ( might be interesting to you, and it should address all of the current concerns with getting a correct count.
In the meantime, if I had to implement this on top of a current version of Cassandra, and an accurate count was essential, I would probably store each increment or decrement as a column, and do read-time aggregation of the results, while writing back a checkpoint so you don't have to read back to the beginning of time to calculate subsequent results.
That adds a lot of burden to the read side, though it is extremely efficient on the write path, so it may or may not work for your use case.
To understand updates/increments i.e write operations, i will suggest you to go through Gossip, protocol used by Cassandra for communication. In Gossip every participant(node) maintains their state using the tuple σ(K) = (V*N) where σ(K) is the state of K key with V value and N as version number.
To maintain the single version of truth for a data packet Gossip maintains a Reconciliation mechanism namely Precise & Scuttlebutt(current). According to Scuttlebutt Reconciliation, before updating any tuple they communicate with each other to check who is holding the highest version (newest value) of the key. Whosoever is holding the highest version is responsible for the write operation.
For further information read this article.

Table with heavy writes and some reads in Cassandra. Primary key searches taking 30 seconds. (Queue)

Have a table set up in Cassandra that is set up like this:
Primary key columns
shard - an integer between 1 and 1000
last_used - a timestamp
Value columns:
value - a 22 character string
Example if how this table is used:
shard last_used | value
457 5/16/2012 4:56pm NBJO3poisdjdsa4djmka8k >-- Remove from front...
600 6/17/2013 5:58pm dndiapas09eidjs9dkakah |
...(1 million more rows) |
457 NOW NBJO3poisdjdsa4djmka8k <-- ..and put in back
The table is used as a giant queue. Very many threads are trying to "pop" the row off with the lowest last_used value, then update the last_used value to the current moment in time. This means that once a row is read, since last_used is part of the primary key, that row is deleted, then a new row with the same shard, value, and updated last_used time is added to the table, at the "end of the queue".
The shard is there because so many processes are trying to pop the oldest row off the front of the queue and put it at the back, that they would severely bottleneck each other if only one could access the queue at the same time. The rows are randomly separated into 1000 different "shards". Each time a thread "pops" a row off the beginning of the queue, it selects a shard that no other thread is currently using (using redis).
Holy crap, we must be dumb!
The problem we are having is that this operation has become very slow on the order of about 30 seconds, a virtual eternity.
We have only been using Cassandra for less than a month, so we are not sure what we are doing wrong here. We have gotten some indication that perhaps we should not be writing and reading so much to and from the same table. Is it the case that we should not be doing this in Cassandra? Or is there perhaps some nuance in the way we are doing it or the way that we have it configured that we need to change and/or adjust? How might be trouble-shoot this?
More Info
We are using the MurMur3Partitioner (the new random partitioner)
The cluster is currently running on 9 servers with 2GB RAM each.
The replication factor is 3
Thanks so much!
This is something you should not use Cassandra for. The reason you're having performance issues is because Cassandra has to scan through mountains of tombstones to find the remaining live columns. Every time you delete something Cassandra writes a tombstone, it's a marker that the column has been deleted. Nothing is actually deleted from disk until there is a compaction. When compacting Cassandra looks at the tombstones and determines which columns are dead and which are still live, the dead ones are thrown away (but then there is also GC grace, which means that in order to avoid spurious resurrections of columns Cassandra keeps the tombstones around for a while longer).
Since you're constantly adding and removing columns there will be enormous amounts of tombstones, and they will be spread across many SSTables. This means that there is a lot of overhead work Cassandra has to do to piece together a row.
Read the blog post "Cassandra anti-patterns: queues and queue-like datasets" for some more details. It also shows you how to trace the queries to verify the issue yourself.
It's not entirely clear from your description what a better solution would be, but it very much sounds like a message queue like RabbitMQ, or possibly Kafka would be a much better solution. They are made to have a constant churn and FIFO semantics, Cassandra is not.
There is a way to make the queries a bit less heavy for Cassandra, which you can try (although I still would say Cassandra is the wrong tool for this job): if you can include a timestamp in the query you should hit mostly live columns. E.g. add last_used > ? (where ? is a timestamp) to the query. This requires you to have a rough idea of the first timestamp (and don't do a query to find it out, that would be just as costly), so it might not work for you, but it would take some of the load off of Cassandra.
The system appears to be under stress (2GB or RAM may be not enough).
Please have nodetool tpstats run and report back on its results.
Use RabbitMQ. Cassandra is probably a bad choice for this application.
